Sentences with phrase «social polarization»

If this trend is not reversed, it will create greater economic and social polarization and health disparities in the next generation.
Caceres explores the current political and social polarization of the USA by focusing on a 72 hour period in Washington, D.C. from January 19, 2017, the day prior to the inauguration of Donald Trump, to January 21, the day of the Women's March on Washington.
The piece immersed the gallery in stress and hopelessness, creating in a space of privilege an aural, almost physiological, experience of social polarization and inequality, of our unfair justice system and its failure to rehabilitate lives.
Recognition explores the power of friendship and personal relationships to transcend the common transactions of daily life and our increasing social polarization.
«With people of various income levels increasingly divided by geography, income inequality can worsen and the risk of social polarization — and even serious conflict — can grow,» Shiller said recently in an op - ed for Project Syndicate.
Ignoring social polarization leaves broken families and communities without positive examples, opportunities, or hope.
With the rise in the religiously - unaffiliated, and the broader breakdown of the family, it could be argued that churches have more pressing concerns than the effects of social polarization and isolation.
The trust deficit is the wellspring that irrigates the seeds of political risk and social polarization reversing the course on globalization and multilateralism.
«If Mr. Trump is unable to reverse the trend towards increasing social polarization, U.S. democracy will be at greater risk of further deterioration,» the EIU said in its report, referring to the extreme divides between Republicans and Democrats on issues such as immigration and environmental regulation.
U.S. freedoms may deteriorate if President Donald Trump can't improve social polarization, the research firm warned in a report.
«With people of various income levels increasingly divided by geography, income inequality can worsen and the risk of social polarization — and even serious conflict — can grow,» Shiller said recently in an op - ed for Project Syndicate.

Not exact matches

But Zuckerberg himself has said being too «focused on the positive» for the first 10 years of Facebook's existence blinded the company to much of the abuse it was enabling as well as to emergent effects of social media like hyper - polarization.
With social tensions and polarization in the US at levels not seen in decades, understanding where the country is headed — socially — is more important than ever.
Asked whether the social network creates filter bubbles, which lead to political polarization, he defiantly asserted: «All the research we have suggests this isn't really a problem.»
Income Polarization and the Myth of the Declining Middle Class in Canada, The Social Policy Challenge 12, by Charles M. Beach and George A. Slotsve.
«Political polarization and the widespread use of social media are the chief reasons that it's increasingly difficult for brands to remain neutral on societal and political issues,» says Gene Grabowski, a partner at crisis communications firm KGlobal.
Moreover, the period precipitated the deep polarization of the middle classes on social and moral issues that has defined subsequent religious and political debate.
Moreover, the polarization represents a significant realignment of social divisions.
A related but not identical form of polarization is between the exponents of social action as a necessary form of Christian witness and those who would keep the churches only to the sphere of personal religion.
Several decisions and actions that were themselves spurred by broad social changes taking place at the time led to this deep polarization and partisan entrenchment.
the spread of technology and social media we are now able to relay information and arguments faster than ever before causing the polarization of people to increase at never - before - seen rates.»
In his first public speech since leaving office, former President Obama decried the influence of money in politics and the polarization he blamed on social media and the explosive growth of cable TV.
The tension between these two views, emblematic of the polarization of contemporary American politics, is that while the former sees social goods and access to them in terms of dessert and relative privilege, the latter conceives them as an inalienable right.
Any explanation identifying political polarization as an outgrowth of internet or social media use, Shapiro notes, would have to account for the rapid increase in partisanship among those with limited internet use and negligible use of social media.
«But they cast doubt on some common narratives linking polarization to online news and social media.»
The authors note that many studies and measures indicate that Americans have become increasingly polarized in recent years, and that numerous researchers and commentators attribute increased polarization in part to the rise of social media and the internet.
Don't blame the web: Political polarization has increased most among the groups least likely to use the internet and social media, study finds.»
«Under appropriate assumptions, these facts can be shown to imply a limited role for the Internet and social media in explaining the recent rise in measured political polarization,» the authors wrote.
Despite the popular narrative that the web is to blame for rising political polarization, a study by a Brown University economist has found that recent growth in polarization is greatest for demographic groups in which individuals are least likely to use the internet and social media.
«The fact that such efforts continued to predict partisan allegiances decades later demonstrates how the impact of a social movement can endure long after the movement itself has declined, as well as providing a new explanation of political polarization in the U.S.»
Kahan and other social scientists previously have shown that information based on scientific evidence can actually intensify — rather than moderate — political polarization on contentious topics such as gun control, climate change, fracking, or the safety of certain vaccines.
«Social media and internet not cause of political polarization, new research suggests: Echo chambers are not as influential as we think, according to new research.»
The polarization between two political, economical, ethical causes creates the energy needed for the movement of the social systems.
Timed to coincide with the 2012 American election season, these works, diverse in medium and topic, are presented at a time when political and social divisions in the United States are readily apparent, and polarization on many major issues is at a historic high.
Whether or not you agree with her, I think you'll agree that this piece serves as a valuable conversation starter on the practices and goals of science in an age of deepening global and social complexity and also deepening political polarization.
Anyone eager to understand, and move past, the deep political polarization around global warming would do well to explore the findings in «Solution aversion: On the relation between ideology and motivated disbelief,» published in the November issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
My job was to describe the empirical social science that, in part, explains why more climate science hasn't led to more climate - smart energy action, but also hints at paths forward even in an era of intense political polarization.
The weight of polarization and tribalization have eroded its intellectual foundations and left it with no governing philosophy beyond upward income redistribution and social grievance.
Some hoped the fierce ideological polarization in America might force resolution of the profound political and social Wicked Problems such closed - mindedness and tribalism poses.
Even if Trump himself were gone tomorrow, the nation still faces simmering crises (falling energy return on investment, increasing economic inequality, over-reliance on debt, climate change) that appear to be leading toward collapse of government and the economy; meanwhile, as a result of political polarization, social fragmentation, plain old corruption (see NRA), and truth decay we are losing whatever ability we ever had to address those crises.
The company is dealing with an onslaught of criticism around polarization, election interference, fake news, censorship, sucking money out of journalism, and negative impacts on well - being from overuse of its social network.
The recent troubles follow Facebook's most difficult year yet, as the company dealt with fake news, «filter bubbles» that lead to increasing polarization, and congressional hearings over Russian agents» alleged use of social media to meddle with the 2016 presidential elections.
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