Sentences with phrase «social risk»

The percentage of children in poorer health increased with the number of social risk factors across all health outcomes.
This investigation examined profiles of individual, academic, and social risks in elementary school, and their association with mental health and academic difficulties in adolescence.
Employees in every aspect of the business must realize that they can take social risks — putting forth half - baked ideas, for instance — without losing face or experiencing punitive repercussions.
However, I am not sure the added political, currency, social risks makes this of much value.
Events like these are why renters insurance is important and why anything less than 100 % of American renters covered is an unacceptable social risk.
«The emphasis on prevention and social risk factors has been the hallmark of our program since the beginning,» she explains.
They're serious about managing environmental and social risk in their supply chain, using sustainability as a focus for innovation and competition.
Individuals who are shy, experience social anxiety, or are reluctant to take social risks may be more likely to describe themselves as lonely and may have difficulty forming lasting and satisfying relationships.
Events like these are why renters insurance is important and why anything less than 100 % of American renters covered is an unacceptable social risk.
Environmental advocates and Clinton have criticized his stance for underplaying the economic and social risks of climate change.
Infants at social risk: Relationships among infant maltreatment, maternal behavior, and infant attachment behavior
The Performance Standards have become the global benchmark for environmental and social risk management for private sector project financing through the Equator Principles agreement, which now applies to a very substantial amount of global project financing.
Infants whose attachment strategy collapses even under the mild stress of brief separation experienced in the Strange Situation and who show high degree of incoherence and disorganisation upon reunion with their caregivers comprise on average 15 % of typical populations and as high as 50 - 80 % of high social risk groups [8].
RepRisk, a business service that advises stakeholders on the environmental and social risks associated with individual companies, lists on is website «The Most Controversial Mining Companies of 2011.»
Academic growth curve trajectories from 1st grade to 12th grade: Effects of multiple social risk factors and preschool child factors
In high social risk groups exposed to severe deprivation and maltreatment [8] or among infants of adolescent mothers [9] frequencies can be dramatically different with 0 - 30 % secure, 20 - 50 % avoidant and resistant, and as many as 50 - 80 % disorganized infants [8, 10].
Cyberspace - related social risks to human security are also induced by the increasing dependence upon vulnerable and error - prone digital systems.
Characterisation of the optimal learning by field experiments for different social risk - and time preferences.
These risk factors were combined into a categorical «social risk index» ranging from low risk (0 risk factors) to very high risk (≥ 6 risk factors), and risk gradients were examined using linear polynomial testing and multivariate logistic regression.
In the 1980s, however, rising unemployment, an ageing population and new social risks began to force German policy makers into action.
Failing to invest in social risks capital, so becoming socially mature and leading by example is key for organisations, before their competition can monopolise the social advantage.
If they are promiscuous, they suffer the same limitations as single heterosexuals who are promiscuous in addition to the huge social risks that are unique to them.
There are also social risks related to cyberspace - technology.
But such a formula, according to him, brings with it an important social risk for the worker: that of losing the little capital that he was able to save, capital that would be swallowed up in the co-operative structure.
Within a small, trusted group of workplace friends, your remarks are less likely to be misinterpreted, and you are less likely to take awkward social risks.
Due to their employment status, persons such as those in non-standard employment and self - employment have insufficient access and are, as a consequence, exposed to higher economic uncertainty and lower protection against social risks.
Underwriting assessment highlights health, professional and social risks which befall an applicant.
«There's a lot of social risk when you send out text messages to friends,» founder Max Stoller said.
Research in such diverse fields as epidemiology, neuroscience, genomics, and molecular and developmental biology is advancing our understanding of how social risk factors, manifesting as toxic stress, get «under the skin» of vulnerable children via epigenetic changes and disruptions to key physiological and neurocognitive pathways.
For example, we were unable to adjust for traffic exposures or other environmental exposures that have been shown to affect asthma and to be more common in lower - SES, higher — social risk households.68 It is possible that mothers may have underreported IPV or overreported positive caregiving factors to present more socially desirable responses.
Frequencies in low social risk community samples are typically ~ 55 % secure, ~ 15 % avoidant, ~ 10 % resistant and ~ 15 % disorganized.
Demographic risk, DRD4 7 - repeat genotype, levels of atypical maternal behaviour and infant disorganised attachment were combined across the middle income, low risk Hungarian and the low income, high social risk US samples (N = 96 and 42, respectively).
Maternal antecedents of attachment quality: What makes social risk risky?
Respectful parenting (which is both firm and responsive) promotes healthy development and decreases social risks.
That is, the finding that clique isolation predicted an increase in depressive symptoms indicates that viewing peer relations from a group perspective contributes significantly to the existing knowledge about problematic peer experiences as social risk factors for depression in early adolescence.
In 2016 PNC also enhanced environmental and social risk management by introducing a human rights due diligence process.
Support was found for the cumulative risk model in the prediction of externalizing outcomes from multiple social risk factors that were additively associated with each negative outcome.
Characterisation of an optimal climate policy for given uncertainties and different social risk - and time preferences.
Hormel Foods recognizes the unique environmental and social risks associated with palm oil.
They are people willing to take social risks — to do things that others might disapprove of.
Infants at social risk: Maternal depression and family support services as mediators of infant development and security of attachment
Studies in general have not been able to find direct associations of mother - infant attachment with child care arrangements and with mothers» social support systems [12], but in high social risk groups, lack of support correlated with higher rates of insecure attachment relationships [24 — 26], while extensive support was found to promote security [27, 28].
Multiple social risk factors have a cumulative effect on parent - reported child health status across physical and socioemotional domains, demonstrating a very strong risk gradient effect.
The Equator Principles is a risk management framework for determining, assessing, and managing environmental and social risk in projects.
Yet the history of major new scientific research programs (such as genetic modification of organisms, nanotechnology and stem cell research) tells us that the political and social risks of new technological paradigms are often more important than any potential physical harms (13).
It's also because taking early action to address environmental and social risks is the best way to protect and build shareholder value.

Phrases with «social risk»

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