Sentences with phrase «social understanding about»

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Meanwhile, Facebook Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer told the Financial Times that the social network was now «being much more diligent about trying to understand upfront all the misuse and bad [use] cases» before it launches new products.
Social Media doesn't understand about architectural barriers, or distinguish between countries or beliefs, it just spreads everywhere.
Much of emotional intelligence comes down to social awareness; the ability to read other people, know what they're about, and understand what they're going through.
So whether you are offended by Starbucks» holiday - cup campaign or found it to be an utter waste of valuable real estate on your Facebook feed, it is important for entrepreneurs to understand that this is how information and news gets proliferated these days — through tens of millions of people chatting about it on social media.
Clearly convey to your employees the risks associate with social media sites, share recent news articles about Facebook and Twitter cyber-attacks, help them understand the potential impact to both the business and to their personal data.
An enormous number — 93 percent — understood that companies use social networking to get new customers, while 91 percent agreed that businesses use social networks to disseminate information about their products and services to potential customers.
«City officials may not understand that they will get access to very little of what Google learns from their citizens... Meanwhile, Google will be gaining insights about urban life — including energy use, transit effectiveness, climate mitigation strategies, and social service delivery patterns — that it will then be able to resell to cities around the world.
Leadership WA spent some time with Terry to understand more about his philosophy on leadership and his insights on the role of the corporate sector in contributing to community and social impact.
«Individual preferences are still the main drivers for «doing good,» and price matters, too, in terms of tax relief, but we have to think about social interactions in order to really understand behavior,» Smith said.
Include warnings, not unlike those on drugs or cigarettes, about the dangers of using Facebook and social media so that users fully understand what they are getting into when they use the service.
Researching their social media platforms, learning more about the challenges they are facing and understanding the culture of the organization are important parts of showing that you care about the company and are the best candidate.
Fortunately, the type of annuity you're asking about — an immediate annuity — is (by annuity standards at least) the easiest to understand and, to my mind the type with the greatest potential for helping people who want more guaranteed lifetime income than Social Security alone will provide.
People are probably talking about your company on social networks, but it can be hard to understand what those conversations mean.
But on Monday, the company confirmed that it had bought Topsy Labs, a research company that could help Apple better understand what people are talking about on social media networks like Twitter.
A third reason why testifying is notable is because of the optics: for a lot of people who do not understand and care much about the intricacies of how social networks handle their data, this could bring new light to the topic, on both sides of the table.
«I got really interested in trying to understand how we could model human behavior through social media because there's residue of who we are in everything we do and here we had lots of little behaviors that we could use to try to understand a little bit more about who you are.»
Many organizations make the mistake of trying to partner with the most - followed people on social media without understanding if the individual cares about your company's offerings and has an audience similar to your customer base.
Simply, it's about asking questions that help us understand if budget priorities, tax structures, and government programs maintain or worsen inequality, or if they help «level the playing field» for people occupying different social locations.
But with social media keyword research, you want to understand what keywords people are using to describe your product or services or talk about a problem they need a solution to.
The 45 - day Call seeks to gather information about specific areas within the Beaufort Sea Planning Area that have the most promising oil and gas resource potential, while also increasing the agency's understanding about environmentally sensitive habitats and important social and cultural uses — including vital Alaska Native subsistence activities — that also exist within the area.
Buyer persona — and now Social Buyer Persona Development is about understanding behaviors, ecosystems, culture, and goals.
In the world of marketing and sales, we are seeing the need for contextual understanding due to a very relevant fact: the context we understood for many years about buyer behavior has drastically changed due to social technologies.
After learning of some surprising realities about the level of misinformation being disseminated about Social Security, Cheryl has made it her goal to provide students with a deep understanding of the multitude of factors that play a role in determining how retirees can achieve the maximum value available to them from Social Security.
There is an increasing consensus about the value of intact two - parent families, together with an understanding of the social risks posed by increases in births outside of marriage.
Instead, each side has capitulated - each in its own way - to the philistine notion that art is necessarily about power: that all works of art, including the world's great masterpieces, are best understood as either attacks on the established social order or defenses of it....
It is not a retreat from social or political action to seek to get to the bottom of things and to understand the truth, which is about all we have left anyway.
The people whose interpretations of experience we are studying are not Trobiand Islanders, but Jews of the first - century Mediterranean world; to understand how they interpret their lives, we need to learn as much as possible about the properly historical realities within which they lived: the social and symbolic worlds of Roman rule, Hellenistic culture, and a variegated Judaism.
In short, Culture and Abortion is addressed to the committed pro-lifer who seeks to understand more about the social, historical, political and literary influences on the «barbarity of abortion».
And it seems to me that this conundrum in particular — this tendency among young, social media - savvy evangelicals to consume information about the depravity of our culture like Cookie Monster at an Oreo Factory, only to belch out the same tired critiques — comes down to our understanding of the Kingdom of God and how it's made.
Paideia proved compatible both with the more social understanding of human personhood that marked medieval life and with the more individualistic assumptions about personhood that marked much Renaissance culture.
Along with this effort to provide a broader social understanding of religious institutions and a more sophisticated framework in which to explain the dynamics of religious life, practical theologians raise specific questions about education for contemporary religious leaders.
the purpose why God allowed multiple religions to evolve and exist in the distant and even today is because our minds intellectual capacity has increased tremendously after we became civilized about 10,000 years go.Earlier when we were hunter gatherers our priorities was just to find food to survive, Then we became more knowlegible and our concern includes the intelle tual need to understand the meaning and purpose of our existence, so God allowed the founding and establishment of many religions by humans to conform with their intellectual, social and educational development, Since this is not static, it contiually diversify and change to conform with their times of existince, History showed that this is continuesly improving, so the future expects changes towards Panthrotheism in accordance to His will.
For our purposes, the most satisfactory definition would be: Christianity is the total life of the community of men and women who respond to what they know about God — along with their neighbors, who are caught up into the social movement or process we call «the church» (however this may be understood)-- in terms of the socially remembered event of Jesus Christ.
Traditional Catholic thinking about international relations was based on an older understanding of and appreciation for individual political communities as the loci within which a social order embodying justice in all its aspects might be established and maintained, thereby securing peace as the tranquillity of that just order.
Conservatives, despite their substantive disagreements about the ultimate nature of things, have resisted liberal and radical calls for «transparency» in social life precisely because they understand that society can not withstand a too systematic or energetic analysis of its sometimes fragile foundations.
In order to make sense of the Qur» anic passages about jihad, for instance, it is helpful to know more about Islamic understandings of God, revelation, and the religious and social requirements for the faithful.
«We do not here advocate an unheard - of modern understanding of Jesus; we ask rather that the implications of what the church has always said about Jesus as Word of the Father, as true God and true Man, be taken more seriously, as relevant to our social problems, than ever before.»
And if you want to really understand the history of that time, what instigated her assassination, please read about Operation Blue Star and how the media and social activists were not allowed even a peep into what happened there in the Sikh shrine.
In this book he argued that religion created a conscience which is quick to understand social need, that religious philanthropy gives charitably but without raising ultimate questions about the causes of social maladjustment, that religion «unifies individuals, stabilizes societies, creates social imagination and sanctifies social life; but it also perpetuates ancient evils, increases social inertia, creates illusions and preserves superstitions.
As the new literature about «theological education» began to grow during the past decade it quickly became clear [l] that for some participants the central issue facing «theological education» is the fragmentation of its course of study and the need to reconceive it so as to recover its unity, whereas for others the central issue is «theological education's» inadequacy to the pluralism of social and cultural locations in which the Christian thing is understood and lived.
That's why, for example, I don't understand how anybody would want to be on a panel at one of those political luncheons where they talk about why the private sector ought to handle this or that social problem.
They also have the right to expect that the moral and social context within which the programme is taught is clearly Catholic, that children come away with a clear understanding of social relationships and the moral context in which sexual intimacy should occur, and an understanding of why the Catholic Church teaches what it teaches about the human body, sexuality, and friendship.
Still, the context of this sentence becomes clearer when he talks about how the value - laden «paradigms and assumptions» of the social sciences and humanities have contributed to the problematic conditioning of our understanding of education.
It was appropriate, then, for early 20th - century Social Gospel theologians like Walter Rauschenbusch to observe how prejudice and social discrimination are passed from one generation to the next, and it is consistent for theologians today to incorporate observations about social inheritance — what liberation theologians and feminist theologians call «social location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condSocial Gospel theologians like Walter Rauschenbusch to observe how prejudice and social discrimination are passed from one generation to the next, and it is consistent for theologians today to incorporate observations about social inheritance — what liberation theologians and feminist theologians call «social location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condsocial discrimination are passed from one generation to the next, and it is consistent for theologians today to incorporate observations about social inheritance — what liberation theologians and feminist theologians call «social location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condsocial inheritance — what liberation theologians and feminist theologians call «social location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condsocial location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condition.
He and his many devoted followers on the left would do well to think through more thoroughly and take to heart more fully the eloquent strictures about the need for engaged social criticism — criticism that first seeks to understand people on their own terms and in light of their own standards — that Walzer has woven into his voluminous writings.
«In the world in which we now live, with fears about «The Other» - whether that be Sunni, Shia, Jew, Christian, Yazidi, Hindu or Buddhist - stoked and spread through social media, and amplified by those who would seek to suppress understanding, rather than promote it, there is an urgent need for calm reflection and a genuinely sustained, empathetic and open dialogue across boundaries of faith, ethnicity and culture.»
David Landry does not hesitate to speak directly to corporate social issues about abortion, drug abuse, ecological rape, or minority rights in Metro City and beyond because he understands social contextuality as the norm for the Word realizing itself.
To understand a nation one must know about all its peaceful activities, the development of its populace, its social structure, economy, peace - time traffic across its borders, and so on.
In an earlier article I noted that in India, any discussion about baptism and conversion takes on «added significance because of the understanding that after baptism the «converted» person has not only changed his or her religion but also social milieu, habits, customs, and manners, in addition to forfeiting several legal rights, especially with regard to the inheritance of property.
We have social - psychological theories about meaning and belonging that help us understand what is happening in the first instance, demographic models for the second case, and studies of congregations and leadership roles for the third.
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