Sentences with phrase «to sock away»

The phrase "to sock away" means to save or put money into a savings account, often with the intention of accumulating wealth over time. Full definition
The 401 (k) is a retirement account offered by most businesses that allow employees to sock away money in a tax deferred retirement account.
It's impossible to know exactly how much you must sock away in retirement accounts each year to have a reasonable chance of maintaining your standard of living retirement.
Why not take that $ 1,000 and sock it away for the next holiday season?
That means you can sock away $ 18,000 ($ 24,000 with catch - up contributions), plus any employer contributions and any employer match.
And by keeping their balances low, they'll be able to boost their credit and sock away more money in their emergency funds.
As an aside, my future father - in - law is someone who is tremendously risk adverse and won't travel, yet continues to sock away cash from his pension.
You put your head down and work and sock away as much as you can, knowing it will help build a nice nest egg for when you're done your working life.
Remember, they'll have the rest of their lives to pay off that debt, whereas you only have a limited window to sock away enough money in time for retirement.
In a sense, it's easier to save for retirement when the major challenge is just sock away the money.
Why sock away funds that I can't touch for another 30 yrs leaving the potential future very stressful financially when I can live a stress free financial life going forward with this decision.
In this particular book, the mention how freelancers should sock away at least 15 percent for federal taxes, but the tax situation varies greatly by individual situation, business, and state.
Money your teen socks away from an after school or summer job could add up quickly if they diligent about saving.
How to cut back on spending and sock away savings as a large family can literally be a million - dollar dilemma.
If you can't sock away a full six months of living expenses (or more) just yet, at the very least, aim for that three - month target.
I'm also looking into a side business as there are rules that allow one to sock away up to $ 50,000 into a 401k.
Use the remaining 20 percent to pay down debt or to sock away into savings and retirement funds.
If you're in a position to sock away even more, go ahead and save as much as possible.
You want to sock away extra money for retirement and other financial goals, but there just never seems to be any cash left once you're done feeding the debt monster.
In 10 years, you'll probably sock away over $ 200,000 and in 30 years you'll finally reach that magical $ 1 million dollar mark.
That latter approach makes much more sense if the point is to make higher education more affordable for middle class families who can't afford to sock away large sums in 529 investment accounts.
The earlier you start saving, the less money you'll have to sock away overall — your savings will appreciate through investments.
Without proper blood sugar control, the body socks away fat for a rainy day.
They bring their heavy coats out of storage, sock away preserves, and take care of small tasks that will make life easier when the snow arrives.
Keep in mind that if you wait 10 years to get started you need to sock away almost twice as much.
If your child doesn't have to cover that line item at all, they should be able to sock away considerably more.
I'm on a plan to wipe out my debt fast, then I'll have all the money that usually goes out to creditors to sock away in investments every month!
We came up with 10 areas you can cut back or be wiser with your money so that you can sock away $ 1,000 per month, based on our estimates.
This is a type of deposit account can be a virtually risk - free place to sock away cash until you figure out what else to do with it.
I knew I wouldn't be making a salary for at least a year or two, so this allowed me to sock away enough to live on for a while.
The smarter approach is to pay yourself enough from the get - go that you can sock away money for your long - term goals.
While the recommended amount of savings is generally three to six months of basic living expenses, you'll want to sock away at least six months in your emergency fund.
But if you can maintain your current lifestyle while earning more, you'll be able to sock away more in savings and investment funds without feeling the pinch.
This tells the cells to take up glucose and sock it away as the storage carbohydrate glycogen, thus lowering blood sugar concentrations.
But if young workers can't sock away that much, the bottom line is to start saving, and investing, as soon as possible, financial advisers say.
The former allows you to sock away up to $ 5,500 a year — $ 6,500 annually if over 50.
The cost savings that result can allow us to sock away even more money each year — and further propel our nest egg's growth.
But rising rental prices have complicated the task of socking away money for a down payment.
The report goes on to state that those who started socking away cash decades ago and are approaching retirement age are probably set; you'll have saved an average $ 304,000 in your 401 (k) and rolled - over accounts if you're in your 60s.
But if he saved and invested another five years instead of retiring, he could hit the $ 1 million mark by socking away about 22 % annually — still daunting, yes, but not nearly as much as 30 %.
However, parents can significantly reduce the stress of funding a college education by socking away money early.
Just be aware that you should have the deductible amount socked away in the event that you do have a devastating accident.
If you're not already socking away part of your income on a regular basis, you need to make finding the right investment vehicle a priority.
Still other teenagers who have summer and part - time jobs can begin socking away money for retirement right now.
Do you have one million dollars socked away yet?
Pay off your debt while socking away cash in an RRSP to make your home ownership dreams come true, says Bruce Sellery.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it has canceled plans to build a prototype 275 - megawatt power plant, its first so - called FutureGen facility, in Mattoon, Ill., which was designed to burn coal to produce electricity, and then sock away 90 percent of the resulting climate change — causing carbon dioxide safely underground.
According to the Bank of America survey, 16 % of Millennials have actually socked away $ 100,000 or more, and 67 % have a monthly savings goal they stick to regularly.
Generous individuals socked away $ 22.26 billion into these funds last year, up 11.4 percent from 2014.
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