Sentences with phrase «social science as»

I am an instructor at the University of Minnesota Department of Family Social Science as well as an Assistant Professor at St. Mary's University of Minnesota Graduate Studies program in Marriage & Family Therapy and Addiction Studies.
They also mean education which is now classified as a social science as it has changed from being about instructing knowledge.
I'd say whoever classified social science as a second class, soft, easy to master field of study is an intellectually retarded moron.
Physical science in general looks down at social science as a soft science, as non-mathematical, as qualitative, second class stuff, easy to master.
But did they really revolutionize social science as much as Lewis suggests?
One hopes that this new age of scientifically based research will enable the Department of Education to construct reviews of grant proposals based on well - established canons of science or social science as a safeguard against political demands by powerful legislators on behalf of their pork - hungry constituents.
Mulvaney's past comments suggest technology demonstration and industrial productivity programs — especially those on clean energy manufacturing favored by the Obama Administration — may find themselves under scrutiny, joining climate research and social science as potential targets.
The last reading, by Buroway, treats the idea of «pure» social science as a social construct, arguing instead for a public sociology that ultimately improves social life.
The development of social science as a discipline was shaped by this ethos.
The student is helped to acquire the aptitudes needed in order to do history or philosophy or a social science as aptitudes needed to inquire critically into the validity of Christian witness.
Narratives have long been an interpretative component of the social sciences as a way of presenting as well as recasting research findings.
His major book, Theology and Social Theory (1990), interprets the implicit and explicit theory of the secular social sciences as concealed, heretical theology.
This dual focus on reason and ethics similarly explains the close attention religious liberals have paid to the sciences — physics as a source for better cosmologies, and the biological and social sciences as a source for both ethics and philosophies of history.
This understanding of the limited scope of scientific method had been generally accepted since Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781); but in nineteenth - century evolutionary parlance it took on the specific meaning that «all beginnings and endings are lost in mystery,» a phrase that became commonplace in the sciences and social sciences as a way of dismissing or circumventing probing questions that sought to assess the larger implications or consequences of scientific analysis.
Some of the insights provided by the first phase of liberation theology seem too important to let slip between the cracks — for instance, the centrality of the category «the poor» for biblical interpretation; the awareness of structural, not just individual, evil; the use of the social sciences as dialogue partner for theological discourse; and the need to apply a hermeneutic of suspicion to theology itself.
Wince - Smith also made a plea for the arts, humanities and social sciences as important for a society that hopes to remain economically competitive in the future «Business disciplines like management, marketing and design need to also be the purview of science and engineering,» she said.
Marianne De Laet joins the department of humanities and social sciences as an assistant professor of anthropology and science, technology, and society.
It also endorses NSF's current policies for reviewing grant proposals and — in sharp contrast to a House bill — emphasizes the importance of the social sciences as part of a balanced research portfolio.
Silver points to Coburn's criticism of several NSF awards in the social sciences as a prime example.
Minimally this team should include investigators with expertise in the behavioral or social sciences as well as in computational and systems modeling (computer science, mathematics, engineering, or other systems sciences).
Perhaps it is time to consider certification by discipline or even a liberal arts degree with a major in the social sciences as a requirement for entry into our profession.
In my view this comment exemplifies a problematic attitude not only in climate science but in the social sciences as well.
In recent years, a number of integrative disciplines — systems science, resilience science, ecosystem health, ethnoecology, deep ecology, Gaia Theory, and others — have sought ways to advance our understanding of the relationships between people and nature, incorporating insights from both the biological and social sciences as well as Indigenous knowledge.
The wide, in some cases global scope of effects of climate engineering technologies as well as their deep implications for human society make CE technologies prone to analysis and evaluation by social sciences as well as humanities.

Not exact matches

Kelly's year in space revealed that he's a science ninja, a seasoned hand with social media, and a not - half - bad photographer, but it also showed that he's a pretty good comedian as well.
I do miss some for sure, but even if it's something as small as an «awesome» or a «Like» — that totally makes a huge difference,» he explained on our Science of Social Media podcast.
As science advances at increasing rates, «social accommodation to new technologies has lagged further behind,» he said.
As an extra bonus, science has also uncovered one social media behavior that is decisively linked with not being a psychopath.
Success on social media is at least as much art as science.
But with broad and efficiently concentrated giving, you reach (if you'll forgive another social science buzzphrase) a tipping point at which your reputation as a giver and your accumulation of grateful pals grows to the point that positive effects ensue.
By using the social sciences, the authors introduce a new methodology known as sensemaking.
The IRRC Institute ensures the availability of its funded research through the sponsorship of the Social Science Research Network's Corporate Governance Network that serves as an online repository for thousands of research papers and abstracts.
In doing this we used a suite of models produced by the data science team, which outlined profiles such as undecided voters or inactive supporters, and matched these audiences to online cookies, mobile devices, and social IDs.
MaRS works closely with entrepreneurs to grow and scale their ventures into global market leaders in life sciences and health care, information, communications and entertainment technologies, clean tech, advanced materials and engineering, as well as innovative social purpose businesses.
MaRS works closely with entrepreneurs to grow and scale their ventures into global market leaders in life sciences and health care, information, communications and entertainment technologies, cleantech, advanced materials and engineering, as well as innovative social purpose businesses.
We know from various studies done in the social sciences in the past forty years, as well as from fifteen plus years of my being involved with personas, the trio of users / buyers / customers makes decisions based on much more than just content or information.
This award recognizes them as a leader in stimulating the creative capacity of the city and advancing entrepreneurship, not only in science and technology but also in social ventures.
MaRS works closely with entrepreneurs to grow and scale their ventures into global market leaders in life sciences and health care, information, communications and digital media technologies, cleantech, advanced materials and engineering, as well as innovative social purpose business.
It's environmentally and community friendly: A recent story in the LA Times focused on the growing body of social science indicating that «women consistently (highly) rank values strongly linked to environmental concern — things such as altruism, personal responsibility and empathy.»
The articles tapped into the recognition and movement towards more science and less art in the spheres of marketing and sales as well as in overall social strategy.
This assumes that markets are not efficient i.e. based purely on fundamental data and as such psychology and social sciences are better served at explaining what is going on.
Kansas City fared better than New York City and Los Angeles in metrics such as tech workers per capita, share of workers with a Bachelor's degree or higher, entrepreneurial growth and share of «knowledge» workers, defined as those in occupations such as architecture, social science, health care and education.
MaRS works closely with entrepreneurs to grow and scale their ventures into global market leaders in life sciences and health care, information, communications and digital media technologies, cleantech, advanced materials and energy, as well as innovative social purpose business.
Increased recognition of the accomplishments of the Middle Ages (including the birth of engineering, social benefits such as universities, hospitals and the beginnings of corporations and labor guilds, as well as science, (all under the Catholic Church) has led to the label being restricted in application or avoided by serious historians.
On April 26, 2012, the results of a study which tested their subjects» pro-social sentiments were published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal in which non-religious people had higher scores showing that they were more inclined to show generosity in random acts of kindness, such as lending their po.sse.ssions and offering a seat on a crowded bus or train.
But for all that, the proposals of the gay movement can not, as the social science jargon puts it, be instantiated.
Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson, and their colleagues referred to the intellectual movement that led to this new conception of social well - being as the new science of politics.
These efforts gathered steam in the early years of the last century as the Progressive Movement sought at once to break the power of the old party bosses and to bring the insights of the social sciences to bear on public life.
When theology, whether under that label or designated as religious studies, flourishes under the auspices of the humanities and social sciences, not only has the game moved to a different ball park, but the rules and umpires are also changed.
The scientific epistemology has dominated human knowledge; especially the method of the natural sciences has been regarded as most reliable not only for natural sciences, but also for social and human sciences.
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