Sentences with phrase «solar system crashed»

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When the sun is active, chunks of its atmosphere break off and race through the solar system, crashing against Earth's magnetic field.
En route, they would often crash into each other at speeds much higher than anything that happens in our solar system.
Far beyond Pluto, beyond even the comets, lies the solar system's true edge — the heliosheath, where charged particles blowing outward from the sun crash into those flowing from other stars to create a vast protective magnetic bubble.
If a clump passed near our sun, its pull could shake loose comets from the outer solar system, sending some of them crashing into Earth.
Others will crash into the sun, others will be flung out of the solar system, others will hit Venus, and so on.
Gravitational interactions with planets over the subsequent 4.5 billion years caused some objects to crash into the sun and others to be flung out of the solar system altogether.
Some asteroids are known to be rich in water, and some of these would inevitably have crashed into Earth during the chaotic early days of the solar system.
Astronomers have found six large planets whose off - kilter orbits suggest that they crashed through their solar systems, swallowing any smaller planets that got in their way.
When the Genesis spacecraft crash - landed on a Utah salt flat on September 8, its grand purpose — to collect atoms that would help explain our solar system's origin — seemed lost.
These crashes can trigger the birth of new stars, which may go on to form their own solar systems.
These two drifts across the solar system meant Jupiter crashed through the asteroid belt twice, mixing asteroids that had formed either side of its original orbit and leaving behind the well - mixed objects we see today.
Meteors that have crashed to Earth have long been regarded as relics of the early solar system.
According to the researchers, prior to settling into orderly layers, Earth's creation — around 4.5 billion years ago, just after the creation Sun and our solar system — was chaotic as bodies of rock and metal would crash, melt and form new bodies.
After ejection, the moon could either have crashed into another Solar System object (like a neighboring gas giant) or been sent into an elongated orbit around the Sun like a comet or into interstellar space (Boué and Laskar, 2009; and Ker Than, New Scientist, December 4, 2009).
In the time before and in between, he comes across as one with a budding social disorder, runs away from home, gets a crash course in Freudian psychology, and comes to the hefty realization that all things, including the Earth, the sun, the solar system, and probably the entire universe, will eventually end.
This two - dimensional adventure / puzzle game places the user in the role of an interstellar explorer journeying back to Earth after crashing on the far side of the solar system.
My very basic and generic - looking ship was crash landed on a planet whose name I couldn't pronounce in a solar system whose name I could only dream of pronouncing and there was a bunch of hardware and mechanical pieces of technology scattered about.
While renewables advocates often think of negative pricing as manna from heaven, it actually means that system operators are desperately trying to shed excess generation when unneeded surges of wind or solar power are threatening to crash the grid.
Cars slowly moving on a single lane road in Hawaii, birds flying above Mount Vesuvius, waves slowly crashing on the shore in Lagos and even views of our Solar System, including real - time cloud cover and lighting of the Earth are only a part of what graces this splendid collection.
Subsequent studies will examine solar home premiums from markets beyond California, the change in premium through the housing market crash and recovery, sale price differences between customer - owned and third - party owned solar arrays, and the impact system age and retail electricity rates have on solar home premiums.
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