Sentences with phrase «soil loss»

A one per cent increase in rainfall intensity is estimated to result in soil loss from crop lands by 1.5 per cent.
According to future land use scenarios, estimations are that rates of soil loss by water will fall slightly by 2050, mainly due to an increase in forest areas.
The map of soil loss by water erosion delineates areas of concern that will require special protection measures, such as financing more sustainable land management practices.
The crunch comes when one considers the effects of soil loss in the developing world, as in the Mahgreb and Pakistan, which is linked to the plight of the starving people there.
Numerous case studies have revealed that no - till farming greatly reduces erosion.To determine if there really was a link between no - till farming and the prevention of soil loss on a large scale, Montgomery gathered a wealth of erosion data from all over the world and compared no - till erosion losses to those from plow - based farms.
For ten out of eleven regions in the study area, predicted runoff increased from +10 % to +310 %, and soil loss increased from +33 % to +274 %, in 2040 — 2059 relative to 1990 — 1999 (O'Neal et al., 2005).
Soil loss due to erosion (it is estimated that we lose 25 billion tons of topsoil every year, an amount that greatly outstrips nature's ability to replenish it), as well as water loss due to runoff (with cultivation the root structures that hold and absorb water are destroyed), lead to the eventual transformation of fertile ground into desert.
The agency thus determined the so - called soil loss tolerance values, or T values, on the basis of what farmers could do to reduce erosion without «undue economic impact» using conventional farming equipment.
These modern river sediments revealed rates of soil loss over tens of thousands of years.
The authors recommend that soil protection measures focus on the 24 % of EU lands that experience an average annual soil loss of two tonnes per hectare.
Agricultural lands account for 68.3 % of total soil losses, while forests account for less than 1 %.
Soil loss costs Canadian farmers between $ 500 million and $ 900 million in lost production each year.
Extrapolating from their forest study, the researchers estimate that over this century the warming induced from global soil loss, at the rate they monitored, will be «equivalent to the past two decades of carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning and is comparable in magnitude to the cumulative carbon losses to the atmosphere due to human - driven land use change during the past two centuries.»
In a study published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the University of Washington's David Montgomery examined whether no - till farming — as opposed to plowing — prevented soil loss on a large scale.
No - till farming first came to the attention of conservationists when they realized that plows — and particularly the mechanized plows introduced in the 1930s — were accelerating soil loss, exposing dirt to rain and wind and lowering agricultural output.
Rangarajan mentioned new satellite - navigating robots, for example, that boost efficiency and cut soil loss by dispersing seed for a cover crop between rows of corn plants well before the corn is harvested.
Manzoor Qadir on the farm soil loss larger than France since 1990.
Protecting the earth's soil also warrants a worldwide ban on the clearcutting of forests in favor of selective harvesting, simply because with each successive clearcut there are heavy soil losses until the forest regenerates.
Changed argicultural practices have significantly reduced soil loss.
The fact that it takes 100 years to form 1 cm of new soil under natural temperate grasslands gives an idea of the magnitude of the problem of soil loss in the EU.
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe was published by Environmental Science and Policy.
The good news within the research is that they provide the most detailed inventory yet of soil loss, and their estimate is below earlier projections — one UN calculation put it at 75 billion tons loss each year.
As a result, average yields are now declining and soil loss is increasing at a disastrous rate.
On the other hand, climate change scenarios estimate that the soil loss rates may increase by 10 - 15 % by 2050 due to an analogous increase of rainfall - induced erosion in Europe.
While recent policy interventions (such as the Good Agricultural and Environment Condition requirements of the CAP, and the EU Soil Thematic Strategy) have reduced the rate of soil loss in the EU by an average of 9.5 % overall, and by 20 % for arable lands, the study finds that four million hectares of EU croplands have unsustainable rates of soil loss (more than 5 tonnes per hectare per year).
* knowing factory farming is bad for the environment (global warming, soil loss, abuse of animals, GMOs)
Corn grain ethanol is not a solution due to low net energy gain, GHG emissions, environmental degradation (e.g., water pollution and soil loss), and food supply issues) and cellulosic ethanol doesn't look favorable due to energy density issues and GHG emissions.
Recently, we highlighted the statistic that China has up to 3.57 million square kilometers of degraded lands, i.e. lands experiencing «heavy water and soil loss
Deforestation, soil loss, pollution, and non-sustainable management of the land.
Soil loss is not a good thing because degraded soils produce less food.
«The same temperature rise will probably have a greater effect on the poor and vulnerable populations inhabiting the drylands, leading to increased poverty, degradation of the land and ecosystems, soil loss and further desertification,» the scientists warn.
Poverty creates a downward spiral of land degradation, water runoff and soil loss, exploitation of forests and woodland and overexploitation of fauna.
Overall, 2.5 % of this soil loss has happened as forests have been cleared for agriculture.
The greatest increases in soil loss have been in sub-Saharan Africa, South America and Southeast Asia.
Australia previously occupied us here, in - Australian farmers» carbon stocks with natural farming projects suggested as alternatives to stem the terrible loss of soil fertility, and carbon, from the soils
Lesotho, one of Africa's smallest countries with only 2 million people, is paying a heavy price for its soil losses.
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