Sentences with phrase «social signals in»

People with autism often «struggle to make sense of social signals in real time» but because this meeting was so raw and uninhibited, Reynolds could make sense of her person right away.
«Here, we provide one of the first experimental tests of the idea that our unusual vision might be related to detecting social signals in the faces of others.»

Not exact matches

«Dataminr feeds are like table stakes right now: Most hedge funds need to have it,» says Santo Politi, a founder of Spark Capital, a venture capital firm that was an early backer of Twitter and has a majority stake in a two - year - old hedge fund, Tashtego, that trades on signals from social media and other nontraditional data.
The social e-commerce space is heating up: Facebook, Twitter and Google are all messing around with buy buttons, and Facebook hired David Marcus away from PayPal, which signals that payments could be in the company's future.
Google is relying more than ever on human signals in the form of shares and mentions on social media to help vet sites.
The search engines are looking at social signals to help them find the meat in the vast sea of content that is being produced.
Moreover, Google's algorithm considers social signals as one of its most important ranking factors — socially shared content is a vote of approval, or at the very least importance, so it makes sense Google would consider it when deciding whether a post should rank well in organic search.
It signals to the rest of Corporate America that many investors now look at social responsibility as an item just as deserving of funding in the bond market as any other core business activity.
How to integrate social media into your pages to boost their shareability, resulting in social signals and word - of - mouth referrals
Social signals are becoming a bigger factor in the organic search ranking algorithm each day.
Shortly after 11 am CST when the initial announcement was made, the power of the crowd and social media spread the news quickly through the tweeter - sphere signaling that equity crowdfunding was indeed advancing in Canada and that Saskatchewan was the country's first instance to approve a set of intra-provincial equity crowdfunding regulations.
It now plays a big part in SEO since the search engines have started to incorporate «social signals» into their algorithms.
The latest signal: One of the most ambitious efforts, the $ 50 million in - house venture fund of Consensys, the Brooklyn blockchain provider, is scaling back the social impact - focus of the fund.
There is no relevance in terms of Twitter profile rank and from experiments I have run using Fiverr, the core problem with social signals is they still appear to produce a QDF effect, quick increase, but difficult to get sticky without links, of course the initial boost and eyeballs on your content for relevant searches can lead to links.
Social media may not directly increase SEO results, however some social signals directly correlated with increased rankings, and most leaders in search have strong social media followings and are active on the major social - media chaSocial media may not directly increase SEO results, however some social signals directly correlated with increased rankings, and most leaders in search have strong social media followings and are active on the major social - media chasocial signals directly correlated with increased rankings, and most leaders in search have strong social media followings and are active on the major social - media chasocial media followings and are active on the major social - media chasocial - media channels.
Mr Ngole, who was studying for a Masters in Social Work, had signalled his opposition to gay marriage before posting part of Leviticus 20:13, which says: «If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.»
Historicity signals limits within the economy of salvation, and an increase in the status of the monastic institution: divine graciousness calls for the transcendence of history and dependence upon social institutions.
For (and this may be the chief lesson to be learned from these biographies) George Eliot is perhaps the signal figure for those who maintain that we can be good without God, indeed, that belief in the Christian God is a great impediment to the achievement of «individual and social happiness.»
In Memuchans» frantic misinterpretation, Vashti's act signals a universal crisis, a rebellion against the sexual and social order, a violation of the harmony of every home and marriage.
Only a few examples of the attempt to link values with the arts and sciences have been published (see, for example, A Vision for India Tomorrow: Explorations in Social Ethics, edited by J. Daniel and R. Gopalan [Madras Christian College, 1984]-RRB- But already evident is a sense of social conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrarianSocial Ethics, edited by J. Daniel and R. Gopalan [Madras Christian College, 1984]-RRB- But already evident is a sense of social conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrariansocial conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrarian life.
The publication of B. F. Skinner's Beyond Freedom and Dignity signals the direction in which our established social currents are carrying us in the reorganization of society to respond to new technological conditions.
For others, resistance to healing prayer may not signal a fear of losing control or face, but a fear of losing prophetic roots in peace and social justice issues.
Driscoll signals an intention to withdraw from the use of social media for at least the rest of the year and to spend his energies «growing in Christ - like character by grace» and spending time with his family and his church.
On one page of the journal that she started in the early days of Smoke Signals, she wrote: Long - term goal: Use my business for social justice, community organizing, and individual empowerment.
Whether posted on social media, sent as a mailed card, or published in a newspaper, a baby's birth announcement is a felicitous signal to the rest of the world that after a tedious and sometimes stressful wait, your little one is here and you're ready for the adventure to begin.
The absence or underrepresentation of young people in parliament, on the contrary, may signal the opposite and create a social meaning of inability to rule.
New Year's Day signaled the start of a 2014 re-election campaign for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a downstate Democrat eager to announce shiny new investments in Upstate New York, where conservative voters have soured on his liberal social policies.
The special election results in NY should be a warning signal to the GOP that the elctorate did not give Republicans a mandate to destroy the middle class and the economy for the sake of a disproven trickle - down theory and devisive social issues.
While Mr. Obama has signaled a willingness to make health spending a top source of budget savings in the current debate, he has not sent a similar message on Social Security, even though in budget talks with Republicans this year he entertained the idea of changing the way annual increases in payments are calculated.
@Philipp - it has non-economic political components on top of direct economic ones (inasmuch as «free college» has social and political long term implications - and so does «it's OK to default on debt» signal in terms of moral hazard).
This signalled to the public the importance of the role, which in GM comes with a more extensive set of powers than in any other city region, including over crime, health and social.
«The best explanation is that the long stiff feathers, which originated in this group of dinosaurs and were similar to modern bird feathers, could perform equally well as social signals when compared to the bony displays in T. rex or Dilophosaurus,» Gates surmises.
Indeed, social interaction deficits in people living with autism appear to be partly due difficulties in detecting and interpreting sensory signals.
None perceived a difference between the two types of sweat, but the pre-exam sweat had a different effect on brain activity, lighting up areas that process social and emotional signals, as well as several areas thought to be involved in empathy (PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0005987).
The authors hypothesize that these activities are components of cellular reconfigurations that are involved in processing communication signals essential for social organization.
«This shows that there are more cells that modulate signals and exert temporal control in areas regulating reproductive, social and parenting behaviors in females than in males, with one exception so far,» says CSHL Associate Professor Pavel Osten, the team leader.
But typically laughter serves as an emotionally laden social signal and occurs in the presence of others, which led psychologist Diana Szameitat and her team to explore the possible adaptive function of human laughter.
For instance, some species of monkeys give red signals on their faces and on genitals that change color during mating and in social interactions.
«But, perhaps more importantly, these results support a rarely tested idea that social signaling itself, such as the need to detect blushing and facial color changes, might have had a role in the evolution or maintenance of the unusual type of color vision shown in primates, especially those with conspicuous patches of bare skin, including humans, macaques, and many others,» concludes co-author Amanda Melin of the University of Calgary.
Such social changes will help to ensure that those in power are sent a clear signal that climate change must be addressed and also show the so - called «denialists» that the public opinion expects the problem to be addressed and not ignored or rebuffed.
The authors suggest that the intricate balance between the signaling of neurons in these three brain regions may be crucial for normal social behavior in humans, and that disruption may contribute to various psychiatric conditions, including autistic spectrum disorders.
But a study published last year in the journal PLoS Biology argues that chameleons evolved this ability to attract mates, scare away rivals, and send other social signals — not for camouflage (at least, not initially).
But the idea that they could have had a use in communication is neat: we have very little insight into the social behavior of dinosaurs, and if more finds produce evidence that shafted feathers grew exclusively on ornithomimid adults, then paleontologists might be able to craft a theory that focuses on communication and signaling.
They often do not like direct eye contact, do not prefer to look at faces compared with other things, do not copy, do not mimic, do not yawn when others yawn or retch when others retch, or laugh or join in with the rich tapestry of social signals we share as a species.
This suggests that interferon gamma normally dampens brain signals in this region — and that it affects social behavior.
Angelfish also communicate social status through chemical signals contained in the urine and bile they release into the water.
This is the oldest portable art object of its type found anywhere in central Europe and provides evidence of social signalling, quite possibly used as a necklace to mark the identity of the wearer.
The speakers will be presenting their research during the symposium «Finding Psychological Signal in a Billion Tweets: Measurement Through the Language of Social Media,» at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 16th Annual Convention in Long Beach, California.
Ravens are not tactile like primates, so sitting in contact is a strong social signal.
To investigate how signal traits vary in relation to the overall social environment, the authors of this study tested whether neighboring birds sharing a territory boundary, rather than birds just flying in the area, is related to similarity in dawn song traits between territorial wild great tits.
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