Sentences with phrase «social significance»

Has choosing roles of social significance always been a priority for you?
These are locations that your cat thinks very highly of or areas of high social significance.
Since when do we have to wait until 6.5 billion people agree before we act on a global problem of massive social significance?
The emotional or social significance of the moment comes to seem enigmatic and loaded.
He observes that with the conversion of Constantine, which made Christianity the official religion of the empire, bishops were invested with social significance and huge financial resources, and were obligated to give evidence of a responsible use of this entitlement.
It's lovely to marry for love and for all the other reasons we marry — some that are meaningful for the couple, but that others tend to judge, like the marriage between Hugh Hefner, 86, and his new bride, Crystal Harris, 26 — but marriage is just a legal contract, albeit with emotions and social significance attached.
Now, the truth assaults us at every turn: raise any issue of even passing social significance, and watch the internet split us down the middle and degenerate into snark and acrimony.
To be an Irish American did not matter so much, but to be Catholic carried social significance.
In order to be of lasting social significance, the Utopia of genitality should include: 1.
The Christian conception of man as a child of God, as was intimated earlier, has profound social significance.
Because of its many uses and health benefits, it is clear that ginger deserves a place of honor among the spices with great culinary, economic, and social significance all around the world.
Hopes to attach some larger social significance to the event, but that unfortunately falls largely flat and suffers from a derivative and sometimes vapid script.
Despite the usual strained stabs at topical social significance, Frakes maintains a brisk pace, staging the battle scenes with panache and undercutting the absurd techno gibberish with crass but leavening humour.
Jordan recalls some of Washington's facile manner, but he acts with a depth of social significance Washington lacks; part of it coming from a generational advantage.
While other, more eloquent movie credits have already elaborated in great and varied detail on the genuine, significant, and welcome social significance of Black Panther, the first Marvel Studios / comic book / superhero / expected - global blockbuster with a predominately Black cast and a multitude of strong female characters, this review is going to focus on Black Panther as just newest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
With great care, Diffenbaugh researched the scientific definitions of many plants and herbs, and she learned how various flora came to hold social significance.
The history of public art and urban art in Buenos Aires is politically charged and of enormous social significance.
«The formal triumph of gesture - field painting lay in its capacity to translate issues of broad social significance into problems internal to the act of painting.
It is crucially important that a matter of such social significance and public interest be carried out fairly to its conclusion according to law, and be seen to do so.»
Adhering to this belief in her studio practice, the 2015 MacArthur Award winner refuses to limit herself to any one way of making: in the three decades since graduating from RISD, she has created eye - opening figurative paintings, prints and sculpture teeming with social significance.
Contained in paragraphs 205 - 209 of the Outcome Document, the world governments underline the economic and social significance of good land management.
Its social significance, particularly in its most positive form, is inconceivable without its destructive, cathartic aspect, that is, the liquidation of the traditional value of the cultural heritage.»
Sex is now considered a private recreational activity, with no moral or social significance.
Was the social significance of that event of such magnitude that Newsweek needed to devote almost half its editorial pages to the phenomenon?
«The Social Significance of the Traditional Two - Parent Family: The Impact of Its Breakdown on the Lives of Children, Adults, and Societies» reinforces courage with an excellent summary of the pertinent findings from social science.
Consequently, they were unable to take advantage of the cultural and sub-cultural opportunities for gaining a sense of personal and social significance that were available to the more fortunate «belongers.»
Ann Bodine, writing in Language in Society (August 1975), goes so far as to say: «Because of the social significance of personal reference, personal pronouns are particularly susceptible to modifications in response to social and ideological change.»
In biblical times, depending on the station in life a woman occupied, whether she was single or married, childless or widowed, her social significance varied considerably; and this is reflected in the use of the words dealt with.
The social significance of Christian anti-Judaism in the United States has been well established by contemporary social scientists (see CBAS and WS).
The Sabbath, the day of the Lord, has a social significance; it is a day of rest for the slave and the aliens (Exod.
Even if we allow for some margin of error in this prediction, we should expect a radical change in the social significance of work.
And it denies that sex has any real moral or social significance, downgrading it by default to a mere recreational form of biological activity.
It is more important for the church to realise that the true basis and form of its witness in society is God's transforming work in Christ, which has cosmic and social significance.
Dr Spikins added: «We argue that the social significance of the broader pattern of healthcare has been overlooked and interpretations of a limited or calculated response to healthcare have been influenced by preconceptions of Neanderthals as being «different» and even brutish.
«They're looking less at the eyes not because of an aversion to making eye contact, but because they don't appear to understand the social significance of eye contact.»
Instead, young children with autism look less at the eyes because they appear to miss the social significance of eye contact.
Varricchio feels more confident in reading the social significance of the bones.
The fact that tickling oneself is notoriously ineffective attests to its social significance.
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