Sentences with phrase «socially acceptable way»

CD is one of the most disruptive and difficult conditions to affect the behaviour of students and those with CD have great difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way.
Children and adolescents with this disorder have great difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way.
It is a socially acceptable way of introducing yourself and explaining which vacancy you're applying for or which area you are enquiring about.
Typically, a cover letter performs a courtesy function — consider it as a socially acceptable way of introducing yourself to a prospective employer.
As a socially acceptable way of introducing you to a hiring manager, a cover letter is simply a courtesy action.
Do you see how there's maybe a slight problem with the way many of us are thinking in modern society about the idea of a man trying to find just the right and socially acceptable way of ever meeting a woman, particularly if he maybe doesn't work in some crappy 9 - 5 office day job where he's likely in the company of woman who could be potential girlfriends and / or future wives?
It's a socially acceptable way of disrupting a greeting while allowing your dog to make a choice.
But there is a better way — a human socially acceptable way to stop this from happening.
This structure mimics a more socially acceptable way for dogs to meet.
In my Pushy Puppy program, I use very well - adjusted, tolerant dogs as my teaching assistants to encourage the pushy puppy to listen and respond in a socially acceptable way.
Those are natural tendencies for dogs, and we have not yet taught them the socially acceptable way to act in our human world... that's where training comes in.
The surveys don't measure nutrition, but instead ask about feelings of «insecurity» concerning food, measuring the percentage of households that reported «difficulty getting enough nutritious, safe food at all times, in a socially acceptable way
Online personal advertisements have recently become an easy, socially acceptable way to meet partners for dates or relationships.
Online dating is becoming a more popular and socially acceptable way of meeting a partner, a Pew study has revealed.
It's been raining, I want cozy, the sweater dress provides said coziness in a socially acceptable way, and everybody's happy.
Even if we are not consciously aware of this, handshaking may provide people with a socially acceptable way of communicating via the sense of smell.
He still got what he was craving — the game, noise, sensation and excitement — but now it was in a socially acceptable way that didn't hurt anyone.
In the sense that any attachment to a professional sports team is by nature contrived, a means by which shocks, sharp uncontrolled and uncontrollable, are permitted to e (a) ffect individuals in a socially acceptable way.
Luckily, there's a totally socially acceptable way to get mulling spices all up in your business from morning to midnight with spiced coffee, baked goods, cocktails, and even brined meat.
Muffins are nothing if not a socially acceptable way to eat cake in the morning, but at least these little guys have fruit and protein.
No one finally loves the person upon whom he or she is dependent and some way, even if a socially acceptable way, will always be found to let that hostility out.
«Spiritual but not religious» is a way of trying to pick a third path in a socially acceptable way in a culture that is overwhelmingly religious.
These sexual acts have simply become a socially acceptable way of excusing dehumanizing each other, of abuse, abuse grooming, oppression, language of hate, rape, and violence.
So Olly's refusal to behave in a socially acceptable way has very literally broken down fences between us and them.
Successful capitalists and entrepreneurs can each make millions, but only entrepreneurs feel like they do it in the socially acceptable way, with uninterrupted sleep on their Caspers.
It's essentially a more socially acceptable way of saying, «Okay, I've got it.
Executive skills come from a part of the brain called the frontal lobes, which is up here way behind your eyes and is actually the control switches for the brain in the sense that if we take conscious control of our thinking, our planning, controlling our own impulses, and basically behaving in socially acceptable ways, your frontal lobes are involved in all of those.
Then, invest your energy into teaching him socially acceptable ways to deal with his feelings.
Gervais and his colleague Ara Norenzayan have found that reminding people about God's presence has the same effect as telling people they are being watched by others: it increases their feelings of self - consciousness and leads them to behave in more socially acceptable ways.
Traditional publishers not inclined to paying outright for services find other, more socially acceptable ways of racking up positive reviews.
Children with conduct disorder have difficulty following rules and behaving in socially acceptable ways.
They haven't yet learned how to control their impulses, or work out conflicts in socially acceptable ways.
Child grievances expressed as violence, threats, and cruelty will not be considered until such time as these are expressed in socially acceptable ways.
It should be underscored, however, that these motivations are often strikingly out of the consciousness of the alienating parent, many of whom were adept at coloring their motivations and behaviors in socially acceptable ways to themselves as well as to professionals.
Their earlier pattern of achieving desired goals through bullying likely inhibited the learning of more socially acceptable ways of negotiating with others.

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One startup has taken the fun and practical features of the Segway and made something way more socially acceptable.
Unfortunately, the meaning can often be miscommunicated or misunderstood when we attempt to blend the terminology with contemporary society in a way that is over-simplified or socially acceptable.
Imagine if Jesus was in our world right now and he headed right over to someone who cooperated with and benefitted from oppression, someone who had traded integrity for political power, someone we distrust, someone who we feel is dangerous, someone who stole from people in a socially acceptable and governmentally blessed way, someone who took the very religious or national identity that we cherished and basically stomped all over it for his own gain.
Such a God may appear as grace active in the most surprising places, and is in no way limited to institutionally approved, socially acceptable or religiously orthodox manifestations (cf. Deutero - Isaiah's understanding of Cyrus as God's messiah [45:1]-- and, of course, Jesus himself).
It has learned the art of using its power in ways that are more socially acceptable but no less in operation.
Morality, self preservation in a healthy and socially - acceptable way is our need.
I just made some pumpkin chocolate bread like this, and I kinda feel the same way about it... it's like cake that is socially acceptable to eat at breakfast!
Also, I have WAY too much buttermilk in my freezer that has been causing more anxiety than is socially acceptable (such is the by - product of homemade butter making, I suppose: which I imagine will be heavenly with those waffles!).
I know I'd love and use it because I currently borrow my neighbor's like WAY more often than is socially acceptable.
In every other way, I am happy to start celebrating as soon as it's socially acceptable, and November 2 = totally, totally acceptable.
Whether it's another loss on the way to a record setting defeated 0 - 16 season, Ndamukong Suh stomping on a Packers linemen or the Lions starting their descent after a promising first half, many of my memories on that day include the Lions pissing off my dad and I and causing us to straight drinking Bourbon fair earlier than what is considered socially acceptable.
I understand that some parents must resort to cry it out, but it should no way be the norm and socially acceptable.
Explaining to a child that yelling and screaming won't get her what she wants, and that asking nicely is a much more acceptable way to act, will teach her over time to communicate in socially acceptable and appropriate ways.
Parents allow their children to regulate their feelings in their own way, without showing them a socially acceptable manner.
It's a good way to create laws, but laws are rules of behavior which make socially - acceptable behavior predictable.
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