Sentences with phrase «social shift»

We think online ads have relatively weak secondary effects, such as building the animal advocacy movement and increasing the likelihood of a major social shift away from factory farming.
We think they have relatively weak secondary effects, such as building the animal advocacy movement and increasing the likelihood of a major social shift away from factory farming.
In spite of these major social shifts, most people still view marriage positively and think of it as the ideal state we should strive for.
There hasn't been a fundamental social shift in the last decade that has enabled Monster Hunter to break through.
There hasn't been a fundamental social shift in the last decade that has enabled Monster Hunter to break through.
Abraham Lincoln responded to perhaps our most traumatic social shift by eloquently calling upon our symbolic code.
These rapid social shifts have evoked denominational self - examination and an at tending literature of historical and sociological inquiry.
Historians note that dispensationalism and its fiction arose just as American culture was undergoing seismic social shifts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The millennials show a willingness to embrace dramatic social shifts, are comfortable with the new technologies that have connected us via the Internet, and exhibit «a far more collaborative» streak than some previous generations, Gates said.
a radical social shift from past generations when men and women tended to marry early and stay that way for life.
Report author Ross Dawson said the nation will continue to experience social shifts, generating a multitude of opportunities for those who are keen to create value from these new connections.
The quest for more than a shiny object implies a much - needed social shift, and is a reflective of a personal and metaphorically balanced approach to life.
The works in the exhibition continue the artist's signature use of functional and found objects relating to his home country, drawing on both cultural and social shifts as well as considering these objects as vessels with personal and geological histories.
(She coined the term «Gulf Futurism» to describe social shifts in cities such as Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Doha, Qatar, where unprecedented economic growth is paralleled by social inequality, labor exploitation, and environmental degradation.)
These works feature a number of striking formal advances, but their radicality also hinges upon the fact that they were made in dialogue with the profound social shifts that were taking place at the time.
All in all, this research highlights an intriguing social shift: monogamy (or perhaps, more fairly, serial monogamy) is on the rise.
Andrew Stark: Keeping up to date with growing technology and social shifts due to technology requires a two - pronged concentrated approach.
Moreover, the social shift I describe has isolated certain powerful institutions (corporate, military, governmental, media, entertainment) from the influence of the so - called normative institutions such as education, religion and the arts.
When parents opt to keep the family together and take children to their country of origin, as they often do, there are environmental and social shifts.
New parents often go through a social shift too.
The 1970s saw a social shift to later marriage, longer birth intervals and fewer births.
Following the social shift and sea of black at the 2018 Golden Globes, I was expecting to be more... View Full Post
Social shifts, such as woman empowerment as well as open sex drive, demand new means of being subsequently each and every woman -LSB-...]
Social shifts, such as woman empowerment as well as open sex drive, demand new means of being subsequently each and every woman ought to develop a new style of their making, in form with their different desires as well as aspirations.
While the OECD's research highlights failings in the implementation of technology, the social shift towards an increasingly connected world means that it can not simply be discredited as «not suitable» for the classroom and must instead be better utilised to support students» learning, while simultaneously developing their digital skills.
From time to time, secular technological or social shifts can occur that can make even mighty dividend aristocrats not worth owning.
Through her work, Jones highlights the complex and often parallel legacies of the mid-twentieth century — from abstraction, Minimalism, and avant - garde jazz to the era's seminal political and social shifts — revealing the unlikely alliances that emerge between the visual arts and music of the 1950s and»60s.
Jennie C. Jones practice mines the territory of Modernism — abstraction and minimalism; experimental jazz; and seminal political and social shifts — to reveal the complex and often parallel legacies of the mid-20th century's social, cultural, and political experimentations.
The moving image installation is informed by extensive research, along with Sagar's practice around dance, architecture and neurology to express the «complex, changing landscape of public health and the social shift towards a more egocentric, user - focused and technology - infused understanding of wellness.»
But, the researchers argue, they have provided a guide towards an economic and social shift that could save economies each year around $ 20 trillion in health and climate costs.
There is no doubt that women of color are at the forefront of these significant political and social shifts.
Central bank governors would be wise to better understand what bitcoin represents and what seismic economic and social shifts are driving it, rather than just its price (the same too could be said for all the HODLers out there).
Our attitudes to relationships are changing, but is the law which deals with relationship issues compatible with this social shift?
«Our results support a social - cognitive model as they demonstrate that social shifts have led men and women to think differently about sex and love.»
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