Sentences with word «sociological»

The word "sociological" refers to something related to the study of society and human behavior in groups. It focuses on understanding social interactions, relationships, and patterns in society. Full definition
She presented her research at a recent meeting of American Sociological Association in San Francisco.
Together these books suggest to this reader that we need a new round of sociological studies of youth.
What's more, those 9 - to - 5 schedules aren't a smart strategy: Employees with flexibility in their workday report higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced levels of burnout and psychological stress, according to a study conducted over 12 months at a Fortune 500 company with 700 employees and published in the February issue of American Sociological Review.
October 7, 2011 at 10:01 AM in Sociological Perspectives, Too Big to Fail (TBTF), Underbanked / Fringe Banking Permalink Comments (13)
The article, titled, «Social Context and College Completion in the United States: The Role of Congregational Biblical Literalism,» will be published in the upcoming edition of Sociological Perspectives.
The study of law from non-legal or non-black-letter perspectives can usefully be divided into those that treat data derived from experiments and surveys (such as sociological studies of legal systems, or psychological studies of juries), and those look to the written word for evidence, the latter covering the vast majority of what is conventionally considered «legal scholarship».
In this series of articles, he shares his insights on the art of networking, using simple concepts he has developed from sociological theories of networks, field research, and his own experiences.
Each agent is endowed with a sophisticated set of typical unconscious behaviors, but each is also programmed with a «personality» to override their instincts, demonstrating complex, rational behaviors that are derived from sociological theories of human behavior (e.g. pedestrians tend to drift right to avoid collisions — even in countries where they drive on the left).
Investigators at the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) have analysed the influence of various socioeconomic factors on the results of the first Spanish National Sexual Health Survey, carried out in 2009 by the Centre for Sociological Research.
I think the work on the molecular basis of sociological phenomena by Tom Insel and Cori Bargmann is very interesting.
This is consistent with sociological research indicating work as a respite from stressful home life.
In both cases there are important sociological aspects, which we bypass to concentrate on possibilities of understanding.
Pierre Trudel, in the National Paper proposed an historic perspective with some reference to Duplessis; Michel - Adrien mentioned a more sociological approach.
«There are psychological and sociological factors as well.
But string theory probably gained momentum for sociological reasons, she said: young researchers may have turned to it because the job prospects are better than in a lesser - known field, for example.
This will increase the understanding about sociological imagination essay writing with more deepness.
We also consider evidence directly connected to the intervention in question (for instance, studies of a particular implementation in an animal advocacy context) as well as evidence more distantly related (for instance, from general psychological studies or from sociological work done on other movements for social change).
Luther placed the institutional Church squarely in the kingdom of the left hand, and the result was a Church more sociological in character.
How does Frankenstein relate to the idea of the «other» in sociological contexts?
The tactics deployed by this campaign are now all well documented in the books and peer - reviewed sociological literature identified in the Appendix to this article.
An interesting sociological problem which he was the first to raise is that of the specialized languages of women in some civilizations, of certain professions and classes, the poetic and court idioms, etcetera.
The exhibition works as sociological observation of historically contextualized painting, and creates a showcase of exception on that thread path where the artist often reinvents time, remaining free from geographic coordinates, without losing their sense of orientation.
It is important to realize that there is this dimension to the notion of the religious community because the secularized understanding of many modern Westerners can not conceive of it except in purely sociological terms.
The Church opposed this development but also highlighted the problems that could be faced by Catholic adoption agencies that would want to follow the Church's understanding (and in fact that confirmed by sociological evidence) that married couples present the best environment for raising children.
Ecological theology needs sociological theology because left to itself it does not deal realistically with the actual structures of power whose exercise will determine human destiny.
Students will understand how to apply sociological concepts and theories and analyze the structure and relationships of social institutions and the process of social change.
Not that there aren't many other aspects of family law requiring careful revisiting: the court structure, coordination between criminal and family courts (work is being done in this area, too), ensuring that the legal meaning of family keeps up with sociological changes, the matrimonial home regime and on and on.
Discussing the film too heavily in those terms, however, wrongly places it in didactic Michael Haneke territory (Lanthimos's detached stance toward his subjects is devoid of finger - wagging moralizing) and saddles it with overt sociological implications best left to simmer, ambiguously, in the nooks and crannies of the disturbed action.
Her art practice is intimately intertwined with her life, not only because she borrows motifs and artefacts for her work, but also because she has an inquisitive mind and a strong desire to understand sociological issues such characteristics endow Kher's work with a narrative quality and fascinating interiority of things that frequently contradict her practice of addressing more global and collective concerns.
This form of visual cataloguing is most significantly seen in the Bechers» «New Objectivity» forebearer August Sander, who grouped his subjects in pre-determined sociological categories in his magnum opus «People of the 20th Century».
That's the conclusion of a study published in Sociological Quarterly.
This is simply historical and sociological fact.
We must seek the deepest possible sociological understanding of the world we live in, apply the best methods, refrain from tampering with the resuits of our research on the ground that they are «spiritually» embarrassing, maintain complete clarity and complete realism - all in order to find out, as precisely as may be, where we are and what we are doing, and also what lines of action are open to us.
For the most part, the application of explicit sociological models to the past simply reveals what past peoples would be like if they lived today The modem sect model applied to first - century Jesus groups makes them appear as sects.
Similar claims were made by Professor Jared Diamond in his bestseller «Collapse» — a wide - ranging set of sociological essays culminating in a call for central planning by learned...
A recent sociological survey featured in The Paradox of Generosity (a book written by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson; OUP USA) revealed that generosity is very good for us, and not in a televangelist «give and God will make you rich» way.
Only the presence of the Wholly Other at the heart of our action can not be assimilated by sociological forces.
Reena Spaulings» Enigmas series extends the theme of the mark - as - gesture into sociological terrain; formally, the soiled tablecloths from art - world dinners, stretched into minimal paintings, close the circle opened by Schnabel more than thirty years ago.
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