Sentences with phrase «social pleasure»

To promote social pleasure, be a fellow reader with students.
The hard life of a community dependent on the fishing and coconut industries, their religious devotion and simple social pleasures are all given extensive coverage.
Stillman is alive to the orgiastic possibilities of the disco — in one scene that «your body, my body, everybody» song is playing, and it's clear that not a few of the Club's patrons gay and straight would regard the more intense dance clubs of today as an improvement, but his own Club makes the more social pleasures available alongside the more primal ones.
• Helped clients to attend group activities for social pleasure and learning.
It also revelled in the social pleasures of eating great meals.
Self - regulation, introsubjectivity and social pleasure, emotional intelligence, empathy beingness, self trancendance, higher consciousness.
here, because I can be as rhetorically childish as you are), games are either a childish escape from the mundane; i.e. they are insular, technical and appeal to no - hopers, or failing this games can offer free, tiny slices of social pleasure in our day to day lives.
It is now easier for a Michigan motor vehicle accident victim to be compensated for pain, suffering, mental anguish, fright and shock, denial of social pleasure and enjoyment and other noneconomic damages.
This means that while antisocial personality traits do play a role, what really influences trolling behaviour is the social pleasure derived from knowing that others are annoyed by it.
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