Sentences with phrase «solid couple»

My daughter will be six months old next week and we started solids a couple of weeks ago.
They seemed like a pretty solid couple, although they're celebrities so who really knows.
While some are surprised that this seemingly solid couple with three beautiful children has split, what's most encouraging is how the two are handling their situation.
On the flip side, constructive conflict followed by successful resolution is one of the best things for solid couple growth and cohesiveness.
Utilizing magnetic fluid, these inventive mounts automatically stiffen to create a more solid coupling between the engine and chassis when the car is driven energetically.
Rather than freak out, solid couples take this comfort and closeness as an opportunity to explore a deeper level of intimacy that isn't possible when you first get together, she explains.
We ended up finding several really solid couples that we swing with a couple times a month.
No matter how solid a couple's relationship may be, problems and differences will inescapably arise, therefore, pre-marital counseling really operates like the best security system a couple could ever purchase.
Solid couples adorn themselves, their family members and each other with kindness — leaving little room for resentment and negativity.
That's why Rock Solid couples make changes faster and with less stress than the couples in Relationship Counseling.
He has taught me to «love the struggle» as he says, to use this experience as a time to grow and become better individuals, and together an even more solid couple.
And as long as Holland doesn't go full send and take some guys ranked 105th and 200th with Vegas» 1st and Ottawa's 2nd, we should get another solid couple of guys to bolster the ranks.
His jacket collar is a solid couple of inches from his shirt collar.
In the case of molecules, the many microscopic collisions between the particles which constitute gases, fluids, and solids couple the various forms of motion with each other.
Oatmeal is a high fiber, whole grain that keeps me full for a solid couple of hours!
This newest release boasts an absolutely gorgeous HD picture and pristine audio, and the Blu - ray disc is stuffed chock full of extras, which are well worth your time to explore (some of which carry over from previous DVD releases of the movie); these include a duo of audio commentaries as well as the usual making - of documentaries and a couple of new featurettes — enough to lose yourself in for a solid couple of hours.
Switch to low - to - moderate and you're looking at a solid couple of days.
I decided to delay playing the game until the end of my class and reward myself for a job well done with a solid couple day dedication to the new game.
It can be a fiddly mess at times until you've put in a solid couple of games, but by that point playing with anyone else other than an experienced group almost feels like a chore because you've got to guide them through the maze that is the rulebook.
Chris Ofili just had a show at David Zwirner, and there are so many possibilities in how he could make like ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred, four hundred more paintings; and I thought if I could leave school with just one painting that allowed me to have a solid couple years of exploration, I'd be okay.
Despite muted activity in pockets of the legal market and the Canadian economy facing tough headwinds, Ontario's top regional law firms say they've had a solid couple of years thanks to emerging opportunities and their unrelenting focus on efficiency.
It inspires couples to become not just a good couple or a solid couple but a creative couple.
Investing some time with a trained expert to acquire skills for intimacy and good communication can help to ensure a solid couple relationship right from the start.
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