Sentences with phrase «social place where»

Bookstores and libraries remain one of the few social places where people can browse for new content.

Not exact matches

«Your brain is wired not only to figure out where you sit in the professional and social pecking order against others, but to reinforce your position in that pecking order,» says writer Steve Errey, who continues: «When you get wrapped up in establishing or maintaining status, the moment your place in the hierarchy drops you're going to feel pretty horrible... Don't get into the status game — there are no winners.»
But the idea of a central place where ordinary citizens can submit news has been overtaken by the social web — that's effectively the way millions of people already use Twitter, for example.
«Sometimes you want to ask a friend's opinion on a pair of shoes you want to buy, weigh in on what ice cream flavor they should bring home, or just want to see your BFF's reaction to your witty message when you're in a place where you can't actually talk live,» the social networked added.
«There are certainly places like Yelp or, but there are also online forums and social networks where people share their stories.
Again, that fact doesn't obviate the option of (or indeed the need for) social critique; it just means that we can't reasonably roll our eyes at the very notion of a place like Hooters, and then merrily skip down to the neighbourhood bar where the waitresses wear short skirts and tube tops all summer.
Facebook may be the world's largest social media platform, but there is one significant place where it still falls short: video.
I think in the earlier days of our business, we definitely thought of Instagram as just another social media platform, a place where we could connect with people on a more personal level.
A tool like Social Image Resizer allows users to upload the desired image, choose from a huge list of options, and place the image where you like.
Facebook has always had a somewhat fraught relationship with the news: Many users seem to think of the social network as just a place where they can see a friend's baby or dog photos, but research shows a growing number of people also get their news there.
Log in to the various places where you collect stats on your social media marketing — Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights, Buffer, and others.
Know the places where your target audiences are most likely to hang out: social media channels, blogs, messaging platforms or forums.
«After many years of taking down Tweets and Facebook posts after inadvertently offending someone in my network and having to censor myself constantly, I wanted to create a place where people could have frank conversations without fear of social backlash.
For example, if you're a social network focused on health and wellness, think about other sites or places where your target users go to educate themselves on that topic.
They get one place where they can monitor what's going on with them in the social conversation and a 24/7 phone line to a social media expert who can explain things to them with no additional cost.
Social media has become the place where many people sound off their opinions, so pay close attention to what your target audience is saying.
To accomplish this task, virtual kidnappers hack into a person's email and other accounts, then follow their prey — either physically or through social media — and wait until they turn off their phones or are in a place where they would be unreachable, like at a loud concert or, more commonly, on an airline flight.
Even though Facebook is the largest social network out there, it doesn't necessarily mean that Facebook will be the place where they are willing to engage.
With a community of more than 2 billion people, all around the world, in every different country, where there are wildly different social and cultural norms, it's just not clear to me that us sitting in an office here in California are best placed to always determine what the policies should be for people all around the world.
I was 26 and had been having a rough time trying to make a living as a journalist in post-9 / 11 New York: Chicago promised a place where ideas, not status or money, were the primary social currency. is India's first BSN (i.e. Business Social Network) where people can publish their personal as well as professional profiles together at the same place.
Message boards, chat rooms, and social media sites are just a few of the places where you can find fellow traders to confer with.
Even if one chooses to completely ignore the historical foundations of inequitable opportunities in America and tries to eliminate any discussion of race, we are still faced with the fact that millions of kids have grown up and are growing up in places where the economic incentives and social supports don't favor stable work and families.
The fact that this study is in a biology journal, when it is a social science study, makes me wonder if it was rejected from journals where a rigorous and learned peer review would have taken place.
The World Council, therefore, is probably the place where the liberal / ecumenical vision of world Christianity is purest, where the devotion to social - change goals is most fully realized.
I know how much work that takes, but social media is indeed the place where I can control my image.
It's one thing for social media to be a place where we get affirmed, that's a normal human need.
But cooperation does not exist just between the churches; in every place where there are developed counseling services, these work in close contact with the social, medical, and mental health agencies of the district concerned.
At first they were subjected to all kinds of social restrictions, they were heated as outcastes and polluted persons, they were banned from showing themselves at the baths and market places and finally they were excluded from all public places, essentially places where they worshipped their gods, because they believed that the very presence of these outcastes violated the place of their gods.
Although Mordechai Kaplan may have envisioned something slightly different, the majority of JCCs around the country became places for Jews to spend time together and to create a parallel universe where they could live out their American social fantasies.
Where Descartes turned to the language of substance to explain certain philosophical problems, social theorists like Morton frequently establish a body / culture dualism in its place.
They see the military as a place where God, patriotism and a God - ordained social structure come together.
Social historians, however, have linked the rise of the national concern over matters of etiquette in the 19th century to the rise of the great industrial city precisely because the bold new cities were places where, for the first time, it was possible to live and work entirely among strangers.
It is the only place in his philosophy where he attempts to ignore the value of our social experiences, which can not sensibly be discounted.
As fellow Facebookers may have noticed, this 10 - question approach for determining one's place in the world has reached an all - time high with the advent of social networking sites, where a participant can now confidently proclaim to her 314 closest friends that if she were a fruit, she would be a kiwi.
As a result, social stratification was tightened by the belief that every man must remain in the station in life where God had placed him and there perform faithfully its duties.
This led to the formation of «mission compounds» and social ghettos where Christians could take their place as one more subcaste or subsect among the thousands of such subcastes and subsects in India.»
There is also a chiasm between thought and its object: «Being is the «place» where the «modes of consciousness» are inscribed as structurations of Being (a way of thinking oneself within a society is implied in its social structure), and where the structurations of Being are modes of consciousness» (VIV 253).
Shutting out persons or peoples in any place where public communication should be unrestricted is another form of social sin.
Social media has become a culture of its own — a place where friendships are forged and fights are picked, where headlines land first and passionate debates spark in an instant.
It would not seem profitable, then, to look for some one place where social change always begins.
Such an account, however, does show a particular social location of its inception, at Yale — a place where I taught for 17 years.
In more recent times, people often leave bad situations — war; famine; political, economic, social or religious oppression — and go to a place where they hope their lives will be better.
Our present concern, however, is not with this obvious and distressing manifestation of disharmony in social life but with the disharmony itself — that is, the failure on the part of men and women to discern that true community and sound relationships within it can be found only as each of us has his or her place in a wider grouping of humans, where there is vivid contrast because each is valued as being precisely this or that person while the community as a whole has goals or ends (what used to be called «ideals») that are worthy, upbuilding, and enriching.
«We need them so children who are brothers and sisters can be placed together, we need them so children don't have to commute too far and so they can stay in the same school where they've still got friends and a social network.
And even when one comes into sacred places where folk in organized philanthropy, social service or the church are supposedly working unselfishly for the good of men, jealousy is as present as it was on that last night when the Master with his disciples ate the memorials of his sacrifice and «there arose also a contention among them, which of them was accounted to be greatest.»
They became dwelling places for those requiring the greatest number of social services, just as the necessary tax base to pay for those services eroded — the taxpayers having fled to suburbia, where they could pretend that the pain of the city was neither their pain nor their fault.
This is where I have to thank my Social Media Fans: Suggestions abounded: The ones I kept came from two valuable places: My talented friend and soul sister Sarah Rivka Zulauf, and a relative and dear friend of mine.
I am a social person and I like going out, visiting restaurants and trying new things so now the options of places where I can go are not as limited as before.
Of course, there are those within the anti-Wenger camp who have taken to social media in the heat of the moment or after having a few and vented their frustrations without the use of a filter, but surely by this point enough former Wenger supporters have come forward and openly voiced their displeasure with the direction of this club that the debate has moved from the realm of knee - jerk reactionaries to a place where rational thought trumps sheer bravado.
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