Sentences with phrase «soften hard stools»

NHV Maris can also be used to soften hard stools.
If your baby or toddler has hard poop or pooping is painful, don't miss these tips on foods to soften hard stools and which foods to absolutely avoid!
The muscles of the colon can grip the bulky gel, passing it along with peristaltic contractions, while absorbing water to prevent diarrhea and softening hard stools to prevent constipation.

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Your stool turns hard due to too much water being absorbed into your bloodstream and tissues, leaving very little behind to soften your stool.
It can also absorb water in the stomach and carry it into the intestines, softening and loosening hard or impacted stool.
The fiber in apples becomes slippery when it absorbs water, which can help soften hard or impacted stool.
The fiber found in applesauce can help relieve diarrhea by introducing fluid into the colon, which can soften hard, impacted stool.
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