Sentences with phrase «soft tissues»

Scientists often use color, sexual differences, soft tissues, signs of age and DNA to analyze variation within modern species.
At 113 million years old, it represents a unique find: Unlike bones, the soft tissues of early life are rarely well - preserved in fossils.
«The point is that, if you look, you can actually find remains of soft tissues in deep time,» says Reisz.
«Our localized search, in areas of the bone that are likely to preserve remnants of the original soft tissues, is more likely to succeed than previously used methods.
«There are many past examples of overly optimistic reporting of supposed soft tissues — skin, liver, eyes, heart — in dinosaurs and other fossil vertebrates that remain unconvincing,» Benton says.
But in - depth analyses of baleen whales weren't previously possible because their sheer size made them impossible to fit into scanners such that use computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which analyze soft tissues.
Rodriguez also concludes that including selective facial bone structure in addition to the chin of the donor provided natural bone marrow stem cells to help the transplanted face thrive following the surgery, and provided the necessary positional support for the facial soft tissues.
The few thousand or so people with FOP worldwide live with grueling uncertainty: Some of their muscles or other soft tissues periodically, and abruptly, transform into new bone that permanently immobilizes parts of their bodies.
Now, the exquisitely preserved fossil of a tiny mammal from the time of the dinosaurs reveals a variety of soft tissues, including skin, fur, and spines; even remnants of its external ear were fossilized.
The results show that a body's soft tissues deteriorate in a consistent and predictable way.
In some cases, researchers can deduce specifics of an extinct animal's soft tissues by comparing them with those of living creatures.
To determine the structural and chemical composition of the soft tissues Lindgren collected and see if the fossil sea turtle did have a dark colored shell, the researchers subjected the sample to a selection of high - resolution analytical techniques, including field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG - SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in situ immunohistochemistry, time - of - flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF - SIMS), and infrared (IR) microspectroscopy.
Water in the soft tissues of your body vaporizes, causing gross swelling, though the tight seal of your skin would prevent you from actually bursting apart.
Lying in the claustrophobic confines of the room - size magnetic doughnuts that make MRI possible can be stressful, but the diagnostic value of the resulting high - contrast pictures of the various soft tissues inside the body makes up for any angst.
Scans of soft tissues like the breast produced smeary images of little value.
But bones tell only a small part of the story, because the body of a vertebrate consists mostly of soft tissues — skin, muscles, nerves, and the like — that decay quickly.
Contrast agents are often used to improve the visibility of radiology of soft tissues and internal body structures, especially in cardiovascular and cerebral diseases.
Many subsequent adaptations that allow us to live in daylight are in our soft tissues
«Soft tissues evolve, bones respond» is Witmer's working slogan.
His idea sounds simple enough: Look hard at the bones of modern animals to study the tiny marks that soft tissues make on bones, and see if such subtle marks can be found on dinosaur fossils as well.
Some paleontologists trained in comparative anatomy are beginning to analyze microscopic marks that soft tissues make on bones in search of clues to what dinosaurs actually looked like.
We often think of bones as a stiff scaffold that everything else hangs on, but anatomists know that soft tissues actually morph bones as an animal grows, and over the course of evolution.
Normally, when soft tissues like muscles are preserved at all, they are squashed flat.
The new specimen is a partial skeleton with associated soft tissues and gastroliths, missing the skull and most of the caudal vertebrae.
Commenting on the series of choices illustrators have to make, from muscle reconstruction to soft tissues and facial features, Witmer suggests that any time an artist makes a decision because it «looks right,» he risks falling into the mammal trap.
He's always on the lookout for crocodiles and birds, too, because they hold the best clues to dinosaur soft tissues.
Curious as he is about the relationships between soft tissues and bone, most of his work is delicate, requiring a dental pick, a magnifying glass, and a hefty amount of patience.
Diagnosing Down syndrome in fossils is complicated by the fact that many common features are found in the soft tissues of the body, which do not fossilize.
Since brains and other soft tissues are essentially made of fatty - like substances, finding them as fossils is extremely rare, which makes understanding their evolutionary history difficult.
So the key to eternal preservation of soft tissues may indeed be some magic ingredient in bat droppings,» says Associate Professor Hand.
By tuning the X-rays to two distinct energy levels, Persson created 3 - D imaging that can reveal subtle differences in soft tissues like muscles and arteries.
Chief among the fibril forming collagens, type - I collagen gives many soft tissues strength and structure.
Analysis of the soft tissues of fossils also suggests morphological changes among lingulid brachiopods.
They were sent to John Neil, a specialist ostracod researcher at La Trobe University, who realised they contained fossilised soft tissues.
The steady rain of poo from thousands of bats in the cave would have led to high levels of phosphorus in the water, which could have aided mineralisation of the soft tissues.
The researchers observed no adverse effects on the gum or oral soft tissues from the treatment.
Cartilage and other soft tissues generally do not survive fossilization, so in the new study researchers compared dinosaur bones to castings of the dissected bones and joints of alligators and ostriches.
The revolutionary technology has been successfully used for minimally invasive heart surgery in pigs, giving an unprecedented, high - resolution view of soft tissues up to 2.5 cm in front of the instrument, inside the body.
«The side incision will generally cause less disruption to the soft tissues surrounding the ankle joint and allows for the replication of curved bone surfaces like those in a normal ankle,» he says.
In 2010, Radovitzky's group, working in concert with the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center, a part of the U.S. military health system, developed a highly sophisticated, image - based computational model of the human head that illustrates the ways in which pressurized air moves through its soft tissues.
«Crinoids and other echinoderms have a skeleton comprised of innumerable individual calcite plates held together by various connective soft tissues.
The use of artificial supporting tissues has the potential to significantly ameliorate damage to soft tissues.
«We don't have any chemistry that explains how these soft tissues still exist,» she says.
But in recent years, scientists have developed high - tech methods to map the chemical traces of soft tissues in the rocks surrounding fossils, which in turn have helped them visualize the remains of pigments — almost literally bringing prehistoric colors back to life.
Since the species involved are already rare and difficult to sample in the wild, the researchers resorted to material from a total of 13 museum specimens — and extracted DNA from samples of bone, skin and the dried remains of soft tissues.
The discussion also covers the management of common long - term complications such as heterotopic ossification, in which solid masses of bone begin growing inappropriately within soft tissues near blast injury sites, and the formation of blood clots in the extremities and lungs, which occurs at a high rate in DCBI survivors.
Lady Dai's veins are still filled with blood, and nearly all of her soft tissues are intact.
Soft tissues aren't often preserved in the fossil record.
The rocks surrounding the preserved tissues didn't contain the carbon - rich compounds, further suggesting the chemical remnants stem from preserved soft tissues and not ancient sediments, the team reports online today in Nature.
The researchers outline their approach to full FFS for male - to - female transition, including a flowchart prioritizing the procedures for addressing the hard and soft tissues of the upper and lower face.
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