Sentences with phrase «soil water content»

The team performed the experiments in a greenhouse and on outdoor nursery pads using soil moisture sensors to maintain soil water content above specific thresholds.
To test their hypothesis, the three scientists conducted a meta - analysis that included 1705 field measurements from 21 distinct sites from which they evaluated the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on soil water content in both dryland and non-dryland systems.
Greater corn and soybean yields in organic systems compared to conventional system during drought stress periods can be attributed to greater soil water content in the organic systems, coupled with greater season - long availability of essential plant nutrients.
Another study found that average soil water content on low density ponderosa forests (250 trees / ha) was substantially higher than on high density forests (2,710 trees / ha), although these differences in forest density were not a result of mechanical thinning [58].
The analysis also showed that elevated carbon dioxide significantly enhanced soil water levels in drylands more so than it did in non-drylands, with soil water content increasing by 9 percent in non-drylands compared to 17 percent in drylands, Wang said.
By measuring the amount of precipitation that has fallen against actual soil water content, it's possible to quantify the water lost to evapotranspiration while each crop is growing.
«We designed a project to quantify the growth of Hibiscus acetosella «Panama Red» in response to various soil water content thresholds,» explained Bayer.
Meta - analytic techniques were used to compare soil water content under ambient and elevated CO2 treatments across a range of climate regimes, vegetation types, soil textures and land management practices.
In consequence of these two benefits, Lu et al. hypothesized that rising atmospheric CO2 is playing a significant role in the observed greening, especially in moisture - limited areas where soil water content is a limiting factor in vegetative growth and function.
Site environmental variables in 2007 — 13: daily precipitation (annual amounts noted); daily mean soil water content at 30 cm below surface (SWC); daily maximum vapor pressure deficit (VPD); daily mean air temperature over the forest canopy (Ta).
Soil water content controls ecosystem water and CO2 flux in the Mediterranean Basin system (Rambal et al., 2003), and reductions are very likely to reduce ecosystem carbon and water flux (Reichstein et al., 2002).
Greater corn and soybean yields in organic systems compared to conventional system during drought stress periods can be attributed to greater soil water content in the organic systems, coupled with greater season - long availability of essential plant nutrients.
We've been continuously monitoring the soil water content ever since.»
The soil water content was maintained at a relatively high level for the first three days and allowed to dehydrate thereafter, over a period of eight days.
The tillage system will influence soil temperature, N availability and soil water content.
Three major factors affecting N2O emissions are soil temperature, soil N availability and soil water content, Hutchinson (1995).
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