Sentences with phrase «societal attitudes»

We need a profound change in societal attitudes, a «sea change» if you will.
Of course, the problems the elderly face with regard to their media portrayal are part and parcel of an entire fabric of societal attitudes, preferences, wishes and fears.
«These trends reflect shifting societal attitudes,» she says.
While this is a slap on the wrist, it does at least reflect societal attitudes toward the nation's and the world's most beloved companion animal.
The main components of dating are pretty much the same, even as societal attitudes and norms can evolve or change.
Her research points to persistent societal attitudes that prevent women from feeling comfortable to breastfeed in public.
It really does seem that slowly but surely societal attitudes are changing towards older women.
We need a profound change in societal attitudes, a «sea change» or «sea shift» if you will.
These works explore a tension in societal attitudes towards the preservation of culture: the obsessiveness with which we conserve and narrativize visual art and popular culture, yet dismiss technology as somehow adversarial to art and art - making.
Internal states such as marital satisfaction are likely to be weighed in the decision - making process against external variables such as societal attitudes about divorce, or the ability to maintain contact with children and financial security after divorce.
Separating or divorcing women are increasingly making support payments to their former husbands, but societal attitudes lag behind this reality, says Toronto family lawyer Steven Benmor.
Through advocacy, awareness, and support, our main goals are to increase breastfeeding initiation and duration in the area, while also increasing positive societal attitudes towards breastfeeding (i.e. public parks, beaches, restaurants).
In addition, the basic societal attitude that people should give 110 % at work pushes people to use up all the energy they stored for the day.
To be totally honest, I have no idea whether home birth is more common in Spain than in North America, or if societal attitudes are really that different.
In addition, a negative societal attitude toward performing activities in ways that might be more efficient for disabled people, such as reading Braille or using sign language, may add to educational deficits.
Though sometimes explicitly tied to the artist's own history, Sameshima's work often calls to mind societal attitudes towards «the other» and functions within a framework of internal struggles between social normativity and feelings of alienation.
at Le Cabinet d'Amateur in Paris, sees Nadège Dauvergne continuing to explore our habits and societal attitudes by using the art of past centuries and placing it within an everyday means of communication, advertising.
As current societal attitudes shift toward established power structures, Kondabolu and others are edging for a reassessment of once beloved characters that are actually dehumanizing caricatures.
Often, advice from others about what we should do is a projection of that person's desires and insecurities, as well as a reflection of wider societal attitudes.
Steve: I think what disrupted online dating more than eHarmony coming along was the changing societal attitude about being online.
Heather, I live in Spain, I am a childbirth educator and gave birth at home here 3 years ago and just wanted to say that home - birth in this country is absolutely a tiny minority of the population, with the same kind of societal attitudes as North America, so this ad has created a big stir as you can imagine!!!
Reducing weight discrimination requires shifting societal attitudes and challenging stigma in multiple settings.»
Separating or divorcing women are increasingly making support payments to their former husbands, but societal attitudes lag behind this reality, says Toronto family lawyer Steven... Read more
«This represented a significant shift in societal attitudes toward people with disabilities,» says Stephen Luke, Ed.D.» 03, director of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.
Study shows Scottish dads airbrushed out of family services» publicity In January the Scottish Parliament's Equal Opportunities Committee launched an enquiry into the current provision of services and support groups for fathers; societal attitudes towards lone / unmarried fathers; and parental rights and responsibilities for fathers.
Total honesty is essential not only for recovery, but also for changing societal attitudes and enacting public policies.»
Societal attitudes toward same - sex marriage are liberalizing fast, but not at the same rate across the entire country.
The combination of enabling technologies, societal attitudes, increased mobility, high workforce dissatisfaction, and the war for talent is disrupting the classical employer - employee model.
Yet I often am made to feel condemned by others from more evangelical backgrounds, (although some of it is societal attitudes towards the condition, I have non-religious things who still see medication - free life as an aim), because I don't tend to assume... or necessarily even aspire to, ever be completely well in this lifetime.
Societal attitudes can change.
That is to say, the shape of the church is a response to a societal attitude, and the church can not be understood historically save as an institution in dialogue with its world.
Responsible research guidelines for the global scientist by Elisabeth Pain, 18 February 2016 A new book offers scientists guidance about international collaborations, where different research cultures, societal attitudes, and ethical regulations may clash.
The book also offers some guidance on how scientists should approach international collaborations where different research cultures, societal attitudes, and ethical regulations and procedures may clash.
Nasar thinks we have to change our societal attitudes about phone use.
His last film took jabs at casual racism and now, casual sex or perhaps an entitlement and societal attitude.
It covers religious attitudes, societal attitudes and examines quotes from the Bible and Qur» an.
Shaking up societal attitudes to retirement also has a role to play.
Ableism, «the devaluation of disability,» can «result in societal attitudes that uncritically assert that it is better for a child to walk than roll, speak than sign, read print than read Braille, spell independently than use a spell - check, and hang out with nondisabled kids as opposed to other disabled kids.»
Beginning with her own childhood experiences with rape, slut - shaming, and the search for the Yorkshire Ripper, Una examines the societal attitudes that create our culture of sexual violence.
Societal attitudes towards animals are changing, she says, and people are more sensitive to the issue than ever before.
Joanne Freeman's «My Generation» will look at the parallels between the political climate of today and the aesthetics and societal attitudes of the 1960s and»70s.
Noticing the parallels between the current political climate and the nature of the 1960s and «70s when she grew up, she has been interrogating the aesthetics and societal attitudes of that era in her latest work.
Rather, architectural barriers, societal attitudes and discriminatory policies contribute to the status of those with disabilities.
In the 50 years since the first disability rights victories were achieved in court, these lawyers have been helped by the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, emergence of new technology specifically for them, and a shift in societal attitudes, she says.
Yet recent decades have produced a shift in societal attitudes and expectations surrounding the role of fathers (Gregory & Milner, 2011).
But thanks to societal attitudes, my loved ones suffered with me before I learned that an easily rectifiable chemical imbalance was the cause.
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