Sentences with phrase «societal view»

The phrase "societal view" refers to the perspective or opinion held by a group of people in a society. It represents how the general population perceives or thinks about a particular topic or issue. Full definition
It is an old tort that has changed relatively little over the centuries, despite changes in societal views about the importance of speech and despite radical changes in communications technology.
The assignment was to develop an artistic way to express societal views and social changes in the 1800's.
Trying to conceive of God» as one actual entity is likely impossible despite several attempts to clarify Whitehead's statements on the subject, 2 but neither has Hartshorne's societal view of God as a personal nexus been clearly conceived.
If societal views on gender and sexual orientation are changing as rapidly as the secular media might have us think, it is high time the Church sought to form a theological and pastoral response to transgender and the psychological condition that usually pre-empts a gender transition, known as gender dysphoria.
What if societal views and policy recognized that?
he's translating dogma to suit his own societal views.
And despite how Societal views have changed (mostly), the Church «Can't Budge», or that implies a wrong reasoning at some point in time, and «The Church can NEVER BE WRONG».
«If we do not recognize the brilliance before us, we can not help but carry on the stereotypic societal views that these [African - American] children are somehow damaged goods and that they can not be expected to succeed.»
The School has worked hard to promote the welfare of animals and to balance the need to produce competent veterinarians with current societal views on the use of animals in teaching.
does not accurately reflect societal views relating to the human - animal bond.
Moreover, many of the misdeeds have been traditionally looked at as «victimless» crimes, a flawed concept but one not much different from societal view on speeding or marijuana use.
Furthermore, in meeting this duty, which includes «to protect the client as far as possible from being convicted», [3] the lawyer demonstrates courage because of the difficulty of going against majoritarian societal views.
It could also be used to shape societal views, undermine reputations and perpetuate fake news,» he said.
Thanks to a noteworthy shift in societal view and attitudes towards dating as well as an upward climbing trend for people over 50 to use the different social media channels like Facebook and Instagram as a launch pad to enter the online dating arena, more and more people over 50 are starting to find love thru the help of the digital cupid's arrow.
Thus, even the greatest child psychotherapist could not escape influencing the definitions and societal views on womanhood and motherhood.
«Individuals and groups have strong political and societal views on this topic, and this program became a lightning rod for many of those views.
I hope to convince J.D. that while I grew up with very liberal, Jewish parents (dad from South America) in California, and in a nuclear family without alcohol or violence, I experienced surprisingly similar parallels to many of J.D.'s societal views — even if we may have drawn moderately different conclusions about the underlying solutions.
A person's military affiliation has nothing to do with their political, religious, or societal views.
The most obvious solution might seem to lie in adopting the societal view of God, as Brown in fact recommends.
For in this respect the societal view is in the same predicament as the entitative.
1 This is equally true for Brown, who shares this view, though he does not notice its pinch faith regard to divine faithfulness, since in his societal view God's primordial nature continually reconstitutes itself in time.
More importantly, for the societal view as well as for the entitative, the primordial nature is an adjustment of pure conceptual possibilities, so that although in the former view there is a temporality to its successive reconstitution, there is no temporality in its valuation.
Most recently, Bowman Clarke has used the claim that genetic succession is not in time in any sense to undermine John Cobb's basic argument (CNT 185 - 89) for the societal view (JAAR 48:563 - 79).
«Individuals and groups have strong political and societal views on this topic, and this program became a lightning rod for many of those views.»
Societal views of true Christianity and religion have become skewed.
This paper will examine the arguments on each side, indicate what the societal view implies about the nature of...
It is amazing how easily satan can influence the societal view with one fringe group.
That freedom is in principle the same in God; the only variation being the fact that God's subjective aim, whether one (the entitative view) or many (the societal view), is derivative from his primordial nature.
This paper will examine the arguments on each side, indicate what the societal view implies about the nature of God, and suggest an additional argument for the societal view based on the idea of God's freedom and faithfulness which this view implies.
This meaning is preserved in the societal view since the structure of the primordial nature, its pattern of ordering, is in each successive divine occasion identical to the abstract pole of preceding occasions.
On behalf of the societal view, moreover, one may also derive some measure of support from Process and Reality for supposing perishing to be attributable to God.
On the societal view, by contrast, God is repeatedly free.
Whitehead's statements about the singularity of the primordial nature, the advocate of the societal view may observe in response, can mean two different things.
This singularity of the primordial nature of God is incompatible with the societal view, according to which God is a multiplicity.
One question central to current Whitehead studies concerns the nature of God: Is God a single actual entity in everlasting concrescence (the «entitative view»), or is God a society of successive actual entities (the «societal view»)?
Now we must consider more systematically what the societal view implies about the nature of God.
Moreover, God, in the societal view, is faithful.
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