Sentences with phrase «societal debate»

As the summer begins its slow resignation and people anticipate the start of school, our pages revive the ongoing societal debate about the best way to teach our kids.
In this context, the CSA has a role in stimulating societal debate on new technologies and to communicate the existing scientific evidence about such technologies.
Already GMOs, which have so far been produced by genetic engineering with minor changes in their genomes, have been subject to extensive societal debate and political and economic pressures.
Understanding firearm - related search trends to gain insight into how Americans responded to the Sandy Hook incident can enhance societal debates and inform policy development related to firearms, Menachemi said.
Over the past few generations, we've seen a few hotly contested societal debates on civil rights issues such as same - sex marriage, universal suffrage, and racial integration.
Instead, the hard lesson from these great societal debates is that they are contested on a battleground of conflicting emotions, moral values, and ideologies.
I was initially reluctant about being at the center of the fractious societal debate over human - caused climate change.
«The potential scale of such a deep transformation will require a wide societal debate in Europe,» says the document, which was jointly prepared by the European commission and its foreign office, the European external action service.
«Developments in biomedical technologies are accelerating rapidly, raising new societal debates about how we will use these technologies and what uses are appropriate,» said lead author Cary Funk, an Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center.
Paul Voosen, who's one of my favorite science journalists these days, has written a fine piece examining the scientific and societal debate over the Anthropocene, the proposed term for this era in which human decisions (or indecision) will leave a durable mark in planetary systems and even in the planet's stratified rock.
It's time to acknowledge the fact that we are complex creatures incapable of being lumped into one of two all - encompassing groups for each and every societal debate.
In the U.S. and internationally, societal debate over their use would be well served by better understanding their risks and consequences.
This group, often termed climate change skeptics, contrarians, or deniers, has received large amounts of media attention and wields significant influence in the societal debate about climate change impacts and policy (7, 9 — 14).
This group, often termed climate change skeptics, contrarians, or deniers, has received large amounts of media attention and wields significant influence in the societal debate about climate change impacts and policy (7, 9 - 14).
The polarized and politicized nature of the societal debate about climate change can make it challenging for teachers to present the science honestly, accurately, and completely.
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