Sentences with phrase «social mobility because»

The Caste System Without his violent act, Balram Halwai would have had trouble accessing upward social mobility because of the strict caste system in India.
In this sense, they are a real driver of social mobility because they offer a 16 year - old the opportunity to start earning and learning at level 2 or above.

Not exact matches

Just as John Wesley is often credited with preventing a revolution in England at the time of the French Revolution because he had the working classes sitting in church when they could have been revolting, Britain's faithful and God - fearing serving class had little sense of the potential of social mobility (although this is explored when one of the footmen is accepted as a trainee chef at The Ritz).
20 evangelical congregations during the period 1966 to 1970, they found that over 70 percent of the new members in these evangelical churches came from other evangelical churches, largely because of geographical or social mobility, while 20 percent of the new members were children of existing members; two groups which the mainline churches found difficult to hold.
Sir Peter Lampl, chairman of the Sutton Trust warned: «Any future finance system that deters poorer students from top degree courses because of spiralling costs and freezes on student numbers will be a double blow for social mobility.
«Although well intentioned, the last Government received very little for their money in terms of social mobility and a reduction in the gap between the rich and the poor, and they have further fuelled a culture of benefit dependency in which children grow up seeing parents and grandparents who have never worked as their role models, in which people are better off living apart than living together, and in which there is no incentive to work because of the fear of becoming worse off.
Reform to improve schools, investment to build homes and infrastructure — because we know that's the only way to deliver real opportunity and social mobility.
«Now, that for me thrown social mobility into reverse because it's a very small group of people who can afford to work for free in London.
Children face barriers because of their parents» undocumented status, often related to poverty, fears of deportation, and more, while undocumented youth themselves face increasing barriers to social mobility as they enter adolescence and hope to obtain driver's licenses, afterschool work, and financial aid for college.
I call these characteristics virtues because they promoted and furthered mass education and thereby increased social mobility and enhanced economic growth.
The report argues that this is because disadvantaged young people are constantly held back by social mobility hurdles their wealthier peers do not face.
Teachers must be paid to move to areas with failing schools because poor quality education is England's biggest barrier to social mobility, David Cameron's inequality tsar has said.
These schools exist in part because to actually address through fairer taxation and wealth redistribution the largely socio - economic factors underlying educational inequality would be to admit that the neoliberal agenda of the last four decades, eg the tax cuts, the deregulation, has not in fact worked for the Many and wealth and social mobility have gone backwards.
Because annual state testing is still obligatory under ESSA, and the vast majority of states are still using the Common Core, the only news story worth emphasizing related to this issue is that congressional «spending committees have generally ignored the Trump blueprint»: the president's lack of influence at present means that non-rich Americans have no practical means of avoiding sticking with the status quo of the two previous administrations, a test - based accountability strategy that has here been no more effective in promoting social mobility than it has in its original setting, Margaret Thatcher's Britain.
«Because of that we've now got this embarrassing situation where [Secretary of State for Education] Nicky Morgan has one of her flagship councils having to admit that their grammar schools are not working for social mobility,» he said.
A report by the Sutton Trust, the social mobility charity, argues that the prime minister — who highlighted the plight of the «Jams» before last month's Autumn Statement — should rethink her proposals because the families she most wants to help will benefit the least from a reinvigorated grammar school policy.
In a nation with increasing inequality and declining social mobility, it is more important than ever to fight for the millions of children in our country who don't receive the quality of education they deserve simply because of their ZIP code, race, or economic status.
The reason why marketing schools in this way is such a successful method of attracting white, middle - class families is because of the «growing importance of educational attainment» in terms of the labor market and for upward social mobility (Dougherty, 2012, p. 220; Scherger & Savage, 2010).
An excellent post, with only one flaw that I can see, which is the implication that authors «live» in a particular class because they DESERVE to be in that class, and that literary / social mobility can be achieved by improving the quality of the writing.
Dogs are social animals and wish to be with their family, but if they are unable to dog so because of mobility problems, they may suffer the effects of isolation.
During the recovery of the Great Recession, income inequality in the United States accelerated, with 91 % of the gains going to the top 1 % of families.19 Left out of the recovery were African American families who, during the downturn, lost an average of 35 % of their accumulated wealth.20 African American unemployment increased, home ownership decreased, and child poverty deepened to approximately 46 % of children younger than 6 years.21 Because social mobility is lowest for people in the lowest income quartile, half of African American children who are poor as young children will remain poor as adults, approximately twice as many as white adults similarly exposed to poverty as children.22
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