Sentences with phrase «socialist government of»

In his later life, Matta dedicated much of his work to political activism and was a strong supporter of the Socialist government of Chilean president Salvador Allende.
In Spain, for example, serious corruption scandals referring to decades of illegal financing by the conservative party, and the atrocious mismanagement of a fund created by the socialist government of Andalucía to aid companies engaged in collective dismissal procedures (EREs in their Spanish acronym) have recently emerged.
Plus, for all their condemnation of US foreign adventurism since Bush, the socialist government of France happily got themselves involved in the war in Mali and before that, started the war in Libya.
Augusto Pinochet, in full Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, (born November 25, 1915, Valparaiso, Chile — died December 10, 2006, Santiago), leader of the military junta that overthrew the socialist government of Pres. Salvador Allende of Chile on September 11, 1973.
As president, Kirchner was one of Latin America's most prominent leftists and was close with the socialist government of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Not exact matches

A member of the German liberal party blamed the country's Socialist Party for the recent collapse in coalition talks to form a new government.
President Francois Hollande's Socialist government, accused by political opponents of doing too little to avert the attack that killed 84 and hurt hundreds, also said it would step up strikes against Islamic State in its strongholds in Iraq and Syria.
The move comes at a time when Maduro's socialist government is in the midst of a crackdown on domestic freedoms and Caracas» financial transactions have been hamstrung by Western sanctions.
Underlining the depth of feeling, videos circulating online seemed to show five prominent socialist politicians — including Chavez's brother Adan — being booed at voting centers on Sunday, with crowds yelling «the government will fall!»
Parliamentarians and socialists in the UK and Europe are calling on Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain's Labour Party and a longtime supporter of Venezuela's leadership, to denounce the Venezuelan government in light of recent events.
The arrests follow a purge that has seen more than 80 executives at PDVSA and its suppliers jailed for alleged corruption as the state firm's new chief, Major General Manuel Quevedo, has sought to stamp his authority on the sector - the financial lifeblood of Venezuela's unraveling socialist government.
PARIS, Oct 28 - Executives from nearly 100 of France's biggest companies called on the Socialist government on Sunday to cut payroll taxes by 30 billion euros over two years to regain waning competitiveness.
However, senior Green politician Cecile Duflot, who was housing minister in the previous Socialist - led government, accused Valls of not learning from losses in municipal elections last year.
party despite having served as minister of the economy in the socialist government between 2014 and 2016, made headlines for reasons other than his political acumen.
The meaning soon became apparent: tolerated by Mrs. Merkel and actively opposed by Britain, Juncker needed the support of the French socialist government.
Mainly the socialist social programs of the U.S. will (more) rapidly bankrupt the country if the U.S. government can't continue to print dollars to inflate it's way out of it's incredible mountain of debt.
Even the Australian government (which ran on the last election of cancelling the carbon tax imposed by the previous socialist government; and they won) have just cancelled all government funding of solar and wind power generation.
In August 1972, more than a year before the military coup, the CIA funded a 300 - page economic blueprint which it supplied to the country's military and some of the most ambitious business families in an effort to hasten the overthrow of Salvador Allende's socialist government, which had been elected by a small plurality in 1970.
In fact, as Milton Friedman himself observed, only a socialist government can impose his kind of economics, without sunk costs, with «pure» markets.
On one side of the debate are those who think the FCC is overstepping its authority, or that the National Broadband Plan is equivalent to some sort of socialist government takeover of the Internet and broadband communications industries.
France's Socialist government announced the first real - terms increase in the minimum wage for six years on Tuesday, but limited the rise to 0.6 percentage points above inflation as it sought to balance election promises with fears of damaging employment.
Oct. 18, 2009 - George Papandreou's new Socialist government reveals that the budget deficit is set to rise to at least 12 percent of gross domestic product, double the previous...
The socialist government in Caracas intends to use some of the $ 735 million collected from the pre-sale to finance the construction of 236,000 new homes.
Since coming to power at the end of 2015, a minority socialist Portuguese government has overcome initial skepticism among market participants and successfully introduced measures to reduce its budget deficit and reform the country's banking system, providing greater stability for investors.
Iâ $ ™ ve had the good fortune to live in France for the past 10 months on a year - long sabbatical and therefore been able to witness firsthand the travails of the Socialist government as it wrestles with the countryâ $ ™ s economic woes.
In recent issues of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor I've covered the U.S. government's ongoing «War on Cash»... how our government is trying to take over the Internet with the latest push for «net neutrality»... the risks and advantages of digital currency like bitcoin... how U.S. banks are preparing for «bail - ins» during the next financial crisis... how the U.S. government is using Common Core to indoctrinate children so they'll submit to the coming socialist society... and much, much more.
Critics of President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government point to the administration's own missteps for the country's spiraling quadruple digit inflation, making common goods too expensive for most residents.
The minister heads the state oil company PDVSA, which is in desperate need of a hike in fuel revenues and favorable financial ratings to fund imports of consumer goods and medical supplies for its citizens and to keep the socialist government's public services afloat.
A socialist government would not mandate health care by providing millions of new customers to insurance companies.
The idea of the people being compelled, essentially the point of a gun by the government, to surrender their property so it can be redistributed to people the government has deemed more deserving is socialist / communist not Christian.
Nevertheless, the project of the French socialist government runs out of the steam at the end of 1982, and fails openly from March 1983 onwards.
The fact is those dependent upon leveraging a corrupt and massive Federal socialist government are scared as hell of seeing it dwindle.
Bachmann's attack is pretty clever in the way it manages to paint any rhetoric or politics of effective governance as Obama / socialist / Big Government.
I'm sort of a socialist but even I know that no government program can replace a true friend, a true sister and true community.
In this particular instance it is not very difficult to imagine scenarios in the not - too - distant future in which there might occur resurgences of socialist policies and ideals: the failure of neo-capitalist regimes in developing societies and / or the formerly Communist countries in Europe to achieve economic take - off; the insight granted to sundry dictators and despots that, while socialism invariably immiserates the masses, it is a very good recipe for enriching those who claim to hold power as the vanguard of the masses; the «creeping socialism» (still an aptly descriptive term) brought on by massive government intervention in the economy in the name of some societal good, e.g., there could be an environmentalist road to socialism, or a feminist one, or one constructed (perhaps inadvertently) with some other building blocks of politically managed regulations and entitlements; or, last but not least, the actual restoration of socialism, by coup or by voting, in a number of countries, beginning with Russia.
He calls the latter liberalism rather than socialism, but his advocacy of massive government programs favoring an «unsubtle, crude, old - fashioned redistribution of wealth, through taxation and public spending» is unmistakably socialist in inspiration and consequence.
As national morality continues to decline (thanks to the left and the failure of evangelicals) and socialist government grows we can expect more meaningless violence and more calls to disarm Americans of effective weaponry by those who trust in (or run) government.
This narrative has a hero, the Socialist Minister Noel Browne, who served in the aforementioned government of 1948, and a villain, Dublin's long «serving archbishop, Dr. John Charles McQuaid.
After leading the Church's successful resistance to the Socialist government's effort to diminish the autonomy of Catholic schools in the early 1980s, Lustiger developed a good relationship with President François Mitterrand.
Fox tells the story from beginning to end: childhood in the German - American parsonage; nine grades of school followed by three years in a denominational «college» that was not yet a college and three year's in Eden Seminary, with graduation at 21; a five - month pastorate due to his father's death; Yale Divinity School, where despite academic probation because he had no accredited degree, he earned the B.D. and M.A.; the Detroit pastorate (1915 - 1918) in which he encountered industrial America and the race problem; his growing reputation as lecturer and writer (especially for The Christian Century); the teaching career at Union Theological Seminary (1928 - 1960); marriage and family; the landmark books Moral Man and Immoral Society and The Nature and Destiny of Man; the founding of the Fellowship of Socialist Christians and its journal Radical Religion; the gradual move from Socialist to liberal Democratic politics, and from leader of the Fellowship of Reconciliation to critic of pacifism; the break with Charles Clayton Morrison's Christian Century and the inauguration of Christianity and Crisis; the founding of the Union for Democratic Action, then later of Americans for Democratic Action; participation in the ecumenical movement, especially the Oxford Conference and the Amsterdam Assembly; increasing friendship with government officials and service with George Kennan's policy - planning group in the State Department; the first stroke in 1952 and the subsequent struggles with ill health; retirement from Union in 1960, followed by short appointments at Harvard, at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and at Columbia's Institute of War and Peace Studies; intense suffering from ill health; and death in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in 1971.
Colonel George Wigg, who has been the watchdog for scandals and security leaks in Harold Wilson's government and a close confidant of the Prime Minister (he helped win the election for the Socialists by exposing Profumo), became the No. 1 man in British racing last week.
THere's a reason they these «Socialist» investments the government makes actually have a positive rate of return.
Even if women are done with middle aged men, they still need them to be doing the lion shares of the work in the economy and pay the taxes to fund the government socialist programs that benefit women at the expense of men.
It is so sad that because of the blind stupidity of people like her mother that she will grow up in a socialist government waiting weeks for health care she may need, but hey at least the government will pay for it.
Other countries can offer extended maternity leave with pay because of the socialist type government welfare systems (provided by very high taxes).
In fact, between 2002 and 2010 he had rarely shied away from exporting domestic conflicts to the wider European scene via Brussels or to call for measures against the then - Socialist led government of Hungary.
And India was historically a socialist state under the governance of the INC, but it became too bureaucratic and fell to the corruption that was left over from the rule of the British East India Company, so India was then reformed by a BJP government into a more capitalist economy.
At the end I go through a list of feminists, Bengali socialists and British liberals who are disillusioned by the failure of the Labour government to stand by them rather than their enemies.
An important point to note is that the concept of a country is fairly new; I have read, and agree, that modern states did not become such an important unit of human organization until the Great Depression in the 1930s; at that time the problems facing them - broken economies and socialist movements - the country level government was the only organization existing that could solve these problems while the existing power structure stayed in power.
Though modern conservatism sprung up in response to FDR's government interventionism, with plenty of Republicans in the 1930s labeling the New Deal socialist, it really got rolling in the anti-Communist hysteria of the 1940s and»50s, with Joe McCarthy and his ilk doing the dirty work and intellectuals like Bill Buckley and Irving Kristol providing the ideas.
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