Sentences with phrase «solely on the acquisition»

Managers of ordinary ability, focusing solely on acquisition possibilities meeting these tests, have achieved excellent results in recent decades.
This loan focuses solely on the acquisition of a property, regardless of your investment strategy.

Not exact matches

If we were to focus solely on Google's most recent acquisitions, we would find a host of smaller companies that were purchased for their innovative products.
If it's a good player on a free transfer, you have to think he'd be interested based solely on his past acquisitions.
You can deduct costs too though, at least those relating solely to the gain (e.g. acquisition and disposal costs), so if it cost you # 50 to buy and sell, you'd be liable for capital gains on # 950 in fact.
A collection, not solely built on his own interests, Okwui Enwezor was instrumental in the development and acquisition of Walther's African assemblage.
Lastly, investors should look at alternative investment models not solely based on acquisitions.
In addition, REDICO employs a dedicated development, acquisition, and investment team solely focused on the senior housing platform.
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