Sentences with phrase «societal standards»

I consider myself to be an unconventional beauty; which is why I can relate to women who, by societal standards, wouldn't be considered beautiful.
How do we live up to societal standards of beauty when we age?
Roberts» work focuses directly on societal standards of beauty and the construction of race and gender identity.
The collection was created to help redefine societal standards of beauty, and offer girls with kinky / curly hair, wider noses and fuller lips a doll that reflects their unique beauty.
Without an invitation, and with only a legal threat, the ACLU was able to force the school board the change its policy, dictate the outcome of the controversy, and lower societal standards.
Several of Shakespeare's most notable works have satirical elements pointed toward everything from societal standards to direct political analogies.
A consistent sense of danger underpinned the lyricism of It Felt Like Love as Lila's attempts to puff herself up sexually and thus conform to a certain societal standard veered into breathtakingly fraught moral terrain.
Her university thesis film, The Forest For The Trees (2003), is a cringe - comedy character study about a young woman, new in town, who's eager to make friends and completely indifferent to societal standards regarding personal boundaries.
Murray adopts a kind of iffy working class Brooklyn accent and his outbursts at societal standards (from bank lenders who cut him off with a shrug and a smile to telemarketers) feel a little stale and unoriginal.
An essential part of moral education is reaffirming the emotional sense of moral regret that young people naturally feel when they harm another person or violate a fundamental societal standard.
Firstly, the supremely confident Reacher, who has rarely felt a moment of doubt in his life as we know it, finds himself measuring his life choices as a drifter against those of his colleagues, who all enjoy various degrees of personal or professional success as measured by normal societal standards.
«Gatekeeping really seems to depend on how much a woman internalizes societal standards about being a good mom.
The duty that a legal professional has to uphold societal standards and ensure that people act reasonably prudent may include suggesting that some of these people not drive at night given the ways that various medical conditions manifest themselves with eyesight changes.
Law societies only have so much control and power over these labour markets, which is why many of the larger structural and experiential issues in legal practice may be properly addressed simply by applying existing societal standards to the legal industry as well.
These early decisions generally agreed that the BNA Act should be liberally construed and that the original meaning should be able to accommodate new external circumstances that had not existed in 1867, such as the invention of radios and airplanes; but none of the decisions advocated that the meaning of the text is subject to evolving societal standards.
It shouldn't be surprising though, we are bombarded by societal standards of what beauty is (and isn't) on a daily basis and we are constantly receiving messages on what / how to eat via diet culture.
Scarlett has it pretty good, being allowed to control when and where she gets dressed because our societal standards don't demand that she presents herself with combed hair or freshly pressed playclothes.
Because of societal standards, I felt like my big boobs could never look good in a strapless top.
Fearless Rebelle Radio is dedicated to empowering you to break free of societal standards and body shame.
Men working a color combination of red, purple and pink in one look are not considered, by the societal standards, to be a «common» man and dressed like a «gentleman».
If you are self - conscious about your «special features,» or feel you don't measure up to some societal standard, it may very well be that your «off» traits are what make you art and not a cookie cutter.
All things considered, these are individuals who don't conceal the way that they are... all things considered, terrible (you know, by societal standards).
There are so many complexities to the levels of understanding of the future and the way in which it is represented, that this film, for all its dullard sensibilities and lewd language, is as thought provoking as any film about dystopias and the erosion of our societal standards.
Societal standards have changed the way we categorise someone as «beautiful».
Also, Sherman work is emblematic in dealing with body politics, with emphasis on hybrid body image, which appears to be shocking, obscene or traumatic, challenging the societal standards in way we perceive normality, beauty or women.
Societal standards, pressures and displays of wealth do seem to affect climate change.
A leaf - blower might be employed to keep up with the societal standards of yard maintenance.
Getting a few ladies to bike to work might cut down on emissions by a negligible amount, but it will take an overhaul of societal standards to make a considerable difference.
Purpose The purpose of s. 215 is to establish a uniform minimum level of care to be provided to certain designated persons, a societal standard rather than a personal standard.
Thus, the question of what is «marked» is not based on «are these parents «bad» parents,» or even, «based on my own personal standards are these parents bad parents,» but rather the question is based on the societal standard in place in the context of the circumstances.
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