Sentences with phrase «socialization process»

The phrase "socialization process" refers to the way we learn to behave and interact with others in society. It involves acquiring social norms, values, and beliefs through our family, friends, school, and other social experiences. It helps shape our personalities and teaches us how to fit in and connect with others. Full definition
At the age of 6 to 8 weeks, your role is quite important in socialization process.
The interaction with the puppy socialization process begins here for us.
Phase 1: Handling We begin our extensive training and socialization process when our puppies are a few days old.
Begin the puppy socialization process as soon as possible.
Hence, female vulnerability to depressive symptoms may facilitate socialization processes.
These findings suggest the importance of considering contextual influences on the emotion socialization process and offer potential avenues to foster adaptive emotional development in the context of high risk.
This attitude is taught through a complex socialization process impacted by a whole host of factors.
More recently, religious communities have exercised only marginal influence in the broader socialization process and have had a decreasing impact on the formation of their own members.
Where socialization processes are uniform, this view of reality is held with a high degree of taken - for - granted certainty.
Excellent breeders will provide a stimulating environment so the pups can begin their environmental socialization process.
Still, it's not too late to begin a positive socialization process.
The ability to place trust in others is a key element to a healthy socialization process.
In breeds where temperament issues are not a rarity, being especially thorough with the whole puppy socialization process is the key to a friendly dog.
Failure is an unavoidable component of the salesforce socialization process for new hires.
You can start the imprinting and socialization process earlier, but eight weeks is a good place to start for training that requires focus.
A massive socialization process, a leveling if you may, so that the inhabitants of the world, and particularly the citizens of the more powerful nations, would accept world government.
Whether we are referring to dream images or to images of authenticity imbibed through normal socialization processes, these typically have the effect of partially negating the envisagement of ourselves with which we have become comfortable.
For one thing, faculty have themselves — in the cloistered process of graduate education and the struggle for tenure — been through a profound socialization process.
[5] Grusec J. Socialization processes in the family: social and emotional development.
On the minus side, it means they no longer benefit from the natural socialization process that occurred when they were allowed to explore their world and figure out how things work on their own.
When you buy a brindle Pitbull puppy from a breeder, be prepared to start the training and socialization process right away.
If this critical socialization process is not performed, the dogs are at risk of becoming anti-social and potentially very difficult to train and handle.
Moreover, the ways in which directors influence the climate of the centre resemble the emotion socialization processes identified previously in parenting and teaching literatures.
Hagan (1999) explains this sex difference by pointing to the impact of gender - specific socialization processes within families that are related to differences in the distribution of power between the father and the mother.
These perspectives argue that gender is not a trait of an individual, per se, but rather it is a social relation shaped by socialization processes and power inequalities (Ferree, 2010).
Playtime with your pets is an important bonding and socialization process for pack members as there is no substitute for companionship.
Beginning with their early experiences with parents, this formation continues throughout the socialization process.
The socialization process of America's politicians is broken.
How each of us reads the Bible is partly the result of family, neighbors and friends (a socialization process), and partly the God - given accident of long - term development in faith.
If one lives in a human community, he is not at liberty to speak as he pleases, and the socialization process is designed to impress him with the importance of conforming to the rules.
The socialization process is exceedingly important in moral development.
Another of her books pointed out the extent to which social institutions have agendas that affect the socialization process.
And for special needs children or for children with disabilities, the stroller provides a way to start the socialization process early, as you can take your baby out to meet other moms and kids in local parks and playrooms.
Lori Ihrig, a graduate student in ISU's School of Education, followed 10 new secondary science teachers during the first two years of their careers to study their teaching practices and the socialization process.
A free online dating service is the best route for today's generation that was raised to use and enjoy computers.Part of the socialization process is routinely done online.
Today, he is an important player in the green - schoolyard movement, activists, designers, parents, and educators from across the country who believe, as Miller suggests, «that «soft,» creative play should be encouraged as part of the socialization process as well as part of the curriculum.»
Teachers, I believe, as many do, should serve to academically and emotionally support each student's socialization process.
Perhaps Ms. Caruso was considered «an amazing teacher» because she taught the students other things besides the data the tests measured... the mother says that Ms. Caruso «really worked with Clara, socially...» so maybe the socialization the daughter got in Ms. Caruso's class helped her get along and do well in other classes, yet that socialization process is not being measured.
For us to understand and provide for these needs we need to understand the socialization process.
As the socialization process progresses, there is a gradual change in the young puppy's social interactions.
Once the socialization process is understood, we will examine the behavior of adult animals.
Sam's medical issues played a role in his socialization process; he was in a lot of pain before and after the surgery, and stopped eating altogether during the overwhelming process.
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