Sentences with phrase «social solidarity»

Both common humanity and my Muslim religious belief lead me to care about social solidarity.
We need to serve needs of the poor, strengthen the bonds of social solidarity, and defend the dignity of the human person.
Everywhere in these days we have ceased to understand that the true security is to be found in social solidarity rather than in isolated individual effort.
To cities torn by violent ethnic strife, Christianity offered a new basis for social solidarity.
If goods such as social solidarity across tribal differences, earth - respecting economic stewardship, and public justice for the marginalized and oppressed would be more difficult to achieve without modern differentiation, then the transformation of society will need to preserve and renew just as much as it abolishes and overturns.
Lambert Zuidervaart is quite right to emphasize the importance of such goods as «social solidarity across tribal differences, earth - respecting economic stewardship, and public justice for the marginalized and oppressed.»
Under such influences as these, the social mass lost its indiscriminateness and the constituent persons emerged into clarity and importance, until the ideas of justice associated with the old social solidarity became intolerable.
He was «loyal to the royal» in himself at a time when social solidarity was rapidly disintegrating.
America, on the other hand, a strong tradition of respect for individuals as morally autonomous beings frustrates contemporary attempts to provide social solidarity and hence a socially informed sense of identity.
A cosmopolitan tendency to disregard the perennial need to support the state and renew social solidarity is a major shortcoming of many church - sponsored analyses of U.S. immigration.
The Old Testament starts with social solidarity so complete that the individual has practically no rights, and achieves at last profound insight into the meaning, worth, and possibility of personal life.
In short, Germany needed to create authentic social solidarity.
This presents a challenge for those who want to see employee ownership as a more widespread ownership model, or who see it as an ownership model that promotes greater social solidarity and economic equality.
One Nation Labour has so far seemed an attempt to rebuild social solidarity.
JR's first stunt is to take close - ups of villagers chomping on a baguette, then pasting them up side by side so that they all seem to be biting into the same elongated loaf — a sweetly surreal image, but a comic picture of social solidarity too.
Egypt's minister of social solidarity urges groups not to prejudge new draft law for NGOs, Reuters
No sooner had early Christianity thus carried the insights of great prophets, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, through to their logical conclusion, than it found itself facing the profound and inescapable truths involved in social solidarity.
Wary of the dangers that radical subjectivism and moral fanaticism pose for social solidarity and cultural coexistence, he urges us to practice humility, civility, and humor in our political dealings while holding fast to core principles such as individual freedom and human rights.
With this dimension, Adenauer promoted a vision of social solidarity in which a free market economy would play an essential but not ultimate role.
Through on - and off - campus events, we provide a sense of social solidarity and cohesiveness among students interested in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources.
Far beyond individual retribution, however, the duty of vengeance was an affair of social solidarity.
Protected from undertaking the reformation of this present world, therefore, by its apocalyptic faith in the divine invasion soon to come, early Christian individualism ran headlong into the danger of being as unbalanced on its side as the ancient Hebrews had been on the side of social solidarity.
So difficult is the achievement of balance in human thought and experience that one sees even the Bible moving from an original sense of social solidarity, lacking adequate recognition of individuality, to a sense of the value of the single human soul, in danger of lacking adequate consciousness of social obligation.
So long as social solidarity existed as a fact in Israel and the national group was still coherent, traditional ideas of social solidarity were bound to persist.
To suppose, therefore, that the New Testament disciples, carrying to high fulfillment the principle of individuality, escaped the problems of social solidarity is to misread the situation.
Having seen an Arab chieftain's son, who had attended the American University in Beirut, make his decision between the old nomadic life of his clan, still living in tents, and the new town life which his education made possible, one vividly understands that, choosing the former, he inevitably chose submergence in the social solidarity of his group as against emergence into the individualism of a commercial community.
Taken by itself, without the balancing truth contained in the idea of social solidarity, Ezekiel's teaching was no adequate account of the facts.
Taken for granted here is that family and friends share a conviction that living virtuously is the only truly good human life, and that we need friendship and social solidarity in pursuing that great good.
The evils endured by the returning exiles, the need of uncompromising separateness if they were not to be assimilated and lost, the bitter resentment aroused by the cruelty of Hellenistic and Roman conquerors, constrained Judaism not only to social solidarity but, in Palestine especially, to extreme racial, national, and religious particularism.
To be sure, under the influence of social solidarity, Hebrew hopes of the future were in the beginning centered on an undying nation upon earth, but when hope outgrew this early stage and resurrection from Sheol became a Jewish expectation, it took of necessity the form of an individual return.
When the later Judaism saw in retrospect this conflict between prophetic ideals and popular religion, it was clear that the social solidarity of the nation had been on the wrong side of the issue and that Jeremiah, in his courageous and sacrificial isolation, had been right.
The objective of the society of Mont - Pèlerin was on the one hand, to combat Keynesianism and the social solidarity measures that prevailed after the Second World War and, on the other hand, to prepare for the future the theoretical foundations of another kind of capitalism, hard and liberated from any rule.
This is a threat to social solidarity.
One may speak of it as a transition from the social solidarity so characteristic of the non-Western world to the spirit of personal responsibility of the West provided, of course, one also realizes that such transitions are taking place among persons who have not journed to the West.
He acknowledges, as he has before, the «kernel of truth» in Marxism which is the declared concern for the poor and social solidarity.
If theology is to illuminate the life of the human spirit it must interpret both the fact of man's capacity to judge society from a point of view which transcends all achieved cultural values, and also the fact of that social solidarity which in the religious community makes the prophetic critic possible.
The justice that comes through enforced sharing (found in the tax and benefit systems of welfare states) is higher - since it reflects a consensus of social solidarity - but still not enough.
Many towns in the Dakota Territory were named after Union heroes, and the shared experience of veterans provided an immediate sense of social solidarity that was strongly colored by an idealistic patriotism.
For example, it is easy, and in part correct, to mock bankers who defend their practices as «God's work», but a well - run banking system is much more a sign of social solidarity than of untrammelled individualistic greed.
(Jeremiah 15:15) Moreover, the saving efficacy of good lives in a community had been an implicit corollary of the old sense of social solidarity, as is picturesquely evidenced in Yahweh's consent to Abraham's argument that if there were even ten good men in Sodom it should not be destroyed.
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