Sentences with phrase «solid actors»

But these actors bring the story to life and it's fun to watch a cast of solid actors play against each other.
He is movie - star handsome, has icy blue eyes, a charming smile and is a pretty solid actor.
At any rate, it's an immensely promising project with three solid actors now onboard.
Moreover, it's also nice to see Mulligan being supported by solid actors such as Alfred Molina, as her father, or Rosamund Pike, who plays Helen (David's intellectually empty friend).
Stacked to the hilt with solid actors, Suffragette is at its strongest when it gives breathing room to its performers.
Wan is a spectacular horror director, working with two solid actors in Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as they plunder the supernatural cases of the Warrens.
It's very much a two - hander, and is an outstanding performance piece for these two solid actors who work steadily and deserve all the hype for these roles.
The paranormal and real world danger are blended surprisingly well by Twohy and writers Darren Aronofsky and Lucas Sussman, helped by the authenticity lent by solid actors such as Bruce Greenwood and Olivia Williams.
Jake Gyllenhaal has become one of the most consistently solid actors working today.
With a spectacular setting and two solid actors on - screen, this thriller builds enough solid suspense to distract the audience from the implausible premise.
James Franco, although he has made some duds, is an overall solid actor.
When I first saw previews for this film, I couldn't help but get excited about the strong cast of solid actors involved, and likewise it's been a while since a decent cop thriller was released.
There are times when I laughed at a random line here or there so it's not one of the year's worst, but audiences deserve better than a movie that simply replicates clichés from other movies, ties them in a neat package with a few solid actors and then says it's something new.
Still, Cooper, last seen being evil and rich in The Muppets, is certainly a great choice for the role, continuing the franchise's ability to attract solid actors to major roles.
In the Hayter vs Kojima situation I side with Hayter, the guy always showed his passion for the role (even when sometimes he over delivered) and if it wasn't for him, Kojima would have switched the actors every time, he didn't showed any respect for the american voice actors work (Hayter even took a pay cut so the original metal gear solid actors could reprise their role on one occasion) but the japanese actors repraised their roles without a flinch of the guy, that is not cool.
If you can do that, you'll be rewarded with a sumptuously visual mood piece with solid actors, gripping action, and a fantastic soundtrack.
Ed Helms and Owen Wilson are also both solid actors who usually perform at the level of the material, so here's hoping that «Bastards» manages to create an entertaining story of identity and self - discovery.
After all, you have a director with vision combined with an artistic writer (Nick Cave) and a cast full of solid actors.
A waste of a handful of pretty solid actors - and it's no wonder that Paramount and MGM chose to share this risk of this sucker.
Andy Serkis lends his mo - cap skills to the CGI - generated Supreme Leader Snoke; solid actors such as Domhnall Gleeson and Gwendoline Christie adopt the stuffy Brit baddie archetype in the dark - suited military roles (then it was «The Empire»; now, it is «The First Order»).
Filmmaking skill and solid actors can make these movies fun, but the truth and virtues buried in them is what makes these movies important — much like the original Star Wars movies were for the previous generation.
Here, we get a solid actor actively trying to overcome her situation.
He grew into the solid actor we see here, and that helps both the believability of Harry as the «chosen one» as well as the movie's emotional impact.
With solid actors, good writing, vibrant costume work, a terrific score from Coogler - regular Ludwig Goransson (Central Intelligence, Stretch), humor that's delivered with refreshing subtlety, and Coogler's taut pacing that also takes the time to build up its scenarios, Black Panther succeeds at delivering an unlikely solo effort in the superhero genre, and leaves skeptics and those completely unaware of the characters within the comic books hungry for more.
James, a solid actor, mostly glowered in the first movie.
By my estimation, Channing Tatum is also a solid actor, but I feel like he's got too modern a look for a 2nd - century Roman warrior.
You note all the hues and details that make director McDonagh shine and Gleeson — always been a solid actor and I'm thrilled he had a leading role and delivered superbly.
He already has some solid actors in place for his latest directing job, but Ben Affleck is adding one more, as Brendan Gleeson has joined Live By Night.
A-list stars, solid actors and whizzy effects aside, the dialogue is packed with clever observations that are both mind - bending and unexpectedly hilarious...
The new British comedy «What We Did on Our Holiday» carries on a fine tradition of lively romps with serious undercurrents, blending a cast of comedy stars and solid actors to create hilariously offbeat characters...
He's a solid actor no matter what he's in or the size of the part, and he's yet to disappoint me in anything I've seen him in.
Although not many people are a huge fan of this upcoming remake of Chan - wook Park's classic, it is nice to see that after a long list of actors that turned down these roles they have finally landed three solid actors who are willing to bring the classic film back to life.
They don't remember the solid actor from Moonstruck, Raising Arizona and Leaving Las Vegas, or even the blockbuster mode Cage from the National Trea...
Boseman and Nyong» o are beautiful together — and both are such good, solid actors.
Director Doug Liman, and Writer Gary Spinelli come out swinging with this stylish look - back on the late 70's and early 80's proving that sometimes life is stranger than fiction and that Tom Cruise, when given well crafted material, is still a solid actor of bravdic male characters.
I've held the unpopular opinion for a while now that Leonardo DiCaprio finds himself in similar positions often, where he's a perfectly fine and solid actor, but is often cast across from much better actors in the supporting role and tends to seem underwhelming as the lead of the film.
Harrison Ford remains a solid actor... so why are all of our favorite roles of his from eighties?
It's a pleasure to watch a film that makes such good use of the city and fills its cast with such solid actors as John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Gunton, Frances Fisher, Josh Lucas, Bryan Cranston, William H. Macy, and Shea Whigham.
They don't remember the solid actor from Moonstruck, Raising Arizona and Leaving Las Vegas, or even the blockbuster mode Cage from the National Treasure series or Con - Air, all they see is the man screaming «Not the bees!»
At the end of the day I think del Toro will land another solid actor though.
There's little doubt in my mind that he has the ability to be a solid actor — both comically and dramatically.
There's one good twist, though, and a few far - fetched ones, and some solid actors pop up amid the jumbly hand - held action: Jones, Foster, Omar Sy («The Untouchables») as a WHO cop, Sidse Babett Knudsen («Westworld») as his maybe - evil but maybe - not boss.
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