Sentences with phrase «social signals as»

Moreover, Google's algorithm considers social signals as one of its most important ranking factors — socially shared content is a vote of approval, or at the very least importance, so it makes sense Google would consider it when deciding whether a post should rank well in organic search.

Not exact matches

But they understand that the search engines are taking major cues from social media signals as to whether a site offers a positive user experience or not.
«We will fight to defend them because they are about the health and economic security of America's working families, and we will not use Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security as an ATM machine for the Republicans to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends and corporate America,» House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at her year - end press conference, signaling that Democrats would not support cuts to Social Security and other entitlements.
The chemical tells individual neurons to fire off a signal or not, influencing other brain signals and pathways, and essentially serves as a traffic cop of motivation, emotion, and social behavior.
Social shares of your content function as secondary signals to Google's algorithm, but the real power here is the propensity for link building.
This topic is somewhat debatable, but as search engines look for quality content they look at the social signals to help determine rank.
It signals to the rest of Corporate America that many investors now look at social responsibility as an item just as deserving of funding in the bond market as any other core business activity.
«This strikes me as another important signal Tim Cook is sending that Apple's user - friendly product image is now to be matched by a social - friendly corporate image,» said Stephen Davis, a corporate governance professor at the Yale School of Management.
The End of Link Building As We've Known And Loved It — with authority signals used by Google to rank websites shifting from the time - honored standard link to focus on social signals, webmasters need to adjust their link - building strategy accordingly.
The change signals a new phase for the social giant and its advertisers as regulation pressures mount.
Mr Ngole, who was studying for a Masters in Social Work, had signalled his opposition to gay marriage before posting part of Leviticus 20:13, which says: «If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.»
Whether posted on social media, sent as a mailed card, or published in a newspaper, a baby's birth announcement is a felicitous signal to the rest of the world that after a tedious and sometimes stressful wait, your little one is here and you're ready for the adventure to begin.
PPD may interfere with the infant's ability to «use» the cry signal as a way to engage or communicate with its depressed mother, thereby compromising social and emotional development.
@Philipp - it has non-economic political components on top of direct economic ones (inasmuch as «free college» has social and political long term implications - and so does «it's OK to default on debt» signal in terms of moral hazard).
«The best explanation is that the long stiff feathers, which originated in this group of dinosaurs and were similar to modern bird feathers, could perform equally well as social signals when compared to the bony displays in T. rex or Dilophosaurus,» Gates surmises.
None perceived a difference between the two types of sweat, but the pre-exam sweat had a different effect on brain activity, lighting up areas that process social and emotional signals, as well as several areas thought to be involved in empathy (PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0005987).
But a tentative conclusion that I would make is that when social - support needs are not being met, oxytocin levels go up as a signal to seek out social contact.
But typically laughter serves as an emotionally laden social signal and occurs in the presence of others, which led psychologist Diana Szameitat and her team to explore the possible adaptive function of human laughter.
When chances of conceiving are highest, women seem to prefer men who display supposed signals of underlying genetic fitness, such as masculinized faces, facial symmetry, social dominance, and genetic compatibility.
Our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes, when compared to other types of color vision, including the type we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
Specifically, our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes — even when compared to the type of color vision that we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
«But, perhaps more importantly, these results support a rarely tested idea that social signaling itself, such as the need to detect blushing and facial color changes, might have had a role in the evolution or maintenance of the unusual type of color vision shown in primates, especially those with conspicuous patches of bare skin, including humans, macaques, and many others,» concludes co-author Amanda Melin of the University of Calgary.
They often do not like direct eye contact, do not prefer to look at faces compared with other things, do not copy, do not mimic, do not yawn when others yawn or retch when others retch, or laugh or join in with the rich tapestry of social signals we share as a species.
The research could have privacy implications, as it shows that even a collection of random photographs of landmarks that feature no people at all can send strong signals about your social ties.
High opioid - receptor availability may, however, protect against excessive distress resulting from negative social signals, such as other people's distress.
This is the oldest portable art object of its type found anywhere in central Europe and provides evidence of social signalling, quite possibly used as a necklace to mark the identity of the wearer.
This work builds on Anderson's research from 2013, which demonstrated that human facial expressions, such as raising one's eyebrows, arose from universal, adaptive reactions to one's environment and did not originally signal social communication.
Wertz notes that this social learning mechanism works in concert with other mechanisms, including sensitive periods for learning about food and aversions to certain tastes such as bitterness, which can signal something is poisonous.
We know other mammals use chemical signals to communicate things such as identity, sex, social status and reproductive state.
Bulmer thinks the small glucan breakdown products it releases could act as signals that get passed around the nest and trigger what's known as social immunity: The entire colony prepares for microbial attack before most termites ever encounter a germ.
However, pectoral appendages also function in social communication for the purposes of making sounds that we simply refer to as non-vocal sonic signals, and for gestural signalling
The general ecological scenarios whereby melanin - based coloration is under selection, protection from UV radiation, thermoregulation in cold environments or as a signal of social status, offer a good opportunity to study how melanin - phenotype associations evolve.
«Deficient neuron - microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior» Y. Zhan, R.C. Paolicelli, F. Sforazzini, L. Weinhard, G. Bolasco, F. Pagani, A. L. Vyssotski, A. Bifone, A. Gozzi, D. Ragozzino, C.T. Gross Nature Neuroscience 17 (3), 400-4006 (2014) «USPIO - loaded Red Blood Cells as a biomimetic MR contrast agent: a relaxometric study» A. Boni, D. Ceratti, A. Antonelli, C. Sfara, M. Magnani, E. Manuali, S. Salamida, A. Gozzi, and A. Bifone Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 9, 229 - 236 (2014) «Distributed BOLD and CBV - weighted resting - state networks in the mouse brain» F. Sforazzini, A.J. Schwarz, A. Galbusera, A. Bifone, and A. Gozzi NeuroImage 87, 403 - 415 (2014) «Antimicrobial peptides design by evolutionary multiobject optimization» G. Maccari, M. Di Luca, R. Nifosì, F. Caldarelli, G. Signore, C. Boccardi, and A. Bifone PloS Computational Biology 9 (9): e1003212 (2013) «Differential effect of orexin - 1 and crf - 1 antagonism on stress circuits: a fMRI study in the rat with the pharmacological stressor yohimbine» A. Gozzi, S: Lepore, E: Merlo Pich, and A. Bifone Neuropsychopharmacology 38 (11): 2120 - 2130 (2013) «Water dispersal and functionalization of hydrophobic iron oxide nanoparticles with lipid - modified poly (amidoamine) dendrimers» A. Boni, L. Albertazzi, C. Innocenti, M. Gemmi, and A. Bifone.
Likewise for the behavioural results, we assessed a potential association between averaged blood oxygen level - dependent signals in the regions of interest where individuals with ASD showed significantly decreased social minus belief - / belief minus control activity compared with typically developing participants, and clinical information of interest, such as the Social Responsiveness Scale social minus belief - / belief minus control activity compared with typically developing participants, and clinical information of interest, such as the Social Responsiveness Scale Social Responsiveness Scale score.
When faced with these daily stressors the PUFAs would be a detriment to all aspects of defending the brain / body from said stressors as they disrupt many vital hormonal signalling pathways, damage lipoproteins, make us more sensitive to sunlight, accelerate glycation, and less resistant to social stress.
Altered dopamine signaling As mentioned earlier, dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is involved in social interaction and reward behaviors.
As our nation grapples with the social and political ramifications of this change, a growing number of children must cope with confusing signals of inclusion and exclusion.
While Facebook users (& commentators) are being absurdly hypocritical as they virtue - signal how shocked & horrified they are learning how their privacy / data has been abused & exploited, in reality it always seemed inevitable this (or some variation of it, i.e. social media is sad & bad) would happen.
I can now pick up on stress signals, signs of discomfort, poor social skills, warning signs, etc. — and I'm realizing that these behaviors, as you can imagine, are widely prevalent at events with lots of dogs and people.
Ultimately, your goal when using social is to send social signals to your veterinary website, «to encourage a lower bounce rate and improve page navigation, which in turn will score your website as more user - friendly.
Licking can be normal, social dog behavior, but, as with other behaviors, when done excessively, it may signal some problem that needs investigating.
Puppies separated from their littermates too early often don't develop appropriate «social skills,» such as learning how to send and receive signals, what an «inhibited bite» means, how far to go in play wrestling and so forth.
Puppies separated from their littermates too early often fail to develop appropriate «social skills,» such as learning how to send and receive signals, what an «inhibited bite» (acceptable mouthing pressure) means, how far to go in play - wrestling, and so forth.
Due to a variety of unquestioned logistics, economic and social signalling choices, other human beings end up being treated as interchangeable, disposable or abusable.
As a team sport, Echo Arena rewards players that work well together; with the incredible social expression offered by Touch, you'll be able signal for a pass with a shout and a wave just as you naturally would, while throwing and catching the disc becomes a valuable skill to masteAs a team sport, Echo Arena rewards players that work well together; with the incredible social expression offered by Touch, you'll be able signal for a pass with a shout and a wave just as you naturally would, while throwing and catching the disc becomes a valuable skill to masteas you naturally would, while throwing and catching the disc becomes a valuable skill to master.
Hesse, Chicago and Benglis all featured in Susan L. Stoops» 1996 exhibition «More Than Minimal: Feminism and Abstraction in the»70s», which signalled the returns to be gained from thinking about the use of abstraction to explore gender as both subject and social context.
As a cross-disciplinary space open to critical research and social encounter, Signals London has long been a source of inspiration for kurimanzutto.
Despite its short run, A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday became a social - media sensation as a protest image that could signal a show of solidarity with communities affected by police violence.
Social Dreaming Matrix with Jeffrey Gormly & Regan O'Brien, 18 April 2015 In an attempt to amplify the signals latent in the works gathered together as part of The Beholder's Share, Jeffrey Gormly and Regan O'Brien hosted a Social Dreaming Matrix.
It's vital to understand that, as one study found, negative social signals and experiences predict psychological behavior more strongly than positive ones.
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