Sentences with phrase «societal cost of»

The cost - effectiveness ICER was estimated to be 310/0.14 = 2214, indicating that each additional case of clinically significant improvement in ICBT (total n improved = 38 (48 %)-RRB- compared with IBSM (total n improved = 27 (34 %)-RRB- was associated with a societal cost of $ 2214.
The proper calculation for the Pigovian fee on carbon emissions is; C (total societal cost of emissions)- B (total societal benefit of emissions) = optimal fee for emitting.
If observations eliminate the possibility that climate sensitivity is 4 or greater, the low probability / high damage scenarios that inflate the societal cost of carbon emissions disappear.
At the heart of the issue, it would seem to me, is a fundamental market failure in the energy market concerning the pricing of electricity, namely that it fails completely to account for the societal cost of global warming brought about through emissions.
Individuals of retirement age are the fastest - growing sector of the U.S. population, so there is great interest in preserving their cognitive and physical abilities, especially given the societal cost of the alternative.
The societal cost of CFS is estimated to be up to $ 24 billion annually (4).
The first question is the important one as the financial and societal cost of not breastfeeding and the personal benefits to mother and child are arguably well - established.
If internet companies don't participate in the societal costs of their disruption, the infrastructure and civil society upon which their business models depend will deteriorate
The societal costs of a large, uneducated criminal underclass are huge.
Societal costs of untreated STIs include the price of hospitalization and treatment down the road and a loss of productivity at work or in school for patients whose STIs lead to more serious medical conditions.
The estimated individual and societal costs of violence recorded by the police in England and Wales in 2003 - 4 came to # 14 billion.
Children of the Code The Children of the Code Project is a «case in point» for how poorly our society understands learning and the personal and societal costs of unhealthy learning.
The personal and societal costs of not developing their potential can not be overstated.
The environmental community, which some blame for crippling nuclear power, has in fact pushed for a price on carbon as a way of building the societal costs of continued carbon emissions into the economics of electricity production.
A growing number of climate scientists have warned that if these nuclear plants were to abruptly close, carbon emissions in New York will increase by more than 31 million metric tons during the next two years, resulting in public health and other societal costs of at least $ 1.4 billion.
It also demonstrates that the mayor's (or any other New York car user's) promise to switch to an electric vehicles won't put a dent in the societal costs of driving in a congested metropolis.
Ahmed's caution — that feeling strongly about injustice is not necessary to fix the personal and societal costs of injustice — is important in that it reminds clinical lawyers and students to examine urges towards «rescue fantasies» and ideas about their own agency to enact change on behalf of clients.
Several features of severe health anxiety, here defined as Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM - IV) hypochondriasis, lead to high societal costs of illness.

Not exact matches

According to an analysis of 2010 data by the Urban Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, the price tag was $ 669 million in direct hospital costs for just that year and $ 174 billion in larger societal costs, which includes disability, effects on employment, and other longer - term factors.
For one thing, Ward says, most of these analyses do not take into account societal costs, such as the property taxes all homeowners pay to support public education.
Regnerus (the same sociologist behind a controversial study of how children of same - sex couples fare) says cheap sex — sex with little cost as far as time or emotional investment — is behind a host of societal ills, from fewer people marrying to the rise of unmarriageable men to more people living together to more children being born outside of marriage — you get the idea.
The societal costs borne of poor nutrition are absolutely staggering and they come right out of my pocket — why do I pay increasing insurance premiums (not to mention medicare and medicaid) if I'm healthy and don't burden the insurance system?
Perinatal events can result in associated longer term health and broader societal costs, as shown by the size of damages paid in obstetric litigation cases, which represent a substantial cost to the NHS.27 Follow - up over weeks or longer to monitor recovery, or a future assessment of the outcomes for mothers and babies at a later date, would act as a vehicle for estimating costs and consequences beyond the perinatal period and shed more light on long term cost effectiveness.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services points out the cost savings ($ 1,160 and $ 3,915 per year, depending on brand of formula), and points out several societal benefits of breastfeeding:
IOSH is keen to work with decision - makers, helping them to upskill and reap the many benefits of effective risk management across supply chains — reducing human, economic and societal failure costs and ensuring business sustainability and success.
Rev. Jason McGuire, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, says same - sex marriage will actually have long - term societal costs.
«Even when accounting for the broader societal benefits of energy efficiency investments, the costs still substantially outweigh the benefits,» the report concluded.
Reflecting the major societal implications, the new study estimated total annual costs — including medical costs, work losses and quality of life losses — associated with non-fatal and fatal bicycle injuries to adults.
It estimates the societal burden of 1,400 medical conditions in the U.S. over a 12 - year timespan, based on frequency of diagnosis and health care insurance costs, as well as research publications, awarded grants and clinical trials for each condition.
Not only public debates on single local protective measures are needed; what is also needed is a broader societal discussion on the risks that a society and its citizens are willing to carry in connection with flooding and how the costs of mitigation measures should be distributed.
We need to begin the next set of feasibility studies: a significant study of the costs, benefits, feasibility in our New York coastal estuary, and the economic, environmental and societal costs and benefits.
Wealthier areas of sub-Saharan Africa seeing more societal changes had the highest rates of diabetes in 2015, with almost two - thirds of the region's diabetes costs coming from southern Africa (62 %, $ 12.1 billion), in particular, wealthier South Africa.
The March of Dimes estimated that, since 2006, about 176,000 fewer babies have been born too soon because of improvement in the preterm birth rate, potentially saving about $ 9 billion in health and societal costs.
The direct and indirect costs are then added up to provide the overall societal cost, usually expressed as a percentage of annual gross domestic product (GDP).
«Whether providing rapid pathways for bringing scientific advances to bear on societal needs, spurring new collaborations that promote exciting interdisciplinary investigations, or simply providing cost - effective venues for scientific program management and oversight, scientific conferences are crucial to the efficient functioning of our innovation ecosystem and maximizing the return on federal investments in science.»
«We continue to pay the ethical and economic costs of not being sufficiently vigilant about the societal ramifications of biological research and medical technology,» says the office's director, Roger Herdman.
But even if the form is improved and women have a better understanding of the policy, the researchers are still concerned about the effects of the waiting period and its societal cost.
«The overall significance is that although we already know that reducing methane emissions can bring great societal benefits via decreased near - term warming and improved air quality, and that many of the sources can be controlled at low or even negative cost, we still need better data on emissions from particular sources,» Duke University climate sciences professor Drew Shindell said.
The economic burden of NAFLD would be even higher when including societal costs and indirect costs.
«A carbon price would make the price of oil better reflect its true societal costs (including global warming impacts, health cost due to air pollution, as well as other environmental costs).
The model predicted a cost - utility ratio of $ 216,468 per quality adjusted life year from a payer perspective and $ 321,880 per quality adjusted life year from a societal perspective.
And what about the mounting health care costs that undermine our competitiveness in global markets and rob us of resources we could use to advance medical knowledge and attend to a slew of societal ills.
With this second film, the story is pulling in more of the Katniss» motivation (less romance, more protecting those she loves at any cost) and the societal politics that was such an important undercurrent of the book series.
This report emphasized the relevance of substance use outcomes to societal costs, including the associated increased criminal activity, need for health services, and future loss of productivity.
These gains have come at a pedagogical and societal cost, as the resolution of school disciplinary matters has increasingly moved — as Justice Breyer feared — from the schoolhouse to the courthouse.
How does one determine the societal benefits of programs such as New Hope when trying to calculate the costs and benefits of a social investment?
According to the U.S. Department of Education, the higher percentage of dropouts from large schools are associated with serious, additional societal costs such as crime and lifetime earnings.
Dropouts are an extreme indicator of the lack of academic success and lead to high personal and societal costs.
Here, too, the potential cost savings are significant: Researchers in Canada found that for every dollar spent on timely treatment of mental health problems and addictions, $ 7 is saved in healthcare costs, and $ 30 is saved in lost productivity and societal costs (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long - Term Care, 2009).
However, the author just as easily tears this world apart while deftly exploring the individual cost of societal perfection and the sacrifices inherent in freedom of choice.
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