Sentences with phrase «solar radiation incident»

You see Neutrino, regardless of the reflection, re-radiation, transmittance, solar radiation incident on the surface is the sole radiative quantity of concern.
The amount of solar radiation incident on the wall affects the liquid conductivity and vapor diffusion (Figure 7).
In the Tropics, the seasonality of the solar radiation incident on the atmosphere is weak.
The sun moves slowly through the sky so the amount of solar radiation incident on the surface varies over the course of the lunar «day».
[1] Total solar radiation incident upon earth is estimated at 174 PW, [2] for a yearly total of 5,490,905 EJ.
«There is increasing evidence that the amount of solar radiation incident at the Earth's surface is not stable over the years but undergoes significant decadal variations.
Where 1900 BTU is the solar radiation incident on 1 sqft of a 70 deg sloped surface in Nov on a sunny day at 46 deg N latittude.

Not exact matches

Chloroplasts alone absorb light only from the visible portion of the solar spectrum, allowing access to only about 50 % of the incident solar energy radiation, and less than 10 % of full sunlight saturates the capacity of the photosynthetic apparatus.
«The experiments confirm significant endurance gains are possible by leveraging thermal updrafts and incident solar radiation, rather than ignoring these free sources of energy,» Edwards said.
1) total absorbed solar radiation on the order of 1e27J / yr from total incident radiation times (1 - bond albedo)
sigmaT ^ 4 is the upward blackbody radiation (based on stefan - boltzmann) at the surface, «a» is the albedo (reflectivity), so (1 - a) is the fraction of incident solar radiation that is absorbed by the planet.
This is small compared to total incident solar radiation.
For example, the optical thickness of the CO2 in the atmosphere (if you see an error in this list of things independent of climate, see below), the incident solar radiation and it's distribution over time and space (latitude), variations in surface albedo between ocean, rock, vegetation, etc.).
These shape the 4 - dimensional pattern of temperature and other changes — the patterns of circulation, latent heating, and precipitation will shift, as can the cycles driven the imposed diurnal and seasonal cycles in incident solar radiation; the texture of internal variability can also shift.
First, for changing just CO2 forcing (or CH4, etc, or for a non-GHE forcing, such as a change in incident solar radiation, volcanic aerosols, etc.), there will be other GHE radiative «forcings» (feedbacks, though in the context of measuring their radiative effect, they can be described as having radiative forcings of x W / m2 per change in surface T), such as water vapor feedback, LW cloud feedback, and also, because GHE depends on the vertical temperature distribution, the lapse rate feedback (this generally refers to the tropospheric lapse rate, though changes in the position of the tropopause and changes in the stratospheric temperature could also be considered lapse - rate feedbacks for forcing at TOA; forcing at the tropopause with stratospheric adjustment takes some of that into account; sensitivity to forcing at the tropopause with stratospheric adjustment will generally be different from sensitivity to forcing without stratospheric adjustment and both will generally be different from forcing at TOA before stratospheric adjustment; forcing at TOA after stratospehric adjustment is identical to forcing at the tropopause after stratospheric adjustment).
In the context of global climate, absorbed solar radiation (about 240 W / m2, with 30 percent of the incident radiation being reflected back to space) is the energy source that keeps the Earth's surface warm.
In these planetary GCMs, we use a relatively simple two - stream radiative transfer for scattering and absorbing atmospheres, with assumed diffuse incident of solar radiation at the top of the model domain.
Water itself effectively absorbs all incident infrared solar radiation (e.g., Morel and Antoine, 1994), and this direct radiative transfer process provides roughly half of the heat to the ocean surface waters.
I admit I was wrong about the magnitude of the increase in absorption of incident solar radiation by increased CO2.
If the increased CO2 causes an additional 0.4 W / m ² of incident solar radiation to be absorbed by the atmosphere, that ratio increase to nearly three fold.
Regarding albedo, the accepted value is about 0.30 for the Bond albedo, which is the fraction of incident solar radiation scattered / reflected at all angles from the Earth.
Local incident solar radiation caused the ice ages.
Meanwhile the temperature stays within + - 10 degrees for billions of years despite a 30 % increase in incident solar radiation.
Incident solar radiation alone would drive it to 335K were it not for cooling by our radiatively cooled atmosphere.
Total solar irradiance - The amount of solar radiation received outside the Earth's atmosphere on a surface normal to the incident radiation, and at the Earth's mean distance from the Sun.
Anyway, both water vapour and carbon dioxide absorb incident solar radiation, so what's your point?
You haven't explained how the temperature is maintained at the Venus poles, where less than 1W / m ^ 2 of incident solar radiation reaches the surface, and not much more reaches the lower troposphere.
It doesn't matter at what altitude the thermal energy is added from incident solar radiation.
Incident solar radiation (mostly in the 2.7 micron band) is absorbed by carbon dioxide at various levels in the atmosphere.
The gas can absorb incident Solar radiation.
If there is persistent cloud cover, as exists in some equatorial regions, much of the incident solar radiation is scattered back to space, and very little is absorbed by Earth's surface.
Average exchange of energy between the surface, the atmosphere, and space, as percentages of incident solar radiation (1 unit = 3.4 watts per square metre).
On the other hand, the Prad exerted by the power of the incident solar radiation upon the surface was 1.39 μPa, i.e. 2.4 times more intense than the Prad exerted by the surface radiation.
Then there are further complications when incident solar radiation causes some warming, and evaporation and radiation «springboard» some of the energy from the surface to somewhat higher altitudes.
Yes, inert gases do absorb incident Solar radiation in the UV and visible spectra, so the atmosphere warms to radiative balance, and the temperature at the base of the atmosphere determines (or «supports») the surface temperature.
(It's also 8 times larger than the amount of incident solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere).
This has been documented by the data of Martin Wild and others demonstrating a reduction in «solar surface radiation» during that interval — i.e, a reduction in that fraction of sunlight incident on the TOA that reached the surface under both clear sky and all - sky conditions.
However, six cardinal variables can be identified as the most commonly requested: maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, incident solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed.
K. C. Wang, R. E. Dickinson M. Wild S. Liang Atmospheric impacts on climatic variability of surface incident solar radiation Atmos.
Soil temperature varies from month to month as a function of incident solar radiation, rainfall, seasonal swings in overlying air temperature, local vegetation cover, type of soil, and depth in the earth.
Variations of ± 4 % in the distance due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth The solar constant does not entirely reach the Earth's surface due to: Reflection of radiation Latitude, angle of incident Average between day & night.
For example, road tar surfaces receive radiation (solar spectrum) from incident «sunlight»; some of which is absorbed and some reflected, so the surface warms, and re-radiates in a completely different thermal spectrum that depends on the surface temperature and its spectral emissivity. (Functions for computing distribution of incident solar radiation over a planet's surface)
Without water vapour, clouds shading the surface or the current 20 % of incident solar radiation being absorbed on the way down through the atmosphere, then nearly twice as much solar radiation would strike the surface, making it more like +5 °C.
You might be interested in «TOA incident solar radiation» which is for the top of atmosphere.
Incident solar radiation, nearby water and wetlands, and vegetation and undergrowth all affect the microclimate of a building assembly.
A significant flux of solar radiation was found to penetrate the entire thickness of the atmosphere, with the amount at the ground 1.5 % of that incident on the top of the atmosphere.
«It's a two - way street: the warming means less ice is going to form and more ice is going to melt, but also, because there's less ice, less of the sun's incident solar radiation is reflected off, and this contributes to the warming,» Parkinson added.
Incident solar radiation heats the water stored in the cladding creating a huge vapor drive that is both inward and outward (Figure 2).
Planetary albedo: The fraction of incident solar radiation that is reflected by the Earth - atmosphere system and returned to space, mostly by back scatter from clouds in the atmosphere.
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