Sentences with phrase «societies does»

You must have a sense of urgency that most of society doesn't have if you're serious about success.
«As a society we don't give you credit for not getting sick,» says Shah.
Unfortunately, society doesn't work like the justice system: In the eyes of many, you're guilty until proven innocent.
The machine is technically illegal, according to Health Canada, because the B.C. Pain Society doesn't keep tabs on who's buying or how much.
The best thing to do, then, is wait and see what society does with it.
A representative from Open Society did not respond to a request for comment from Fortune.
Ironically, society doesn't put the same pressure on extroverts.
The B.C. Pain Society does not disclose the exact source of its marijuana, other than to say that it comes from the Vancouver area, is inspected in - house and does not come from drug traffickers.
Because today's society does not have the time to delve further into each piece of information being fed to us, we listen, absorb and make decisions based on what we hear and see on CNN, «News at 6», LinkedIn, daily newspapers, blogs and other handy sources of information.
Our society does not deserve 18 months, our society does not even deserve to six months to wait for us so we can work together to cope with it.
Christ may forgive you but the mythically challenged rest of society does not.
Evolving as a society does not mean that people can not have faith.
Another issue is, while no one can deny that America is predominantly Christian, we as a society do not associate the two.
Society did not make them gun down a 75 year old.
The theory of societies, like modern general systems theory, pictures a world made up of societies within societies (systems within systems) That is, societies do not just line up side by side like mosaics — they form «nested hierarchies» that go from subatomic particles through cells to animal bodies, or through stars to galaxies.
No, only the dimwits with an agenda to force their delusion on the sane part of society do.
There are two things about sexuality that most people in today's modern Western secular society don't get: 1.
The ancients imaged the universe in terms of four directions or quarters horizontally, laid out relative to the society doing the mapping, with the center of the world located in the holy city and / or capital of each nation in turn.
One part of the answer is that in a pluralistic society we do not have many shared values by which to shape the body politic, whereas we are able to agree that economic improvements are desirable.
This means we need to see that we are defending more than religious liberty: We are defending the very idea that our government exists to protect the space in which various institutions of civil society do the work that enables Americans to thrive, and we are defending the proposition that this work involves moral formation and not just liberation from constraint.
What the final word will be on such matters as well as on the problem of resolving conflicts in nature and society we do not now know enough to say.
The Church as a society does not contribute apart from the elements that constitute it, although the weight of the elements working together may outweigh the collection of individual contributions.
Our society does not commend to us a noble, trustworthy inheritance.
In fact no society does this.
However, a civilized society does not condem all men from these groups based on the conduct of some.
I agree with you that our society does seem to recognise «deep down... that family life is good, beautiful and true» and it is certainly my experience that «there is something special and uncompromising about the Catholic vision of the family».
And vast numbers of Asian societies do not believe in gods either.
Publicly trying to change the faith and understanding about Christ to non-believers and young believers, to revenge what the society did to them.
We have fallen into a condition of communal atomization, and the kind of solidarity we attain through society does not overcome that condition but conceals it.
According to the more common interpretation of Whitehead, a society does not itself exercise agency; all agency is vested in the actual entities which are its constituent parts or members.
Our society doesn't agree with torture while other societies do.
Christian societies do not have a monopoly on them.
But man, the moment society does something as mild as legalize something they don't like, with mild (and purely social) consequences for opposing that something... they flip out.
u can argue seperation of church and state as much as u want, but u cant disprove the fact that american society did nt start its decline until they removed god from the schools.
The articles is intellectually useless, but the fact that so many have responded to it, demonstrates that we as a society don't care.
And you can't prove the (not a fact) that American society didn't start its decline until they removed god from the schools.
Western society does not afford men the social space to discuss emotions.
Now many in the Western societies do not baptize their children.
@Doc «Members of a society don't get to pick and chose what governmental laws and mandates they obey.»
@Mike Members of a society don't get to pick and chose what governmental laws and mandates they obey.
The fact remains, however, that if society doesn't want to be compassionate they can (under your view) do what they please.
As Rio Ferdinand found, our society doesn't give us any examples for healthy mourning patterns.
Only because our species evolved within such societies do we now have, each of us, the capacity to experience reflective self - consciousness and develop an individual identity.
Society does not define right and wrong.
Modern society does not have much in the way of positive feedback for those who go against the religious grain, so negative feedback is more prevalent than not.
Islamic society did very much to destroy Hellenic traditions of learning in the Greek speaking territories and it is only because of the subjegated Greek speakers that the knowledge was eventually transfered to the West.
Most societies do not use this idea for defining.
What the secular society does is of little importance.
You really believe there are no good things to come out of religion and that atheistic societies do no harm?
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