Sentences with phrase «societal beliefs»

I can walk away without consequence... not having to worry about being imprisoned or put to death because I don't conform to a particular societal belief system.
«Frank love reminds you that these complexities are illusions laden with human emotion and long - held societal beliefs about how romantic love «should» look.
Rachel helps you cast off the «baggage» of societal beliefs and tap into your intuition, all supported with science!
Levi argued that the change was due to emerging deep societal beliefs that government was responsible for people's safety, and that safety was no longer an individual responsibility.
While many attachment - parenting recommendations likely counter popular societal beliefs, authors Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker are quick to point out that the benefits outweigh the backlash of criticism that advocates of detached parenting may impose.
The United States have many laws and societal beliefs in place that prevent this type of thing.
In addition societal beliefs of masculinity and men's worth are so tied into sexual performance and sexual stamina.
It could be argued that in this role, defence lawyers are the most ethical lawyers because they uphold the administration of justice even when societal beliefs are against them.
Despite many prevailing societal beliefs, parents often experience mood and anxiety symptoms during the postpartum period, often referred to as postpartum distress (PPD).
A: Societal beliefs about mathematics, the rote, skills and procedural focus of the curriculum in schools, and the preparation of our teachers are three factors to blame.
Not only did the stink over his alleged one - night stands deem him a player and perhaps someone unable to commit, but it also spoke to a deeper societal belief — that casual sex isn't really OK, something's wrong with you if you don't want a boy / girlfriend, and only relationships are «normal,» and thus «better,» than being single and just casually dating.
While many attachment - parenting recommendations likely counter popular societal beliefs, authors Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker are quick to point out that the benefits outweigh the backlash of criticism that advocates of detached parenting may impose.
@William — I agree that there may be some laws in place to keep societies in a certain «norm» of religious or societal beliefs, but execution as a punishment always seems to make the crime look harmless.
Facebook is a petri dish of politics and a mirror of our societal beliefs.
By honoring the biomechanical design of your body and using it the way nature intended - minimizing sitting and avoid wearing positive heeled shoes (read about what high heels do to your uterus here), moving in alignment and changing our societal beliefs about how women should sit and walk (tailbone tucked, feet close together - you know, «like a lady»).
For example, the dietary recommendations may be influenced by culture, evolution, societal beliefs, and food accessibility.
They can explore customs and societal beliefs that raise cultural awareness.
How have societal beliefs and behaviors changed over your lifetime, and how has it impacted you?
«While we (today's nurses) ourselves did not work there, the societal beliefs interwoven with the professional theories practiced at that time are a legacy we have inherited.
Maria's mother, for example, might be invited to examine our societal belief that children's misbehavior reflects their parents» — especially their mother's — inadequacies.
While we ourselves did not work there, the societal beliefs interwoven with the professional theories practised at that time are a legacy we have inherited.
Much of it comes from our societal beliefs.
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