Sentences with phrase «social reproduction»

Work - life balance policies are designed to achieve a new accommodation between the processes of production and requirements of social reproduction in light of the breakdown of the post-war gender order.
The man behind the bar asks me whether I have heard of social reproduction theory — a way of looking at childbearing in economic terms.
However, a problem is that these policies can, depending upon their design, either alleviate or reinforce the gendered division of social reproduction labour.
These were enabled by the submission of technical progress to the most narrow indicators of profit, through the total freedom of movement of capital and to the competitive battle of the forms of social production whose final objective is contradictory: maximising profit on the one hand and, on the other, ensuring the conditions of social reproduction of communities of farmers, fishermen and craftsmen.
The social reproduction of inequality can not end until we move past deficit models of schooling that require students to abandon their culture in order to become a success.
Rather than increasing equity in the system, their proposal will intensify the social reproduction of inequality, resulting in a crazier quilt with gaping holes.
Social reproduction and child - rearing practices: Social class, children's agency, and the summer activity gap.
We believe there are positive alternatives to high stakes, standardized testing We oppose high stakes standardized testing because it is a tool of corporatization, stratification, and social reproduction.
Her doctoral work has focused on the creation of public cultural practices and space for diverse publics by Salishan and Tsimshian people (ca. 1900) as acts of social reproduction and contestation.
They are both born of and perpetuate the actions and thought processes due to social reproduction.
There have been two general responses in developed countries such as Canada and the UK to the challenge of sustaining social reproduction: work - life balance policies and the commodification of a central component of social reproduction — care work.
However, policies that enhance individual choice need to attend to the broader structures of employment and social reproduction.
West Coast LEAF was granted leave to intervene at the Supreme Court of Canada to argue that where an employer offers a benefit scheme for pregnant women and new parents, that scheme must recognize the significance of both child bearing and child rearing to the important work of social reproduction.
To deny additional time and resources to pregnant women means that birth mothers will disproportionately bear the burden of social reproduction.
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