Sentences with phrase «soil moisture data»

The scientists analyzed a drought severity index and two soil moisture data sets from 17 climate models that were run for both emissions scenarios.
The study, published today in Science, used 9 years of soil moisture data from NASA's venerable Aqua satellite along with data from a network of rain gauges.
NASA scientists used tree rings to understand past droughts and climate models incorporating soil moisture data to estimate future drought risk in the 21st century.
Version 3 Aquarius L2 Swath Single Orbit Soil Moisture data are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).
Version 3 Aquarius L3 Gridded 1 - Degree Soil Moisture data are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).
The ESA CCI soil moisture data show a strong similarity with related terrestrial water cycle components such as terrestrial water storage, precipitation, the self - calibrating PDSI, and terrestrial evaporation.
Sheffield, J. & Wood, E. F. Characteristics of global and regional drought, 1950 — 2000: analysis of soil moisture data from off - line simulation of the terrestrial hydrologic cycle.
To figure out how much anthropogenic warming contributed to California's drought, Park Williams and a team at Columbia University's Earth Institute looked at soil moisture data in various parts of the state for every month from 1901 through 2014.
Employing deep learning technology to existing soil moisture data can help... 28 - Feb - 2018 4:05 PM EST Add to Favorites
For documentation, and to access the data, see the Aquarius Soil Moisture data sets page.
NASA Aquarius Level - 2 and Level - 3 Soil Moisture data are now available from NSIDC.
Scientists are hoping that newer satellites, like Europe's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity or NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive, can start to accumulate long - time series of soil moisture data.
NASA scientists studied past droughts and climate models incorporating soil moisture data to estimate future drought risk.
Murry Salby who is suggesting that ocean and soil moisture data shows that the observed rise in atmospheric CO2 might well be entirely from natural causes and Roy Spencer who suggests that variations in oceans and sun affecting global cloudiness make it impossible to verify the sign of the climate system response to more CO2 in the air.
A robot to muster livestock, control weeds and send pasture quality and soil moisture data to the farm computer is no longer a fantasy.
The soil moisture data are standardized to the Palmer Drought Severity Index and are deviations from the 20th century average.
Version 4 Aquarius L2 Swath Single Orbit Soil Moisture Data, and Version 4 Aquarius L3 Gridded 1 - Degree Soil Moisture data are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice... Read more»
See below for a discussion how this affects the comparability of the soil moisture data records.
Limitations of soil moisture data and mechanisms in the computer models invalidate any output they produce, but it's only one of many.
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