Sentences with phrase «solar sector»

These experimental capabilities have the potential to be a major game changer for the community solar sector.
It's fair to say the broader solar sector is in turmoil too — and investors have learned the hard way about the industry's issues.
Last year was the first decrease in solar sector employment since 2010, according to the solar jobs census.
This was strategic development — a calculation that a strong solar sector would do more for the economy in the long term — whereas support for wind power made more immediate economic sense.
As a blog post over at SunFunder argues, this success should also send a signal to major financial institutions that the off - grid solar sector in poor communities is eminently bankable:
John Keane — Chief Executive Officer, SolarAid and SunnyMoney John Keane has worked in the off - grid solar sector for many years and was SolarAid's second employee, more than a decade ago.
Considered a top state for solar energy potential — and home to a robust rooftop solar sector — Arizona's current net metering policy debates started in 2013, when utility Arizona Public Service sparked controversy with a fee proposal for rooftop solar customers that regulators ultimately scaled back to
The US solar sector grew 12 percent last year, creating jobs 17 times faster than the American economy as a whole, says a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency.
These market distortions might subside if we could retire fossil - fueled plants as the wind and solar sectors grow.
Published today, the latest Mercom quarterly report on the Indian solar sector finds that the nation will have installed more than 4 GW of solar capacity in 2016, bringing India's cumulative capacity for large - scale and rooftop solar to 9.6 GW.
Solar sector investment is expected to rise by $ 40 billion between 2016 and 2020, according to SEIA, and after 2020 should draw an average of $ 30 billion a year.
Driven by an explosion in photovoltaics, the U.S. solar sector has emerged «from a relatively small contributor to the nation's total electric capacity into a one of comparative significance,» the Energy Information Administration reported this week in its latest Electricity Monthly Update.
Kim said: «Because it can reduce the growth rate of the country's burgeoning greenhouse gas emissions, a vibrant solar sector can also be a key element of India's contributions to the Paris climate change conference.»
And according to EIA, each of the three solar sectors enjoys «strong near - term growth prospects.»
The non-residential solar sector broke out of stagnation in 2016, thanks to demand pull - in in key state markets.
Despite the excellent sun exposure enjoyed by Georgia the distributed solar sector has struggled to gain traction.
A research paper by the Solar Energy Industries Association looks at the potential of Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy to boost the commercial and industrial solar sector
Investments are falling and jobs vanishing in the American solar sector.
The news comes as growth slows in the U.S. residential solar sector.
Echoing similar debates in states like Arizona and Hawaii, the Nevada solar sector and utilities have been engaged in an intense debate over how to compensate rooftop solar owners.
Solar sector boosters in Hawaii worry that the elimination of retail rate net metering will disrupt the building and interconnection process already underway for many rooftop solar projects.
But, notably, since taking office Brewer hasn't abandoned tax breaks and other state subsidies to nurture Arizona's booming solar sector.
«We look forward to leveraging the combined expertise of Infocast and CCSA to bring together solar leaders and drive the dynamic community solar sector forward
Uniquely positioned in the world's solar «hot - spot», UAE is set to be a leader of the world's impressive solar sector growth.
This is a significant drop in residential rooftop pricing and in line with the other solar sectors contributing to around an 8.8 % reduction overall across the market.
Considered a top state for solar energy potential — and home to a robust rooftop solar sector — Arizona's current net metering policy debates started in 2013, when utility Arizona Public Service sparked controversy with a fee proposal for rooftop solar customers that regulators ultimately scaled back to a $ 5 grid access charge.
The overwhelming majority of people involved in the US solar sector are involved with installation and maintenance; a large number of firms also manufacture subsidiary products, such as racks for mounting the panels.
Getting big international finance institutions (IFI's) like the World Bank behind off - grid solar sector is ultimately a winning scenario, because as the International Energy Agency has stated, we need nearly $ 1 trillion in cumulative investment to achieve universal energy access by 2030.
The Indian solar sector is likely to add more than 9 GW of new capacity in 2017 according to a forecast by market analysts Mercom Capital Group.
SunPower's stock price has fallen by more than half from the deal price, largely because of intensifying competition in the solar sector, and the battery business too is growing more cutthroat.
The solar sector is reeling from confusion, and stock prices are reeling right along with it.
THOMPSON: Some have said the disaster provides an opportunity for the solar sector to show it can meet our needs without nuclear in the mix.
This fund hasn't performed well in recent history (the solar sector in particular got decimated over the past 5 years), but it remains a good play if you believe that the transition to a green economy is inevitable.
Recharge news ANALYSIS: Donald Trump hasn't endeared himself to Latin America, but in some scenarios he could be good news for renewables growth in the US's southern neighbours Like every other industry in the region, Latin America's fast - growing wind and solar sectors are holding their breath to see what a Donald Trump presidency means for them — and there is plenty to...
«Ashalim power plant forms part of Abengoa's efforts towards constant innovation in the solar sector» said Santiago Seage, CEO of Abengoa.
The fourth area, focused on the solar workforce, will target projects that seek to prepare the solar industry for a digital future, while also increasing the number of veterans and overall participants in the solar sector.,
While the electric vehicle industry and the wind and solar sector can breathe a little easier that the sweeping legislation preserves their tax credits, fossil fuel producers are likely cheering the opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas drilling.
New investment in the wind sector fell by about 40 percent to 7.9 billion US dollars, compared to 2016, and new investment in the solar sector stayed level at about 2 billion US dollars, according to data BNEF provided to the Clean Energy Wire.
Home to recurring, often acrimonious debates over how to compensate rooftop solar customers for the excess energy they send to the grid, Arizona regulators, utilities and the rooftop solar sector are still struggling to settle on a method that can satisfy both sides.
New study reveals wind and solar sectors are growing their workforce at rate 12 times faster than the rest of the US economy
The clouds spreading across the US solar sector are in part due to a slowdown in sales in so - called mature markets in California and the US Northeast, both areas of double digit solar growth in recent years.
However, industry analysts say the main reason for the present travails in the solar sector is the announcement earlier this year by President Donald Trump of a 30 % tariff on imported solar panels.
NRG retains a strong presence in the utility - scale and commercial and industrial (C&I) solar sectors, including community solar.
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