Sentences with phrase «social patterns of»

Acculturation is the process of adopting cultural traits or social patterns of another group in a new environment.
s. Cultural — exposing youth to the ideas, values, principles, perceptions, art, music, literature, and social patterns of cultural groups.
Second, the Court's analysis of discrimination is extremely narrow: the broader social patterns of scientific knowledge and health policies are excluded from the inquiry.
provided with training which addresses the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, and sex;
When Vendramin and her colleagues looked at how different generations in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Portugal relate to work — her study was part of the European Social Patterns of Relations to Work (SPReW) project — they found that everyone is different.
Scripture, at its terminus a quo, needs to be de-contextualized in order to grasp its transcultural content, and it needs to be re-contextualized in order that its content may be meshed with the cognitive assumptions and social patterns of our own time.
More often changes in the social pattern of intellectual emphasis arise from a shift of power from one class or group of classes, to another class or group of classes...
The social pattern of the Negro community in the post-War period might be described as theocratic with the minister occupying the role of chief, prophet, educator, and political leader.
Together, the results of the well - controlled observational studies20 - 23 (including ours), the analysis of cohorts without social patterning of breastfeeding (eg, in the Pelotas cohort), 24 and the large randomized trial25 suggest that confounding does not account fully for the observed association of breastfeeding with later cognition.
The social patterning of participation also raises a question over the likely impact on population rates of child mental health problems.
3 FINDINGS 3.1 Summary of main findings 3.2 Incidence of maternal mental health problems 3.3 The social patterning of mental health problems 3.4 The impact of maternal mental health on early child outcomes

Not exact matches

Her rivals in the center - left Social Democratic Party (SPD) overcame their recent pattern of bumbling by nominating a candidate, Martin Schulz, widely considered a plausible head of government.
«City officials may not understand that they will get access to very little of what Google learns from their citizens... Meanwhile, Google will be gaining insights about urban life — including energy use, transit effectiveness, climate mitigation strategies, and social service delivery patterns — that it will then be able to resell to cities around the world.
It is such an integral part of so many people's social lives and patterns of communication, and it has so few real competitors, that I think it is in some ways more like a public utility than like a private company.
Blau points to a pattern with social networks and other free services in which, when ads are introduced, «people complain, there is a sort of backlash or revolt» at first, but ultimately the outcry diminishes and most users become habituated to the ads.
A lot of social and environmental causes fit this pattern.
From monitoring activity during workouts to sleeping patterns to hearing aids, the devices that we «wear» are becoming much more sophisticated, connecting to all of our social media accounts, and tracking much more quality and quantity data.
And second, do current patterns of CEO compensation contribute to an overall social distribution of wealth that is unjust?
But he endorses the approach of leveraging B.C.'s status among the ski and snowboard world's cognoscenti, whose use of social media significantly influences vacation patterns.
Unless it can get similar data through a social service of its own, Google is left with a formula that sorts through the pattern of Web links and other computer data to determine where a site should rank in its recommendation.
Why «morningness» might be associated with greater positive emotion in all age groups is related to the concept of «social jet lag» — the idea that people who tend to stay up later for work or play develop sleep patterns that don't mesh well with the typical 9 - to - 5 cycle of work or school.
Two problems dogged the experiment however: Traffic patterns were unpredictable — an early manifestation of the News Feed algorithm problem — and it spooked users by showing people in their social graph what they had been reading.
That pattern repeats across every platform we studied: there was a 35 - 65 % drop across the board between the number of consumers who expect your brand to have a presence on social media and those who will actually follow you (even if they're a fan of the brand).
Social Buyerology becomes a best practice and science for listening to and identifying patterns of behavioral changes so that an organization does not find itself flatfooted in responding to its social bSocial Buyerology becomes a best practice and science for listening to and identifying patterns of behavioral changes so that an organization does not find itself flatfooted in responding to its social bsocial buyers.
The Enlightenment belief that logical thinking and education alone, without any consideration of other factors apart from ignorance such as the survival instinct and clinical cognitive dysfunction in the formation of behavior patterns, can solve all of our individual and social ills is the fundamental heresy of the Enlightenment philosophy.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Let me explore these questions in the context of major social patterns and institutions.
Third, many women theologians are using insights and practices from feminist theology in order to address broader social and ethical questions confronting the church, such as globalization, care of the earth, and the shifting patterns of work and family.
When we say that a social activity, arrangement, or pattern is in accord with or contrary to human nature, we are saying that it works either with or against that grain of nature.
Usually, however, human behavior is not caused by the direct application of physical force, but is controlled by habit patterns acquired in earlier social experience.
Each social position carries with it certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities, and the pattern of social positions determines the power structure of the society.
Possessing minds, persons can become socialized, in the sense that they can develop response patterns more or less closely corresponding to the demands of the social order in which they live.
The personal histories of the fathers and sons are miniatures of the larger black - white confrontation in South Africa, the pattern of social disintegration and the hope for its moral restoration.
But parabolic hiddenness is what predominates, I believe, in the stories of the fathers and sons, and because Paton has shown the reader through dramatic personal growth the pattern of disintegration and restoration, he has created an extended metaphor of the experience of coming to belief in the workings of the gracious transcendent in both personal and social realities.
Instead, he followed the pattern of the modern natural right reasoning of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean - Jacques Rousseau, which assumed that human beings were naturally asocial and amoral, and only became social and moral historically.
But this makes it all the more important to develop a pattern which corresponds to the social and intellectual situation of the present and the future.
With a number of fellow pastors who became lifelong friends, Rauschenbusch studied, read, talked, debated and plumbed the new social theories of the day, especially those of the non-Marxist socialists whom John C. Cort has recently traced in Christian Socialism (Orbis, 1988) The pastors wove these theories together with biblical themes to form» «Christian Sociology,» a hermeneutic of social history that allowed them to see the power of God's kingdom being actualized through the democratization of the economic system (see James T. Johnson, editor, The Bible in American Law, Politics and Rhetoric [Scholars Press, 1985]-RRB- They pledged themselves to new efforts to make the spirit of Christianity the core of social renewal at a time when agricultural - village life was breaking down and urban - cosmopolitan patterns were not yet fully formed.
Allow this center in a man to remain dulled by the crowd; allow it to continue dissipated by busyness; permit it to go on evading its function by a round of distractions, or to lull itself by a carefully chosen rotation of pleasures; abandon it to its attempt to drug, to narcotize suffering and remorse which might reveal to it its true condition; let it wither away the sense of its own validity by false theories of man's nature, of his place in the social pattern, of his way of salvation; in short, allow any of these well - known forms of domestication of man's responsible core as an individual, to continue unchallenged, and you as a thinker and a friend of men have committed the supreme treason!
Yet the basic social and cultural patterns that today condemn men and women to death, in accordance with the wishes of 65 per cent of the American public, remain in some ways remarkably unchanged from ancient times.
We can sum up what actually did become the way of Christian living in the ancient world by saying that the Christians lived in the economic, political and social orders of their time seeking new patterns but conforming to the general requirements of the common life, and accepting constituted authority except when it required idolatrous worship.
If, however, we examine the condemnations with an eye to the pattern of two Modernisms and two Thomisms, much comes clear — for Pius X had gone back into the mode of making lists of errors, but he focused his attention not on social modernity but on the doctrinal and metaphysical aspects of modern thought.
In contrast to some forms of rule - teleology, I understand indirect applications to mean that the comprehensive telos justifies social practices, that is, institutions or patterns of coordination in which the participating social actions can not be described independently of constitutive norms or principles that bind actors whatever the consequences (cf. Rawls, «Two Concepts»).
Still, the case against teleological ethics may here offer this response: Granting the difference between direct and indirect applications, this yields only the familiar distinction between «act - teleology» and «rule - teleology, «3 is problematic for the following reason: Social practices or patterns of social cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to prSocial practices or patterns of social cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to prsocial cooperation can not be validated teleologically without a comparative assessment of the good and evil consequences differing possible systems of rules or norms (for instance, differing sets of rights) are likely, if adopted, to produce.
Hispanics (and — for reasons of residence patterns — even more affluent Hispanics are more likely to have low - income people within their social networks) won't buy it, either.
This was followed by five subsequent phases of development in a regular pattern of succession: (1) the organization of home and foreign mission societies to channel new leadership into church planting or into the field; (2) the production and distribution of Christian literature; (3) the renewal and extension of Christian educational institutions; (4) attempts at «the reformation of manners» — i.e., the reassertion of Christian moral standards in a decadent society; and (5) the great humanitarian crusades against social evils like slavery, war and intemperance.
The social patterns for organizing such services are still confused almost to the point of chaos.
A failure to explore how the activity of theological inquiry is located in and inescapably shaped by patterns of activity that are dictated by its social and cultural setting and, just as important, patterns that are dictated by institutional power arrangements, deprives theological inquiry of the means for its self - criticism and correction.
And noun groups like «religious experience,» «social change,» «conventional ways,» «cultural patterns» have become verbal counters that can no longer be redeemed for much in the way of hard meaning.
The rationale for the Charter is apocalyptic: «The prevailing development patterns in both the South and the North are leading the Planet to an economic, social, and environmental crisis which threatens the existence of human life and the integrity of Nature.»
Complicity in such cases does not consist of a singular sin; it becomes an ongoing pattern of individual behavior that is interwoven with predominant social patterns.
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