Sentences with phrase «societies characterized»

So - called common (but extremely rare) chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) live in male - dominated societies characterized by shifting allegiances and extreme violence.
Development or economic development is widely perceived as a historical process that takes place in almost all societies characterized by economic growth and increased production and consumption of goods and services.
All objects, physical, organic, conscious, or rational, are societies characterized by a «personal» order.
Study after study shows that societies characterized by the subjugation of women are more violent, more impoverished, and more unjust than societies that empower women.
Banana Republics are societies characterized by their starkly stratified social classes and a ruling - class plutocracy composed of the business, political and military elites.
Moreover, they reject King's vision of a peaceful global society characterized by economic, political and social justice and instead hold a Rambo - like vision of peace and how to attain it.
This makes sense, given the recent push among complementarian leaders to embrace patriarchy — which, by definition, refers to a society characterized by male / father (pater) rule (archy).
But the kerygma does not void the myths by which society characterizes itself.
Yet because the only way these outlaw martyrs can reclaim their freedom is to nobly strike back against a society characterized by male - propagated sexism and objectification — in one of many instances of overkill, a truck driver, besides simply gesturing obscenely to the women, even has mud flaps with silvery nude women decals protecting his truck's tires — Thelma & Louise «s feminist call to arms winds up sounding woefully simple - minded.
In the past quarter of a century, so many education leaders believed that school reforms, such as standards, accountability and choice, would lead the way to equity despite a society characterized by growing inequality and diminishing social mobility.
Set in the period following World War II, The Polished Hoe unravels over the course of twenty - four hours but spans the lifetime of one woman and the collective experience of a society characterized by slavery.
Our vision is a free society characterized by creative privatized banking solutions independent of government intervention.
Over 600 Maya ruins, many rivers and a small easy - going and harmonious multiracial society characterizes this Caribbean country in Central America.
In a modern society characterized by electronic information exchange, interlinked financial systems, and global trade, the control of access to nuclear weapons technology has grown increasingly difficult.
It seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, especially of government and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports relatively free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected.

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This skill «enables the complex social relationships that characterize human societies,» the authors write.
The Church's theology of suffering makes little sense to a society increasingly characterized by the drive to achieve what Russians call a «European» standard of living.
Characterizing the problem of the ghetto poor as a function of white racism is one variant of the «society is guilty» argument.
In the jurisprudence Justice O'Connor has seemingly created, judges can validate laws by characterizing them as «preserving the traditions of society» (good); or invalidate them by characterizing them as «expressing moral disapproval» (bad).
For some Wesleyans today the greatest challenge confronting the church is to respond to the diversity of cultures and ethnicities that now characterize urban American society.
To put it another way, it is the person, not the self, whose nature is inextricably bound up in the web of obligations and duties that characterize our actual lives in history, in human society — child, parent, sibling, spouse, associate, friend, and citizen — the positions in which we find ourselves functioning both as agents and acted - upon.
Tinkering, Wuthnow argues, is a style or habit or strategy driven ultimately by the many economic and cultural uncertainties that characterize American society in recent decades.
To answer this question we need to consult the descriptions of nonsocial nexus which Whitehead gives: «The characteristic of a living society is that a complex structure of inorganic societies is woven together for the production of a non-social nexus characterized by the intense physical feelings of its members» (PR 161).
Generalization is dangerous here too, but it is safe to say that liberation theology is characterized by an emphasis on the experience of oppression and a Marxist - inspired social analysis that divides society into oppressor and oppressed.
In short, a strong case can be made for saying that, as both the common good of society and the particular good of citizens is now threatened by political voluntarism, so also both the common and particular good of lovers (and families) is threatened by the voluntaristic and limited nature of the promises and undertakings that typically characterize the new reformers» account of sexual relations.
All this took place within a maturing theory of politics first outlined by Augustine in City of God, which conceived the good society as one characterized by a just order and thus one at peace both within itself and with other polities similarly justly ordered.
The third trend is characterized by (1) a clearer methodological consciousness concerning the field, purpose, and method of the sociology of religion; (2) a profounder understanding of the nature of religious communion; (3) a rapprochement between students of religion from theological and philosophical points of view, and of students of society.6 Outstanding are the works of Raoul de la Grasserie and H. Pinard de la Boullaye, S. J., of Roger Bastide and Robert Will.
A growing segment of society, the «engaged progressives,» as the University of Virginia Family Cultures Study calls them, is characterized by its firm rejection of transcendent norms.
Roman society was characterized by rigid ethnic and class divisions.
Segregation by color is a hold over of the bigotry that characterized the social norms of american society.
This presence of the Wholly Other is one of the most basic necessities of our society and our time, because of the many totalitarianisms, the closing up of human relations, and the terrible coldness that characterize our technological, state - controlled world.
It will be argued that the divine aims are substantially the same for societies as for persons, and consequently that such qualities as sinful, wayward, moral, and redeemed characterize institutions as truly as they do men.
Paul's answer to the question as to what the vices are that characterize society as a whole including those who criticize other individuals within it is found in Romans 1:28 - 32.
George Allan has argued that God provides aims to human societies as well as to individuals.153 The elements of purposive activity which characterize men singly, according to Allan, also characterize institutions.
As the feminine emerges, so does a much richer and more healing global society, one characterized by interrelatedness, interdependency, synergistic mutual enhancement, persuasion, and so forth.
While such piety might seem more evident among people who live in clans and who honor ancestors, it also characterizes family reverence in societies such as our own.10 Consider the motivation of the crowds that attend Christmas and Easter services in any local church.
It is also worth remembering here that feudal society in the Middle Ages was characterized by a descending hierarchy of greater and lesser lords, all the way down to tenant serfs.
Elsewhere Cobb is careful to specify that both God and man are best characterized as living persons consisting respectively of societies of actual occasions (CNT 188, 192).1 In the present context, consequently, it is clear that we are to understand God to be present in man in the same manner in which one actual occasion is present within another and that this presence concerns the aims at the fulfillment of a concrescing occasion in a living person by the occasions or «prehended data» in its past.
Characterizing world consciousness as «a very high level abstraction which has affected the thought patterns of an individual or of a society» (p. 5), Regan goes on to show how for Whitehead the approximation to world consciousness and the development of religion are parallel.
«Humans serve their highest and best interest by serving God, which is characterized by building their own lives,» says Abdul Mallek Mohammad, a spokesman for the leader of the Muslim American Society, W. Deen Muhammad.
One problem to be confronted could be characterized as the long - term effect of originating from a voluntary society.
Greenblatt maintains that the dominance of the «mobile society» of the modern West is characterized by a sinister «empathy» that enables a man to enter into the situation of another and beguile him.
They defended the female - headed family as an adaptation to poverty, and they characterized the ghetto as an «internal colony» of a racist and exploitative society.
The consensus that will emerge embraces both practical education and general education, with the goals of the latter characterized as giving the student «the values, attitudes, and skills that will equip him to live rightly and well in a free society
-- that plot's unfolding, in the stories of both congregations and poor societies, characterizes the attempt to attain group goals in the face of oppression and other obstructing factors?
We are entering the age of the information society, characterized by an ever increasing media presence in all relationships, both interpersonal and intersocial.
It is characterized by refusal to accept this break up of traditional integration and the relative autonomy of society and politics, and a desperate attempt to bring them again under the tutelage of religion.
The differentiation between religion and the state that is said to characterize modern societies, for example, focuses squarely on processes within individual societies.
The latter is embedded, so to speak, in the former, so that a determination of the variable physical quantities which characterize the electromagnetic society is obtained against a background of relationships which comprise a uniform metric structure:
Hall characterizes this turn in various ways: as a shift in emphasis from «external technologies» to «internal technologies aimed at self - creativity» (UP 395; cf. 318 - 47), as the development of a «therapeutic society containing a plurality of techniques and practical reason in an aesthetic methodology» (UP 242).
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