Sentences with phrase «social morality»

Social morality refers to the set of principles and values that guide how people behave and interact in society. It involves understanding what is considered right and wrong, and treating others with fairness, respect, and empathy. It aims to create a harmonious and just society where individuals coexist and thrive together. Full definition
Though we have already had occasion to speak of them, we must now see what was distinctive in their approach to the problems of social morality.
We live in a world where social morality must recognize that planetary society is approaching the ecological limits of the earth.
What is the law in the perspective of ethics supposed to mean when it comes to the needed growth of genuine social morality and the injection of hope itself into human lives?
Political rhetoric continues to assume that social morality simply means government activism on behalf of those deemed to be the least advantaged members of society.
It's no point following some high social morality if all you are after is sexual intercourse.
Where religion is independent of the state but confined to merely «private» questions and not governed by a public theology, social morality becomes merely opportunistic.
By linking ecology with social morality, Laudato Si utterly rejects the pagan conception of environmentalism, which retains its affection for the sexual revolution.
Fed by success stories of advertising campaigns and occasional stories of individuals acting out bizarre incidents seen on television or in movies, a large part of the community believe that television and videos major effect on social behaviour is a direct one, whereby programme material is either directly imitated or directly undermines social morality.
Much of the church's record of social morality appeared discreditable.
Northern Ireland is also notable for the prominence of issues concerning social morality and the traditionally conservative policies of some of its main parties.
The Ministry of Culture carried out a random check on 200 game operators recently and found that 36 of them were operating games with illegal content such as pornography and gambling as well as including contents abetting to crimes and «offending social morality».
Reinhold Niebuhr, more and more convinced that the law of love can not be an absolute guide of conduct in social morality and politics, defected from the ranks of the FOR early in 1934 and became a kind of bête noire to pacifists — especially to those who claimed that pacifism was politically adequate.
Government's job in this situation is to identify what failed and fix it — not opine impotently on social morality.
I suspect that religion deeply shapes social morality, and that Christianity implies both a social duty to care for the poor and the oppressed and an intellectual duty to understand the great philosophies of the elites that have shaped cultures for centuries.
The second element of social morality in fundamentalism applies almost exclusively to sexual behavior.
We need to reclaim the Christian roots of what is good in Western civilisation and be much stronger in our own defence of sexual and social morality, especially when engaging in discussion in the public forum.
These are episodic whereas the problem is perennial, deeply embedded in our cultural DNA and entangled in our social morality, systems and structures.
Can we extend compassionate forgiveness without relativizing the social morality that actually has teeth, that informs our habits and sensibilities, that structures our political - cultural world?
Social morality, love, and self - sacrifice even, merge our Self only in some other finite self or selves.
Relativism runs through the whole of our modern world - view: the assessment of nature as a directionless flux of chance events, the erosion of the absolute value of human life, the dismissal of historic religious authority as «out of date», and the ever shifting sands of personal and social morality.
The authors paint a picture of different approaches to such meta - religious topics as historical change, social morality, and the legitimacy of government.
Acceptance of such a theory for existence would have enormous, and I would venture to suggest catastrophic, consequences when it comes to social morality and philosophies of government.
(Or even the environment, scientific progress, or social morality.)
His views on gay rights, gay marriage and personal and social morality are indicative of a politician who believes that the state has little if any place in the bedroom or anywhere else.
«A politician and a government that tried to make Christianity and Christian beliefs the foundation of British values or a social morality would be building on seriously unstable foundations.
Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the BHA commented «Any politician or government that tried to make Christianity and Christian beliefs the foundation of British values or social morality would be building on seriously unstable foundations.
Banquet at Delmonico's tells a decade - long story of how Spencer's vision survived its own mortal struggle, how that vision came to be adopted by many of the most powerful figures of the day, and how those men molded it to fit their aims and ideals in the fields of politics, finance and social morality.
In our 2011 edition, Pandora's Box explores the complex tension between the slow evolution of black letter law and the relatively swift progression in social morality.
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