Sentences with phrase «societal constructs»

The resulting portraits do not provide an answer but an entry, questioning the individual's role in a continuing societal construct.
She also changed her last name to Chicago after the town of her birth, shunning the patriarchal and societal construct of taking the father's last name, and pioneered Feminist art and art education through a unique program for women at California State University, Fresno, a pedagogical approach that she has continued to develop over the years.
In a contemporary context, he thus rebels against socialization and, as a modern Sisyphus, questions value patterns which are conveyed to people today by societal constructs and authorities.
Honarvar acts as both a philosopher poet musing on flawed societal constructs and as a shamanistic mad - scientist surgically binding bodies to birth new hybrid human futures.
His provocative films are skewered, macabre, satirical takes on archaic societal constructs.
Oliver Lyttleton, The Playlist «There is a vein of dark humour running through Lanthimos» earlier films, but «The Lobster» embraces it wholeheartedly: the film's a blend of the works of Charlie Kaufman and Luis Buñuel, an uproarious yet deadpan satire concerning societal constructs, dating mores and power structures that also manages to be a surprisingly moving, gloriously weird love story.»
It soon becomes a film about societal constructs, then organized crime amongst elites, then refugees, then class warfare, and then back to environmentalism.
In a contemporary context, he thus rebels against socialization and, as a modern Sisyphus, questions value patterns which are conveyed to people today by societal constructs and authorities.
Honarvar acts as both a philosopher - poet musing on flawed societal constructs and as a shamanistic mad - scientist surgically binding Frankensteinly bodies to birth new hybrid human futures.
I don't ask the government to «doubt» religion, or «reject» religion (even assuming you can claim that a societal construct can have beliefs, or dooubts, or any feeling whatsoever), I ask it to refrain from making dictates about religion.
And now that it's January (when seasonal weight gain tends to be a popular topic), I'd like to challenge the societal construct that we should work harder and be hard on ourselves in an effort to look how we used to or to look differently.
I prefer to call him my partner - in - sex but by the rules of the English language and the societal constructs of terms we assign to one another, he is technically and legally my husband.
My work exposes the absurdity of the societal constructs via sculpted objects, photography, and video positioned in spatial and multidisciplinary environments.
Her current work investigates Korea's cultural traditions and societal constructs.
Awofeso delves into how these societal constructs affect our present experiences.
A new exhibit invites visitors to journey with Donjuan as he continues to explore his personal narrative of societal constructs and perceptions of illegal immigration.
In addition, Fabian's «Contraption» series adopts the stylings of Rube Goldberg machines to reflect his observation of societal constructs and its effect on poor and working class communities.
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