Sentences with phrase «social mood»

In each instance, social mood trends as reflected by stock market trends dictate the character of events, not the other way around.
Even compared with all else that was happening then, that was one of the all - time best examples of what extremes in social mood can produce.
When social mood is early in a positive trend, the same thing happens, but in reverse.
Any thoughts / comments on what you see in the charts for 2012 regarding social moods and his principle?
«The politics and social mood here is different,» he adds.
Now, after a two - year rebound in social mood, they're extremely confident.
A Comment on the Breadth of Mood Causality with Respect to Pro- and Anti-Corporate Sentiment Although the data available for this report pertain to government actions, results of social mood change with respect to the treatment of corporations are not confined to acts of the state.
With this knowledge, we again have the ability to do some limited probabilistic forecasting both in terms of predicting actions against monopolies and predicting major social mood changes when those actions occur.
The rapid disappearance of youthful activism at the end of the «60s and the young people's rush to join the establishment underline the need for something more than an ephemeral social mood as the foundation for persistent commitment to fundamental social change.
Bullish fever among speculators and righteous anger among egalitarians can coexist for brief periods as major social mood tops are being formed, thus producing the anomaly of a soaring stock price for a company that is being attacked in court by its own government.
These actions derive from the same egalitarian impulse behind its attacks on successful companies at major social mood tops.
Also, I'm not in a real social mood - does that ever hit y» all?
The waxing negative social mood generated negative social action.
Writer, researcher, and seasoned socionomist to lead a walking tour of America's social mood epicenter.
As we track social mood in real time across the globe, we chart how its changes produce shifts in everything from the songs people want to hear to the leaders they elect to their desire for peace to their hunger for scandals to the trajectories of their stock markets, and more.
The overall economic result is still destructive, as saving one enterprise endangers its competitors and wastes both productive resources and tax money at the same time, but this fact is irrelevant to the socionomic observation that impulsive social mood is the engine of these actions.
The causality is the other way around: The exhaustion of an extremely positive social mood trend, as reflected by stock market statistics, affected the Justice Departments emotional mindset and caused it to capitulate to a desire to attack the most successful corporation it could identify, which was Microsoft.
She decided, instead, to focus on aspects of her grad school program she does control, like how she spends her time in the lab, for example, and how she would respond — in the most measured, professional way possible, she decided — to her advisor's social mood swings.
Maybe this is unfair, but it's difficult to imagine this type of project getting any sort of attention if not for the current social mood, as evidenced by our fascination with Caitlyn Jenner.
Over the years, I've found that to understand social mood extremes has helped me identify and profit from market turning points, when used in conjunction with the Elliott Wave Principle and other technical analysis.
«There is a connection between bitcoin and the basic social mood... and the speculative animal spirits.»
A socionomist knows that the stock market is a meter of social mood, which is the engine of social progress and regress.
The changes in social mood that govern antitrust action are broadly experienced by the populace and have other effects.
The May issue looks at efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and social mood's influence on whaling and fishing.
Einstein and the Study of «Psycho - Pathology» If there really is such a thing as social mood that guides collective human experience, how come they don't teach it in -LSB-...]
They stop when the social mood reaches bottom, wherever that may be.
We can also state that when a major antitrust action is resolved after a long period of conflict, it is a sign that the social mood trend of at least Cycle degree is likely changing from bear to bull.
Exactly which companies may be affected by the social mood change from bull to bear is probably unpredictable, but the mood will have its way with some entities or other.
Practical Value in the Socionomic Perspective Imagine the value of a knowledge of socionomics to enterprises designed consciously to harness the social mood trend.
Politics do not govern the stock market; the social mood as reflected by stock market trends governs politics.
Now that we know the implication of major antitrust actions for the position of the social mood trend, we can anticipate that two to five years from now, the stock market is likely to be much lower than it is today.
The performance of the economy does not govern the stock market; the social mood as reflected by stock market trends governs economic performance.
We can say these things because antitrust actions and resolutions do not occur randomly; they occur at specific times in response to a psychological environment involving a major extreme in social mood and its reversal.
Demographics do not govern the stock market; the social mood as reflected by the stock market regulates the overall rate of procreation.
Changes in the threat of nuclear destruction do not affect stock prices; the social mood as reflected by the stock market affects the level of the threat.
His desire to break up the most successful company of all time as measured by percentage gain in value per year is a passion born of the passing of a social mood peak of even higher degree than that of 1929.
The report, «Socionomics in a Nutshell» (December 1999), demonstrated in brief that in the realm of economics, politics, demographics, war and even the threat of nuclear destruction, events are not causal to social mood and stock market trends.
During a bull market, the social mood is directed toward rewarding achievement; during a bear market, it is directed toward punishing it.
Things changed when the social mood trend turned up.
The social mood shift that occurs at the transition from bull market to bear includes a change in general attitudes toward the financial success of others.
In both cases, its acts are in response to, and part of, the changing social mood.
We can state further that when a major antitrust action takes place after a long period of non-action, it is a sign that the social mood trend of at least Cycle degree is likely changing from bull to bear.
It's down to social mood, says John Casti, and we must heed its messages
Got an invite from a friend to go out but aren't in a «social mood», even though you know you should get out of the house?
Coffee helps set a social mood that is calm and warm and it is surprisingly very photogenic.
Elliot Wave theory states that social moods (which ultimately drive the stock market) generally occur in a relatively predictable pattern.
Get Up and Go Should a social mood strike after all this privacy, guests can head to Rush Bamboo poolside café and bar and let their taste buds indulge in one of the Mediterranean and Indonesian specialities, such as Grilled Tuna Steak or Elysian Gado Gado, a traditional Balinese dish.
By the time Spiral dispersed in 1965, the social mood of the country was tense.
You may need to adjust your strategy based on the time of year and social mood, but with the tips above, you'll know how to gain and maintain contacts while having a good time.
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