Sentences with phrase «social terms»

I propose, however, that it is also legitimate to interpret these spheres in social terms.
«Marriage» would become an optional and voluntary social term for anyone who wants to use it.
As early as 1932, Bonhoeffer insisted that human freedom be understood in strictly social terms as man's freedom for others.16 According to Bonhoeffer, freedom functions as a middle term between transcendence and acts of love.
The comprehensive tech website tackles social terms, too, such as netiquette and meme, to give users a full understanding of interactions on the web.
There are several definitions of the term migration, for example, according to the National Population Council (CONAPO in Mexico) in human social terms: migration is the movement of people from their birthplace to a different place, in some cases they even move to a different country, and it happens for an undetermined period of time.
My argument is based mostly on theory: we can't innovate the basic platform of rules we need to manage complex human interactions and drive progress in both economic and social terms if we rely, as we currently do, almost exclusively on top - down public provision and highly closed legal markets, and almost exclusively on complex text - based rules that require expensive interpretation and generate expensive and slow adjudication to resolve disputes.
Kudo referred to these as trou noir or black holes and also suggested that several reflected the balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces, which he believed unified Japan, not in social terms, but in a pantheistic sense.
Another said that even though renting saves him and his wife $ 4,000 per month, in social terms, «we've never felt poorer.»
This different focus has been associated with significant success in economic and social terms, and contributed to these countries» advancement in their global level of competitiveness.
I do not have room here to develop the argument against «Christian - collective» systems (especially those whose proponents point to the primacy of the kingdom of God and interpret the kingdom in collective, social terms).
In modern times, the Iona Community was founded in 1938 by George MacLeod (1895 - 1991) to express the theology of the incarnation in social terms.
She writes that she and Paul, not thinking at all «in economic, political, or social terms,» once «dared to go to a show» in a Harlem basement.
If I can ever successfully think my way forward to the most complex task of all, practical theology, the same ratio will hold: the principal methodological issue will be the relationship of theory and praxis in: both personal and social terms, and the principal theological topics will be Spirit and church.
Rightly understood, it is the expression in social terms, first, of the fundamental plurality of existence, and second, of the awareness of dominant values, and third, of the sense of dependence which such awareness inspires.
Hence in social terms the disorderly turmoil of individuals pursuing conflicting and egotistical aims; and, on the national scale, the chaos of armed conflict in which, for want of a better object, the excess of accumulated energy is destructively released... «Idleness, mother of all vices.»
Indeed, MacIntyre reports, he learned that his attempt to provide an account of the human good in social terms was inadequate without a metaphysical grounding.
That is to say, if we think of «fit» solely in social terms» that society needs people to do the work for which they are best suited» we may begin to push people in the direction of work they would rather not choose and in which they find little fulfillment.
The destructiveness of the ego is immediately evident in social terms: Everyone wants to take, to have, and the result is discord and warfare.
But the effect of their presence is basically contradictory to the Christian message, which stresses the importance of the anonymous, the outcast, and the value of those who have not been able to make it in social terms.
According to the report, «In social terms, child and maternal malnutrition continue to reduce the quality of life and life expectancy of millions of people.»
All in all, coding and marking onto packaging for a beverage producer is a key driver in economic and social terms, protecting brands from counterfeit and product recalls, and increasing consumer confidence.
«Swirl Into Reality» By Kola Boof «Swirling» — a social term that refers to the recent interracial dating boom in America is now a crucially important... [Read more...]
«Swirling» — a social term that refers to the recent interracial dating boom in America is now a crucially important book that every Black woman should read.
While centered on place in physical, material, and social terms, Foreign Parts
These worksheets look briefly at India in economics, environmental, global, local, national and social terms and the students discuss how they thin...
These worksheets look briefly at India in economics, environmental, global, local, national and social terms and the students discuss how they think India may develop and change over the next ten years
Most talked about their defection in social terms, friends following friends.
Kudo referred to these as trou noir and also suggested that several reflected the balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces which he believed unified Japan, not in social terms, but in a pantheistic sense.
Law refers to the practise of law, i.e. the subject «The Law», which we study at college, or which we talk about in social terms, i.e. «That is what you must do, it's the law.»
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