Sentences with phrase «social mammals»

The link between social class and health in social mammals has been well documented.
This is also an unusual social structure, as in most other social mammals it is the male who leaves home.
Instead, female lions all bear about the same number of young — an unusual behavior for social mammals.
According to Narvaez, one of the reasons that the well - being of children in the United States lags behind that of children in other advanced nations is because «we have forgotten that we are social mammals with specific evolved needs from birth.»
I also talked, as usual, about both dolphins and MAD MEN, but more about those kinds of social mammals later.
The experts from a wide range of disciplines examined patterns of leadership in a set of small - scale mammalian societies, including humans and other social mammals such as elephants and meerkats.
After all, consider that we are the only social mammal which can be persuaded to purposefully separate our young from their mothers during nighttime hours.
Testing vocal learning ability in social mammals usually requires observing the animal in a novel social situation, one that might stimulate them to communicate in new ways.
We are not codependent, we are social mammals who function best in secure relationships with others.
``... we have forgotten that we are social mammals with specific evolved needs from birth.»
We used comparative analyses to show that infanticide primarily evolves in social mammals in which reproduction is monopolized by a minority of males.
Since then social insects such as honey bees and social mammals such as ourselves have pursued separate paths to our well - developed complex sociality.
Such behavior is atypical for social mammals, in which it is common for an alpha female to sabotage the reproductive efforts of others.
People are sometimes sort of insulted by the fact that humans are social mammals.
NOTE on BASIC ASSUMPTIONS: When I write about parenting, I assume the importance of the evolved developmental niche (EDN) for raising human infants (which initially arose over 30 million years ago with the emergence of the social mammals and has been slightly altered among human groups based on anthropological research).
We know that the caregiving practices I discuss frequently in my blog emerged more than 30 million years ago with the social mammals and were slightly changed among humans according to anthropological studies of small - band hunter gatherers.
But the converging evidence on mammalian and human childrearing is increasingly clear that the practices that violate evolved caregiving practices that evolved 30 million years ago with the social mammals matter greatly for health.
Like all social mammals, babies expect nearly constant touch (with movement), which promotes DNA synthesis and growth, and keeps systems calm as they finish setting parameters and thresholds after birth.
Humans have not evolved away from being social mammals, so it makes no sense to argue that human babies should not be receiving what social mammals require.
He argues that morality is common in social mammals, and that during play they learn the rights and wrongs of social interaction, the «moral norms that can then be extended to other situations such as sharing food, defending resources, grooming and giving care».
We are social mammals, and we need connection with special others to be healthy.
As social mammals, we are hard - wired our whole lives to need and seek out secure connection with others.
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