Sentences with phrase «society by a course»

Are we to weaken the pillars of society by a course of flagrant disobedience of laws that we consider wrong?

Not exact matches

This agency, of course, is a derivative or strictly collective agency since it is exercised not directly by the society itself but indirectly through the agency of its constituent occasions.
Now this, of course, is done to a considerable extent by great Bible societies who act for the churches — one of the early interdenominational activities of the various divisions of the church.
There is, for instance, the conclusion to a C. S. Lewis Lecture on Christian apologetics: «This means, of course, that we need to rethink the Christian basis for a liberal society, in which the rights of individuals and communities are founded upon a Christian understanding of man which is widely shared by non-Christians.
And of course that class has imbibed the values of the capitalist consumerist society too much to bring about a new society embodying values of personal freedom, social justice and ecological wholeness by themselves any more.
First Things was, of course, the vehicle by which that virtue presented itself to society at large.
While religious perspectives have nothing to do with the technical content of a lecture, they are relevant to a number of aspects of the academic situation.1 Where appropriate to the objectives of the course and closely connected with the subject matter, some of the questions which we have raised about the effects of an invention on society or the ethical dilemmas faced by the scientist can legitimately be mentioned in the classroom.
Instead of teaching their own positive convictions, which can help overcome a dehumanizing orthodoxy and so transform the life of the church, these schools seem to think that they will transform society and church by offering this or that course in urban studies, by relocating the setting of education to the places «where people live,» and by increased field experiences.
The sixties generation's inordinate self - regard; their demand to be given, without striving for it, all the goodies their society had to offer, including, of course, easy sex; their recourse to the instant and unearned sense of power and comfort supplied by drugs; their refusal to serve their country; their general ingratitude, expressed most of all in their declared intention to lead lives in no respect like those of their forebears — all these were translations of the hubris that, partly unconsciously but entirely influentially, constituted the basic underpinning of their upbringing.
Any particular such technological and practical pressure can usually be justified, of course, by the higher cause of service to society, or at least by its profitability.
The arrangement of time by society as a whole is political, of course: how time is structured makes someone's life easier and someone else's harder.
Perusing the index of Origins, the weekly publication of representative documents and speeches compiled by Catholic News Service, our imaginary historian will note, for example, the following initiatives undertaken at the national, diocesan and parish levels in 1994 - 95: providing alternatives to abortion; staffing adoption agencies; conducting adult education courses; addressing African American Catholics» pastoral needs; funding programs to prevent alcohol abuse; implementing a new policy on altar servers and guidelines for the Anointing of the Sick; lobbying for arms control; eliminating asbestos in public housing; supporting the activities of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (227 strong); challenging atheism in American society; establishing base communities (also known as small faith communities); providing aid to war victims in Bosnia; conducting Catholic research in bioethics; publicizing the new Catechism of the Catholic Church; battling child abuse; strengthening the relationship between church and labor unions; and deepening the structures and expressions of collegiality in the local and diocesan church.
If I interpret the prospectus of the CMC correctly, the objective of the CMC namely to «impart to men and women an education of the highest order in the art and science of medicine and to equip them in the spirit of Christ for service In the relief of suffering and promotion of health», that is, the idea of a combination of training in professional skills, moulding the technically trained in a culture of human values and motivation, equipping them to utilize technology to serve «with compassion and concern for the whole person», the people especially the weaker sections of society, and giving spiritual reinforcement of that culture by the «spirit of Christ» and the motto «Not to be Ministered unto but to Minister» derived from him, goes back in tradition to the founder herself (Prospectus MBBS Course p. 5).
Currently the most influential version, of course, is associated with movements shaped by liberation theologies: We come to understand God as we are a part of a community that is united by a common history of oppression and struggles for liberation by radically changing the arrangements of economic and social power that have made the oppression systemic in our society.
By liberal culture I mean not only these values of modern American liberalism but also its practices in our political order, our schools, our media, and the major institutions (except, to some extent, or course, religious institutions) of our society.
This is, of course, how it was always done before diapers were commonplace, and is still done this way in many societies around the world; by some estimates, 85 % of babies in the world do not wear diapers.
Since it is agreed upon that motherhood, and child - and baby care is defined by society, these roles will then off course also be determined by the place and time.
Rehberg says all Concussion Wise ™ courses are based on the latest recommendations and guidelines, including those developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, National Athletic Trainers» Association, American Academy of Neurology, and the recommendations from the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport (Zurich 2012).
When something is told, shown, or impressed upon you by an outside source — that of course has no true knowledge of what they're impressing upon, ie, men throughout time telling women how to rear a child — then for some reason as a society (and sex, meaning women) we believe it.
Pitting women against one another by way of constant comparison seems to be par for society's sexist course.
Of course it's important to affirm the agency of subaltern groups by drawing attention to new forms of collective action and popular protest, but in my view it's also necessary to keep in mind the plight of the most powerless groups in society.
There was, over the course of the 18th century, a growing chasm between the new economic activities characteristic of commercial societies and the traditional values espoused by republicanism.
The reality now of course is that native breeds often only survive because of the commitment shown by organisations like The New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Society, which is an absolute exemplar of how any voluntary organisation should be run — full of traditional commoners and pony breeders, for whom I hold a massive affection.
So presumably, the less wealthy, after being told what to spend their money on by «society» for all their working years, reach pensionable age fully moulded by a paternalistic government into financially responsible citizens who will commit a significant amount of their time to research where they want to invest their pensions, and subsequently enjoy «regular updates on how their pension fund was growing» — because of course, like house prices, pension funds can only rise in value.
Following an inspection by the Society's professional standards team earlier in the year, the Royal Navy's engineering courses were approved to meet the globally respected Engineering Council UK (ECUK) standards, Engineering Technician (EngTech) and Incorporated Engineer (IEng).
Of course, time goes by and analysts discover new aspects of society that aren measured by statistics.
Buffeted by difficulties including plotting a course on Brexit and a continued lack of support in Scotland, as well as Jeremy Corbyn's unpopularity, Labour has virtually no chance of winning outright in the next election, the Fabian Society report concludes.
The Education Secretary used his appearance as a platform - to make the case that new laws and regulation, the course clearly favoured by the Judge himself, won't solve media evils and could imperil free speech and, therefore, the free society.
Of course we can point out the utter failure of state - based solutions as evidenced by increasing brokenness in society and rising violent crime and anti-social behaviour... Better to encourage marriage to build family, and the independent voluntary sector to play a role etc..
Eliza Reilly, executive director of the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement, a non-profit which seeks to strengthen student learning and interest in STEM by connecting course topics to issues of local, national and global importance, said rethinking STEM education is necessary to produce graduates equipped to tackle society's environmental, economic and political challenges.
Then seek out a cavern and cave diving course,» the society advises (see «Recommended Resources,» for links to instructors authorized by the National Speleological Society and the National Association for Cave Dsociety advises (see «Recommended Resources,» for links to instructors authorized by the National Speleological Society and the National Association for Cave DSociety and the National Association for Cave Diving).
Hospital - acquired pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator - associated pneumonia (VAP)-- which account for 20 to 25 percent of hospital - acquired infections — should be treated with shorter courses of antibiotics than they typically are, according to new guidelines released by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and American Thoracic Society (ATS) and published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
By the time the 7 - month course was done, however, participants in all classes had a smaller, and more similar, difference in closeness before and after class sessions, the researchers report online today in Royal Society Open Science.
All students funded by the Research Council, Wellcome Trust, or Arts and Humanities Research Board can attend the course free of charge, and there are bursaries available for members of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Although silica is usually chemically inert — it is chemically identical to ordinary sand — Morihara says that, by retaining the imprint of a molecule which has been resting on its surface, it is able to deter - mine the course of a reaction (Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Communications, 1992, p 358).
The ERS HERMES examinations in adult respiratory medicine are currently used by various national societies in Europe as the written part of the national exit examination, as a benchmarking tool for trainees, and for formative assessment - either through the three - hour examination, or a special course format delivery.
The ERS HERMES examinations are currently used by various national and regional societies in Europe and Asia as the written part of the national exit examination, fellowship prerequisite, benchmarking tool for trainees, for formative assessment — either through the three - hour examination, or a special course format delivery.
Introduction to Structure from Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry for Earth Science Research and Education short course Sept 24, 2016, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Short Course, Denver, CO Sponsored by course Sept 24, 2016, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Short Course, Denver, CO Sponsored by Course, Denver, CO Sponsored by UNAVCO
Processing and Analysis of GeoEarthscope and Other Community LiDAR Topography Datasets October 27, 2007 Denver, CO, USA Geological Society of America Short Course sponsored by Arizona State and UNAVCO
The first course of its kind to be accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this taught Masters is designed to equip you with key skills in green chemistry and green chemical technology.
The way we think, talk, act, remember, believe and function within a social society are all heavily influenced by the secretion of hormones from glands in the brain and body, which have been designed and refined over the course of human evolution to kick in when we need them, and deliver the beneficial effects that we all know so well.
And of course, none of the societies who have, or continue to experience, a high level of health got there by eating wonder bread or Special K.
Of course, we are subjected to these intrusive standards by society, in general.
We have hundreds of examples; one might be that the rainbow used to be a symbol of God's wrath on a decadent society, and another of course would be The Devil himself — once feared by believers and even non-believers alike — but nowdays is consigned along with the Bible and Jesus resurrection to «myth» status and cartoonised as a little man in red pants and a pitch fork.
And then there is, of course, Nashville's justly celebrated (if artistically contested by some), messy and chaotic but shattering climax, a political rally that turns tragic, which Altman uses to sum up the state of an equally messy and chaotic American society on the eve of its 200th birthday.
A quick Divergent refresher course - in the trilogy of YA books by Veronica Roth, and in the film franchise based on same, what's left of society is divided into five factions: Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), and Erudite (the intelligent).
But over the course of more than two hours, director Bertrand Bonello shows the execution of their attack on the society, followed by the youths» capitulation into the world of capitalism and materialism they purport to loathe.
The Giver shares these memories — of humanity before the creation of this society — with Jonas by the two grasping each other's forearms (There's no explanation for how this works, of course).
In my own address to the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education this year, I reported that K - 12 online education options continue to expand, with students participating in site - based online labs, hybrid courses, and part - and full - time virtual options that are offered by a variety of providers including charter schools, districts, state supplemental programs, corporations, and colleges.
They created a student group, which attracted the support of other students interested in the subject, and by January, they had partnered with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, which is advising on ways to ensure open - access course materials for teachers on the internet.
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