Sentences with phrase «social understanding through»

The purpose of the work is to connect my inner society with the public and make a bridge of social understanding through interaction.
CET focused on helping adults improve their thinking and social understanding through computer - based exercises designed to improve attention, memory and problem - solving, along with small group exercises designed to help individuals take the perspectives of others and better understand social situations.

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As the study put it, «publishers must understand that these relationships begin through friends» referrals and social media,» and that in order for younger audiences to be willing to pay a subscription for their news, «they must bond with your mission and purpose.»
Through social media and your own communication records, you'll have a wealth of information at your fingertips and CRM or contact management software is there to help you understand it.
Much of emotional intelligence comes down to social awareness; the ability to read other people, know what they're about, and understand what they're going through.
So whether you are offended by Starbucks» holiday - cup campaign or found it to be an utter waste of valuable real estate on your Facebook feed, it is important for entrepreneurs to understand that this is how information and news gets proliferated these days — through tens of millions of people chatting about it on social media.
The coveted 18 - 49 demographic now mostly resides on the Internet, and there is no better way to win over their hearts than by understanding how to communicate through social media.
Understand your customer journey through your website and social channels to decide on the most effective times to publish, the right channels to use and the call to action you'll use.
«I got really interested in trying to understand how we could model human behavior through social media because there's residue of who we are in everything we do and here we had lots of little behaviors that we could use to try to understand a little bit more about who you are.»
This means that social entrepreneurs, to make greater impact, must double down on the actions that create real, sustainable change: building stronger relationships with clients, partners, funders and institutions through empathy, listening, genuine understanding and the willingness to acknowledge failure.
After first establishing the footprint of a deep understanding of the new social buyer persona through social context - based qualitative efforts, companies must continually «refresh» this understanding in order to achieve the state of social buyer persona readiness.
The second is to make a contribution towards advancing buyer behavior understanding through the social science of Buyerology.
Religions incorporated and codified these basic social values and skills, and quickly learned to take credit for them — as if, without the religion, we would be doomed to not have them — although we see them in every human society, including hunter - gather tribes with no sense of gods as we understand them After many centuries of religious domination, enforced through pain of death, ostracization or other social sanctions, allowing religion to take credit, as well as failing to question other religious claims — has become a cultural habit.
We learn who we are through the stories we embrace as our own — the story of my life is structured by the larger stories (social, political, mythic) in which I understand my personal story to take place.
Our task is to work hard, master the arguments (scientific, ethical, philosophical, social), understand the history of how we arrived here, defy the temptation to give up through boredom, build a coherent movement of defiance, and thereby prepare if not ourselves, then at least the next generation, for the moment when the revolution collapses under the weight of its own delusions and contradictions.
Progressive religious folks of all stripes tend to share a post-triumphalism (a sense that it's time to move beyond the old triumphalist paradigm in which one religion is The Right Path to God and all the other paths are wrong), as well as an inclination toward reading our sacred texts through interpretive lenses which take into account changing social mores and changing understandings of justice.
Having grown up with the life of a social - religious group, and bearing its stamp all through, it can be adequately understood only in relation to that group - life in its changing phases, including the life of the Christian Church down the centuries and in the present age.
To fulfll the Lord's mission worldwide, we must understand that we live in different social, political, historical and cultural contexts in and through which God acts and speaks to us, though we live on the same globe.
This understanding of injustice as social surd is crucial for breaking through the classical and modern deformation of reason and of faith.
And he suggested that Darwinian biology rightly understood would sustain his conclusion that social cooperation through a division of labor was rooted in the biological propensities of human nature.
As I have warned so often, there is here no guarantee of any particular social good, but at least there is ground for hope that in ways beyond our present understanding the powers of the «age to come,» the work of the living Christ, the influence of the Holy Spirit, the impact of that within the church which Paul Tillich calls the «New Being» will break through many of the obstacles in the secular order to transform and transform again the kingdoms of this world.
In this view the preacher creates social order through preaching, and, therefore, the understanding of social order in a parish is the preacher's view of this order.
He and his many devoted followers on the left would do well to think through more thoroughly and take to heart more fully the eloquent strictures about the need for engaged social criticism — criticism that first seeks to understand people on their own terms and in light of their own standards — that Walzer has woven into his voluminous writings.
The personal and the social are linked, not through ideological arguments, but in a theological understanding of grace.
And his Gospel, though not a pattern of an ecclesiastical system nor yet a program for modern social reform, is still «social» through and throughsocial because religious, in the ancient biblical understanding of religion.5
«In the world in which we now live, with fears about «The Other» - whether that be Sunni, Shia, Jew, Christian, Yazidi, Hindu or Buddhist - stoked and spread through social media, and amplified by those who would seek to suppress understanding, rather than promote it, there is an urgent need for calm reflection and a genuinely sustained, empathetic and open dialogue across boundaries of faith, ethnicity and culture.»
In all of this it was understood that religion was an activity in process, as social groups sought to achieve more productive adjustment to the factors of the natural and social environment which carry their culture through historical development.
And since the news operations are themselves part of vast conglomerations of business power, the management of these corporations, through their selection of staff, their promulgation of policy «guidelines», and their intricate and subtle system of rewards and punishments, oversee and maintain a news environment that fosters not so much facts and understanding, as profit and the prevailing social order.
They are, first, the development of the student's emotional, intellectual, social, and professional life; second, knowledge and understanding of human behavior in breadth and depth; and third, the ability to relate to others therapeutically through an understanding of psychotherapeutic approaches and processes.
Inasmuch as congregations are themselves social spaces with social forms, theological schooling focused through questions about them must attend critically to the scripture whose use creates the social space; and it must attend to the disciplines of the human sciences that provide understanding of the social forms that make congregations moral and political realities in their own right.
And the encounter with truth requires that we understand the methods appropriate to its complex character: truth about structures is discerned primarily through the objective methods of the sciences — natural, social, historical — and through the rigorous application of critical thought; truth about meanings is learned through the intuition and exercise of faith, hope and love.
b) Theology of social and political action: Muentzer was led not only to a new concept of religious authority, the prophetic proclamation of the elect but also to a new understanding of man's nature and destiny Luther saw man utterly sinful and can be saved only through complete trust in the grace of God as revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The state's propensity to assign individuals identities through voter registration lists and social security numbers or more generally to reinforce conceptions of individual rights serves as an example; the roles of educational systems (through individualized test scores) and professional careers (organized around cumulative skills attached to the individual's biography) provide further examples.7 This work is important because it shows the dependence of self - constructs on markers in the culture at large: the self is understood not only in terms of internal development but also as a product of external reinforcement.
This is a story that is believable, easily understood and therefore easy to spread through word of mouth and social media.»
Among the topics covered were effectively engaging the consumer base through digital content marketing, driving sales and measuring success in a digital age, understanding and effectively leveraging big data, and amplifying the impact of social media trends and insights.
Through his work at RSF he has helped many nonprofits and Waldorf schools in their understanding of the intersection of money and spirit in social transformation.
Preteens need their parents to guide them through puberty, help them understand their changing bodies and all the social and sexual changes that are also taking place.
Through the adversity and social prejudices, she understands that mothers in their 20s aren't «kids having kids».
Why is the study of ideologies so important for understanding — and navigating through — the social world of which we are part?
«To be successful in today's society, children's learning needs to go beyond academics and include acquiring the social and emotional skills to have successful relationships, understand and work through emotions, and make good life choices.»
With full understanding of ridership and revenues4 on different routes (through better data collection) the metro mayor should seek to offer services to connect people more quickly and affordably to job and training opportunities across the city region, as well boosting health, environmental and social outcomes.
Speaking through his Executive Secretary, Mr.Bamidele Ijagbemi via a statement, the monarch noted that «this assurance becomes necessary for Lagosians to understand that the state has just entered another era of superlative performance in infrastructural development and social welfare».
At 9 a.m., Approximately 900 specialists from a variety of scientific, psychological, social service and educational communities will gather at The Egg, Center for the Performing Arts Hart Theatre to consider promising research on how, through understanding the emerging connections between trauma and the science of brain development, children can overcome the long - term consequences of extreme trauma and adversity.
- Cognitive Neuroscience The Cognitive Neuroscience emphasis seeks highly innovative and interdisciplinary proposals aimed at advancing a rigorous understanding of how the human brain supports thought, perception, affect, action, social processes, and other aspects of cognition and behavior, including how such processes develop and change in the brain and through evolutionary time.
Many social animals start to feel itchy after watching one of their fellows scratch, and scientists now have a better understanding of why an itch can spread through a group.
«This paper helps us think through the place of energy across our economic and social systems, and by extension, helps us understand our relationship with our environment.
Elsewhere in the issue, you can see how science is working on new breeding and distribution techniques to save the coral reefs; a way to gain a better understanding of dark matter through the search for whether axion particles exist; a probe into the cause and solutions for the toxic condition of social disconnection, also known as loneliness; and even how to elucidate the long - sought origins of how snakes got their slither.
Leidner and colleagues recall how political and social psychology researchers have in recent decades steadily gained more understanding, through research, of such psychological factors as intergroup threat, uncertainty, group identity, emotions, moral beliefs and how intergroup conflict affects views of the world and of oneself.
Social inequality can emerge through a society's understanding of appropriate gender roles, or through the prevalence of social stereotSocial inequality can emerge through a society's understanding of appropriate gender roles, or through the prevalence of social stereotsocial stereotyping.
Additionally, she peers beyond the traditional boundaries of science and explains that because of the advancements in our understanding of the universe through modern physics, religious faith is best relegated to the social and psychological dimensions of the human mind.
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