Sentences with phrase «social unit»

The family is the most important social unit in human society.
The value here is in documenting an example of the small social units and their values that were steps in the evolution to representational government.
But a small group of you is on an island together, forming the most basic social unit of scientific research, the research group.
If we want to work for social justice and I certainly do we must first do justice to the fundamental social unit and that is the family.
Thus the gang has one kind of being which is evil because out of relation to the larger social unit within which it lives.
That means they form stable social units and protect territory from other dogs.
The family is the fundamental social unit, and for its establishment sexual life exists.
All birds will be implanted with micro-GPS trackers to trace their movements — in this way we can locate and retrieve birds that wander, but more importantly we can observe if the birds are forming the tight social units that historic passenger pigeons did.
All traditional Balinese social unit from households to kingdoms, possess their own temples where...
All traditional Balinese social unit from households to kingdoms, possess their own temples where offerings are offered to the deities concerned with their affairs, for example market deities in the market temple, ancestors in the household and clan temple.
We are learning about matrifocal cultures in which descent may be through the woman's family, in which the mother - child relationship is the important social unit and women have great prestige and sometimes political power.
Articles in this area carried such stirring titles as «Goliath Rum on the Run:» The Century editors argued repeatedly that the use of liquor destroys social units — especially the family — and keeps people from realizing their natural potential.
A «natural grouping» is a small social unit made up of people whose fives are in some measure interlaced and who provide for each other a stable context in which the orderly transmission of values can take place from parents to children.
The individual was not an isolated, completely autonomous person» as some Americans foolishly think they are today» but rather a part of a larger, sprawling social unit
The small family unit known as a nuclear family today is the typical family type of the modern era in Western cultures.1 During the last two hundred years, identity has been associated more with the family unit than with larger social units like a congregation.
There could be no ideal for a nation until there were smaller social units ready to unite and there can be no ideal for a world society without a prior actualization of national communities.
No creature on earth lives in cohesive social units that rival this complexity or biomass.
These actions resulted in the young elephants being exposed to a significant traumatic event (the selective killing of all of their older family members followed by translocation to an unfamiliar environment), as well as the severe long - term damage to the core social unit - the family group - in this highly social species [16, 19].
Swedell, L., Saunders, J., Schreier, A., Davis, B., Tesfaye, T., Pines, M. (2011) Female «dispersal» in hamadryas baboons: transfer among social units in a multi-level society.
had leash catches for 118 yards port's 27 departure to the synths and blow San authorities social unit known for his animal group acquire the figure.
When it comes to Russian women, this key interest overlaps with the desire of western men to build a strong social unit.
Current behavioral studies offer possible insight into why this is so, documenting profound differences in the behavior of family dogs — who have opportunities for daily, positive interactions with people — and resident dogs who simply live on the property in relative isolation without integration into the family social unit.
Typical social units include: nursery groups (females and their most recent calves), mixed sex groups of juveniles and strongly - bonded pairs of adult males.
Social unit costs of mitigation - Carbon prices in US$ per metric ton (~ 2,205 pounds) of CO2 and US$ per metric ton (~ 2,205 pounds) C - eq (as affected by mitigation policies and using social discount rates) required to achieve a particular level of mitigation (economic potential) in the form of a reduction below a baseline for heat - trapping gas (greenhouse gas) emissions.
A cluster randomized trial involves randomizing social units or clusters of individuals, rather than the individuals themselves.
The client may be an individual child, parent / carer, couple, family, group, organisation or other specifiable social unit.
All birds will be implanted with micro-GPS trackers to trace their movements — in this way we can locate and retrieve birds that wander, but more importantly we can observe if the birds are forming the tight social units that historic passenger pigeons did.
The golden crowned sifaka, Propithecus tattersalli, is a lemur living in small social units in the north of Madagascar.
Many anthropologists have assumed, based on observations of sometimes polygamous modern - day hunter - gatherers, that the basic social unit of early humans was the band or tribe rather than the family.
Status, social and economic, had come to play the overriding part; the virtues had come, in a way, to be a function, even a decoration, of this important social unit, Instead of being primarily the special calling of a few, the religious life had become the profession of many.
According to Parsons, these processes are fully operative only in a total society, yet they appear in qualified ways in smaller social units.
«The family,» wrote Professor George William Knox, «is by nature the social unit, and Jesus makes its terms dominate the whole series of his conceptions.»
(p. 135) She writes, «As a whole culture, as a social unit, we had at last become truly post-modern, post-denominational, post rational, post-Enlightenment, post-almost everything else that only a century before we had been, including post-Christendom.
In totemism, a particular animal or (less often) some other natural phenomenon or artifact is given a special role as the ancestral being around which the social unit's life is structured.
The social unit is primary in the sense that an individual can live in only one neighborhood or be a member of only one tribe.
Effective management is required to fulfill the utilitarian goals of the social unit: each member has private goods that are parlayed to greatest advantage by efficient administration.
It also goes on to say that we are not just talking about public situations, that last section literally means that within their own homes and social units, women are being made to feel uncomfortable because they breastfeed.
The government claims that these new proposals will increase house building and reduced council house waiting lists, by replacing each social unit sold.
Subjects who had expressed a high level of support for policies «protecting the social unit» showed a much larger change in skin conductance in response to alarming photos than those who didn't support such policies.
For communication within larger social units, the raid, guild, and any of Azeroth's town and city channels, everyone relies on chat: a scrolling column of typed words.
But for any social unit larger than a party, human speech is unworkable.
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