Sentences with phrase «social privilege»

But none of those was entitled, on account of being acquainted with books, to any special social privileges.
Schools are sites where social privilege is reflected and reproduced for the next generation, and the disadvantaged have opportunities for economic and social mobility.
She would also have known that within the African American community, light skin offered certain social privileges.
Even where it is, I take it as a very minor compensating disadvantage for the huge degree of social privilege we get just by being male.
Others worry that the Church has become just another institution scrambling for social privileges in the post-Soviet system, thus turning people off to its message.
The unsafe persons usually have no personality development because of fear from punishment and others reproach and have tendency to receive social privilege / points, so they have tool tendency to religion, and they have defect in their faith [2][3][4].
Candyman deals with transgression: the interracial romance; the intrusion of the white woman from the ivory tower into the ghetto of poor, inner - city blacks in their industrial oubliette; and eventually the invasion of institutions of economic and social privilege by a vengeful wraith from America's colonialist past.
The framework of The Bee's «joke» is partly that addressing a concept like privilege is problematic because it makes the party that benefits from social privilege feel bad.
By acknowledging social privilege and inequity, Social Context Reformers are calling for education reform within a larger plan to reform social inequity — such as access to health care, food security, higher employment along with better wages and job security.
Anna C. Chave (Professor, CUNY Graduate Center and Queens College, New York) will speak on «Frankenthaler's Fortunes,» and how social privilege may have affected her position — and self positioning — in the art world.
Jesus was not crucified for preaching a pure love unsullied by contact with social issues, but for relating the message of love to the critique of social privilege and power.
Critics claim that the Church is enjoying newfound wealth and social privilege in exchange for supporting the Putin regime.
Numerous researches [14][15] indicate that the persons who have unsafe interest style, usually have no personality development because of fear from punishment and others reproach and have tendency to receive social privilege / points, so they have tool tendency to religion.
For too long, I think, we have counted on our social privileges as a religious monopoly and maintained that by the suppression of alternatives.
Retirements and social privileges are getting bad in most of the countries.
IQ and other standardized tests produce results that can be skewed by background cultural knowledge, language learner status and racial and social privilege.
«The practice of passing generally involves adopting a particular identity to move toward greater legal and social privilege,» Sandweiss states.
While white male painters, such as Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock, had the social privilege of self - expression and the comfort of knowing that expression would be potentially welcomed, Norman Lewis faced the economic struggles of a black artist.
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