Sentences with phrase «socialization plan»

While opinions vary in animal rescue, with a proper socialization plan, we believe kittens born outside have an opportunity to be socialized up to the age of approximately 8 weeks.
Meeting the German Shepherd parent and making sure that they are happy with strangers is vital, but you will still need to follow a good socialization plan.
A well thought out socialization plan can go a long way to making this a reality.
That means it's essential that breeders and foster puppy caretakers carry out a socialization plan.
The whole point of a socialization plan is to experience a wide range of encounters.
It is up to every dog owner to develop a socialization plan.
The benefits of adding training games to a socialization plan are innumerable.
Puppy socials are just one part of a well thought out socialization plan (I recommend 7 - 10 socials at three distinct locations from weeks 8 — 16) but they form the cornerstone and have the additional advantage of being viable before all vaccinations are complete per the aforementioned recommendations of the ASVAB.
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