Sentences with phrase «sockeye returning»

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Each year four - year - old sockeye swim up the Fraser River in a spectacular bid to return to the freshwater streams where they hatched four years earlier.
«Bristol Bay is home to the world's largest runs of sockeye salmon with returns averaging 37.5 million annually and having been as high as 60 million.»
Since the mid-1990s, something began killing large numbers of returning sockeye on the Fraser — anywhere from 40 to 95 percent of fish in some years — before they could spawn.
Since the early 1990s the numbers of Fraser sockeye have steadily dwindled, reaching a particularly troublesome nadir in 2009 when more than 11 million sockeye were forecast to return and only 1.4 million showed up.
Led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a team of scientists tracked returning Fraser River sockeye to see whether the genetic activity of those that successfully spawned differed from the activity of those that perished prematurely en route.
Another benefit of Kamchatka's isolation is protection for populations of chum, sockeye, chinook, coho and pink salmon, which return by the millions to spawn in Kamchatka's rivers.
Chinook and sockeye salmon from central Idaho, for example, travel over 900 miles and climb nearly 7000 feet from the Pacific ocean as they return to spawn.
The red line in this satellite image of Katmai marks the freshwater journey of sockeye salmon as they return to Katmai National Preserve.
Take, for example, the massive declines in returning chinook salmon populations this year (and sockeye last year).
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