Sentences with phrase «solar radiation exposure»

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From the evolution of differing skin types to cope with the differing exposures to solar radiation as one nears the equator.
Such bursts in charged particles, originating in a solar flare or coronal mass ejection, could disable the electrical power grid or divert flights away from the Arctic, where radiation exposure is heightened.
In humans, prolonged exposure to solar UV radiation may result in acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eye, and immune system.
Shade can substantially reduce exposure to solar UV radiation (UV - R), but it needs to be available for it to be used,» the authors conclude.
The treaty has helped the layer begin the slow process of healing, lessening the impact to human health from increased exposure to damaging solar radiation.
For example, the hazard of increased radiation exposure from charged particles released during a large solar flare could require that flights be diverted away from a polar route.
The radiation used for cancer therapies is a much more targeted version of what exists in outer space, and exposure to that radiation presents a major health risk, and thus a serious challenge for NASA, SpaceX, and other organizations trying to explore the solar system.
This will be essential for any spacecraft to take humans into deep space — a primary component failing due to radiation exposure could be disastrous on a voyage to Mars or the outer solar system.
Photovoltaic technology converts solar radiation into electricity and semiconductors and together, they generate an optical effect that maximises the exposure of the photovoltaic cells.
The water ice counteracts the traditional danger of living above ground by serving as a radiation barrier, offsetting fears of solar exposure that have, until now, projected Martian architecture into a dark underworld — buried beneath a regolithic surface that is believed to contain perchlorates, gypsum and other substances hazardous to human life.Water as a Radiation Shield By taking advantage of water - ice's ability to filter the sun's rays and protect against radiation, ICE HOUSE prioritizes a life above ground and celebrates the human presence on the planetary surface.
A major difference between the PETM (Natural) and present (Anthropogenic) global warming is that the former was likely initiated by increased exposure to solar radiation causing carbon feedbacks and rapid global warming.
For instance, although science may conclude that a certain increased exposure to solar radiation may increase the risk of skin cancer by one new cancer in every hundred people, science can not say whether this additional risk is acceptable because science describes facts and can not generate prescriptive guidance by itself.
The paradox is this, though our bodies manufacture vitamin D from sunlight exposure, now we have altered light from the sun due to the light scattering particles that are saturating our atmosphere from solar radiation management.
Contributing to the longer than normal ice melt season were below normal snowfall, earlier and longer exposure of bare ice (which is darker than snow and absorbs more solar radiation).
Image: Mars Ice House is 3D printed from water - ice on Mars which shields the crew from radiation, solar exposure, and the critical chemical hazards on Mars.
It serves as a barrier to radiation, solar exposure, and the critical chemical hazards on the planetary surface.
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